What is “Diverse Slate” Hiring? (2024 Update)

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If you want to boost diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, a “diverse slate” hiring strategy is a great way to achieve this goal. Here’s a quick “diverse slate” definition: Diverse slate hiring is a talent acquisition strategy where you start with a diverse pool of qualified candidates. And, you’ll intentionally search for (and interview)… Read more »

The Guide to Gender Neutral Adjectives [a list of 190]

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Why should you use gender neutral adjectives? Did you know they affect people’s behavior (e.g., in everyday language, interview questions, job ads, etc.)? Therefore, using them helps you avoid words that might be interpreted as biased, discriminating, or degrading.  So, here’s a comprehensive list of gender neutral adjectives to help you create more balanced job… Read more »

13 Best Strategies for Sourcing Underrepresented Talent

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Diversity is a key tenet for companies in a world that demands it. There are many benefits of a diverse workforce, from improving team relationships to encouraging innovation and improving decision-making. But despite the benefits of a diverse workforce, companies still struggle to source and retain diverse talent. For example, in the U.S. tech industry,… Read more »

How to Create Gender Neutral Job Descriptions: 9 Helpful Tools

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Companies with gender diversity outperform companies that aren’t by 15%. So, if you want a gender-diverse workforce (and the benefits that come with it), a great first step is creating gender neutral job descriptions.    The benefits of gender diversity extend far beyond the financial advantages. Did you know that a mix of different perspectives… Read more »

12 Types of “Diversity Language” in Job Descriptions (2024 Update)

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Diversity language in job descriptions attracts talent from underrepresented groups. And encourages them to apply. So, how do you describe diversity in your job descriptions? Here are 12 examples of “diversity language” I find in JDs. Some are more obvious than others. 1. Diversity Statement A diversity statement in your JD shows a company’s commitment… Read more »

7 Examples of Effective Job Posting Best Practices

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Job postings are a job seeker’s first interaction with your company. They set the tone for the rest of the recruitment process. Great job postings attract top talent, and bad ones are often ignored. So, that’s why it’s vital to ensure you are using effective job posting best practices. Here are 7 job posting best… Read more »

The 6 Key Steps for Job Description Management Software (2024 Update)

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You need an automated system for job description management to post and fill jobs faster. Here are the key steps I recommend for your effective job description management: 1) Job Description Library If you’re reading this, I’ll assume your current job description management process is not cutting it. Let’s start from the beginning… You’re going… Read more »

9 Best Diversity Tools for Job Descriptions in 2024

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Things are changing fast in the job market. And having a diverse team is super important nowadays. Today, we’re not just talking about hiring. We’re also talking about creating a workplace where everyone feels included and valued. And diversity tools can help with that. So, we’re on a mission to discover some awesome tools that… Read more »

7 Best Job Description Bias Tools (in 2024)

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Words matter, especially in job descriptions. And exclusionary words keep diverse talent from applying. Finding these words on your own is tricky and it can also take up a lot of time. So, how do you resolve this? One of the best ways to do it is by using a job description bias tool. Here… Read more »

25+ Examples of Helpful Diversity Statements [2024 Update]

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How good is your diversity statement? I asked my team to send me some of the best examples of diversity statements they could find. They reviewed the Fortune 100 Best Workplaces for Diversity list and also Googled “Most Diverse Companies.” They gave me a list of 30 diversity statements they found.  I whittled that down… Read more »

The Top 10 Masculine Biased Words Used in Job Descriptions (2024 Update)

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What are the top masculine biased words used in job descriptions? Knowing if you have masculine vs. feminine job descriptions is a hot topic these days. Most companies want to hire more women. This week, I used Ongig’s Text Analyzer software (the tool for gender bias in job descriptions) to find out. I had Text… Read more »

7+ Must-Read DEI Books for HR Pros 

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If you read blogs about diversity, you can get fast tips for including everyone at work. But if you want to really understand diversity, equity, and inclusion, reading DEI books is better. They can give managers and HR leaders like you a complete understanding of DEI and how to use it in workplaces. For managers… Read more »

9 Helpful Examples of SMART Goals for Diversity & Inclusion

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The modern business world is changing for the better, at least when it comes to the policies, laws, and regulations around diversity and inclusion. And the importance of D&I for organizational success is being proved time after time. So, that’s why it’s ideal to have smart goals for diversity & inclusion. Businesses in all sectors… Read more »

6 Businesses that Hire People with IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)

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Source: Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are a range of conditions that affect a person’s cognitive and adaptive functioning. People with IDD may experience challenges in communication, social skills, learning, and daily living activities.  Despite these challenges, people with IDD have skills, talents, and abilities that can contribute to… Read more »

7 Tips to Create Diverse Interview Panels

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The first step to building an efficient diversity recruiting process is to have diverse interview panels. 68% of candidates believe a diverse interview panel is essential to better hiring experiences and outcomes. Diverse interview panels should include interviewers with diverse characteristics: age race gender identity sexual orientation skills experience When your interview panels are diverse,… Read more »