7 Top Problems to Solve in the Job Description Update Process

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Jobs evolve with time, and because of this, job descriptions need to be updated to reflect the changing responsibilities and duties. And today the fancy, long titles and never-ending lists of job requirements that worked 10 years ago don’t work anymore. So pay keen attention when doing job description updates. Plus a poorly written job… Read more »

15 Easy Ways to Have More Consistent Job Descriptions

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Are your job descriptions consistent? If not, you risk confusing candidates and causing more work for your hiring managers and recruiters. Creating consistent job descriptions across your organization helps maintain clarity, ensure fairness, and improve the hiring process. Consistent job descriptions can also cut time-to-fill — specifically, the time it takes to get from req… Read more »

What’s The Difference Between a Job Description, Job Posting and Job Ad?

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We’ve had some people ask about the difference between job descriptions, job postings and job ads. It’s a valid question since these terms are often used interchangeably. Here’s some clarity based on the many years my team and I have spent automating our job description software. What is a Job Description? The phrase “job description:… Read more »

10 KSA Examples to use in Job Postings [+ a free template]

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600+ people a month search “KSA examples” on Google. So I felt compelled to share some examples and shed some light on what KSA means. As your organization grows, it becomes a challenge to know what you’re looking for as you hire to expand your teams. So this leads to hiring unqualified talent. And recruiting… Read more »

7 Signs You Need Better Software for Job Descriptions

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Do you struggle to speed up your job description writing process? Do you find it hard to keep track of all your job descriptions? And do you end up writing biased, unreadable, and inconsistent JDs? This is where software for job descriptions comes in. Job description tools make creating, editing, modifying, organizing, approving, and publishing… Read more »

7 Free Job Description Template for Word Examples

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Job description templates are a huge time saver. That’s why we built the Template Builder feature of Ongig — large employers came to us asking for software to quickly create 100’s or 1,000’s of well-written job postings per month! Without templates, they’d be slow to get the job ads out the door and many would… Read more »

10 Best Ways to Rewrite Job Description Content with AI

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Using AI to rewrite job description content can make them clearer, more appealing, and more inclusive while saving time and effort.  Here are 10 effective ways to use AI to rewrite job descriptions:  1. Rewrite Job Description Content to Improve Clarity and Readability  Using AI to rewrite job descriptions can simplify your JD’s complex language… Read more »

How to Write Job Titles that Attract Top Talent (5 Steps)

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The first thing job seekers notice is the job title. The more attractive, and inclusive your job title is, the more applications you receive. So you must know how to write job titles well. But writing a job post title isn’t as easy as it seems. You have to check for biased language, include keywords, avoid… Read more »

13 Best AI Job Description Tools (2024 Update)

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AI job description tools have the potential to automate menial tasks and remove subconscious bias from your job descriptions. They can also improve the consistency and accuracy of job descriptions to ensure they reflect the role and use consistent language across job posts.  But not all artificial intelligence tools are created equal. If you’re accustomed… Read more »

8 Helpful Free Job Description Sample Templates

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Job descriptions are like the welcome mats to your company. So, if you want to keep them consistent (and make candidates feel right at home before going through the front door) templates are a great tool. Here are 8 job description sample templates to help you get started: Job Description Sample Templates — Ongig (just… Read more »

7 Examples of Effective Job Posting Best Practices

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Job postings are a job seeker’s first interaction with your company. They set the tone for the rest of the recruitment process. Great job postings attract top talent, and bad ones are often ignored. So, that’s why it’s vital to ensure you are using effective job posting best practices. Here are 7 job posting best… Read more »

15 Good Job Posting Examples (2017-2024)

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Good job posting examples often feature two fundamental elements: inclusivity and creativity.  So, by focusing on these factors, hiring managers can create compelling postings that appeal to qualified candidates of diverse backgrounds.  Essentially, optimizing your postings involves responding to various job-seeker needs and making ads accessible and inclusive. It is also critical to recognize the… Read more »

Is ChatGPT for Job Descriptions the Right Choice? (2024 Update)

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It seems ChatGPT for job descriptions is the “next big thing.” But is ai-written text great for writing the best JDs? You can use it, but I recommend using it with other tools for optimizing job postings. I did a test to show you why. My first step was prompting OpenAI ChatGPT to “Write me… Read more »

5 Best Custom GPTs for Job Descriptions

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The emergence of Open AI’s ChatGPT has made the jobs of many professionals, including recruiters and HR personnel, easier.  ResumeBuilder.com surveyed 1,000 U.S. business leaders, and most revealed they use ChatGPT for hiring: 77% said it helps them write job descriptions 66% draft interview requisitions 65% respond to applicants 55% say the quality of work… Read more »

5 Top Tools for AI Job Descriptions 

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Writing clear and engaging job descriptions is a constant struggle for recruiters and hiring managers.  And, who has the time to write them from scratch? That’s where the power of AI comes in. This post explores 5 tools for AI job descriptions that help you write JDs faster (and easier).  1. Ongig AI Job Descriptions… Read more »