A Secret & Easy Way to Recruit Veterans from Your Career Site

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Want to recruit veterans or enlisted members of the military? I’m guessing yes. There are 1 million+ people in the U.S. Armed Forces and 250,000 per year transition out of the U.S. military. If you want to recruit veterans better, first you have to speak their language…their job lingo in particular. Veterans and enlisted members… Read more »

What is “Diverse Slate” Hiring? (2024 Update)

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If you want to boost diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, a “diverse slate” hiring strategy is a great way to achieve this goal. Here’s a quick “diverse slate” definition: Diverse slate hiring is a talent acquisition strategy where you start with a diverse pool of qualified candidates. And, you’ll intentionally search for (and interview)… Read more »

The Guide to Gender Neutral Adjectives [a list of 190]

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Why should you use gender neutral adjectives? Did you know they affect people’s behavior (e.g., in everyday language, interview questions, job ads, etc.)? Therefore, using them helps you avoid words that might be interpreted as biased, discriminating, or degrading.  So, here’s a comprehensive list of gender neutral adjectives to help you create more balanced job… Read more »

13 Best Strategies for Sourcing Underrepresented Talent

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Diversity is a key tenet for companies in a world that demands it. There are many benefits of a diverse workforce, from improving team relationships to encouraging innovation and improving decision-making. But despite the benefits of a diverse workforce, companies still struggle to source and retain diverse talent. For example, in the U.S. tech industry,… Read more »

How to Create Gender Neutral Job Descriptions: 9 Helpful Tools

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Companies with gender diversity outperform companies that aren’t by 15%. So, if you want a gender-diverse workforce (and the benefits that come with it), a great first step is creating gender neutral job descriptions.    The benefits of gender diversity extend far beyond the financial advantages. Did you know that a mix of different perspectives… Read more »

12 Types of “Diversity Language” in Job Descriptions (2024 Update)

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Diversity language in job descriptions attracts talent from underrepresented groups. And encourages them to apply. So, how do you describe diversity in your job descriptions? Here are 12 examples of “diversity language” I find in JDs. Some are more obvious than others. 1. Diversity Statement A diversity statement in your JD shows a company’s commitment… Read more »

Bias Free Language Guides: 12 Examples for Your Business

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A bias free language guide is an essential HR tool, especially if your goal is to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. According to McKinsey & Co., more diverse companies are likely to outperform their less inclusive counterparts financially.  When searching for a bias-free language guide, comprehensiveness is key. A broader database, or a mix… Read more »

25+ Examples of Diversity Goals to Measure (2024 Update)

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We found 25+ examples of diversity goals from top companies aiming to boost diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace. To make the list, the diversity goals had to be written on their website or spoken goal by their leadership (e.g. CEO or Head of Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)) in a public forum (e.g. like… Read more »

Top 22 Diversity Mission Statements for HR Teams

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An exceptional diversity mission statement sends a powerful message. We found 10 examples of diversity mission statements that fit the bill. How to Write a Diversity Mission Statement (8 Learnings) When we reviewed the 22 diversity statement examples below, we found a lot in common. Some commonalities included themes such as: Inclusive Language. The best diversity… Read more »

The Ultimate Inclusive Language List for Job Ads

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Your job ad is the first point of contact between your organization and potential candidates. Therefore, using inclusive language is vital. And first impressions do count. So it’s at this stage where you can showcase your employer brand. And set your company apart from others to attract and hire diverse and qualified candidates. But exclusionary… Read more »

10 Examples of the Best Inclusive Job Descriptions

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Having an inclusive company starts with having inclusive job descriptions. Research shows that words and phrases in your job description discourage applicants from diverse backgrounds. Some words are subtly coded as masculine like ambitious, driven, and competitive, and subtly coded as feminine like warm, supportive, and compassionate. Removing them can increase your number of applications… Read more »

30+ Examples of Biased Language

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Examples of biased language are scattered throughout the English vocabulary. After researching hundreds of bias words (past and present), we found 30+ examples common enough to bring to your attention. Ongig’s Text Analyzer software, which flags these and many more exclusionary words and phrases, provides suggestions for alternatives to such biased words. We share those… Read more »

10 Tips for Using Inclusive Language in Job Descriptions

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Using inclusive language is one of the top best practices in writing job descriptions. It improves your chances to attract diversity as well as the best candidates because it widens the net to include as many qualified candidates as possible. What is inclusive language? Hubspot, in its great article How to Use & Promote Inclusive Language at Your… Read more »

A List of the Top 10 Textio Competitors to Know

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Writing job descriptions can be a real headache. It takes a lot of time, and sometimes without even realizing, our words can show unintentional biases. That’s why using a tool like Textio keeps your written content effective and unbiased. In effect, it is able to engage talent from all backgrounds. Augmented writing technology (& Textio… Read more »

10 Simple Tools for Gender Writing Analysis (2024)

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Do you write job descriptions, send emails, or create social media posts to reach potential applicants? Then, you might need to use tools for gender writing analysis. These types of tools can ensure your content is inclusive and also unbiased. An Appcast study of 473,742 jobs found: “Job ads with gender-neutral language result in 67.75%… Read more »