7 Job Description Writing Software Tools

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What is job description writing software? Job description writing software helps you write job descriptions easier (and faster) by: optimizing keywords removing outdated words and phrases ensuring that your JD complies with diversity requirements  To save you research time, we’ve listed 7 of the best job description writing software to streamline your recruiting efforts: 1…. Read more »

5 Examples of a SHRM Job Description Template

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Inclusive and concise JDs attract the best talent. And the pros at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) support efficient hiring practices, including writing great job descriptions (JDs). Here are 5 examples of a SHRM job description template to help streamline your search for top performers. I’ve added tips to each for optimal results. Let’s… Read more »

7 “Must-Knows” about Job Postings with Salary Information [+ without]

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Despite growing pay equity and transparency developments, many employers still hesitate to show their job postings with salary info.  According to Payscale’s 2022 Compensation Best Practices, 68% of organizations share pay ranges with employees, but only 22% do so in the job ad. Many studies reveal that Gen Z and millennials are more interested in… Read more »

How Long Should a Job Description Be?

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You’ve probably heard how important it is to make JDs engaging and inclusive. It’s a proven way to attract top talent without restricting your search and harming your reputation. But did you know the length of your JD matters too?  The best-performing job descriptions are usually between 300-700 words. In most cases, “less is more.”… Read more »

How to Write a Gender Neutral Job Description [3 Tips]

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Research shows removing all gender-coded words from your job descriptions boosts apply rates by 29% and decreases cost per application by 41% (source — Appcast). These findings might make you curious about how to write a gender neutral job description. In this post, I’ll dig into 3 tips for writing gender neutral JDs. But first,… Read more »

5 Steps to Build the Best Job Description Templates

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At first, job descriptions take time to build. But, once you have templates, you’ll save time editing. JD templates are much faster than always starting from scratch. Using templates also creates consistency and keeps you from missing important info. So, how do you build the best job description template for your roles? Here are 5… Read more »

5 Tips to Attract Top Talent with “Website Job Descriptions”

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Effective recruitment involves many tactics, tools, and methods. The job description is one of the most essential elements of effective talent acquisition. When structured, optimized, and written well, a “website job description” (aka a JD on your career site) drives your recruitment process forward and inspires the best talent to apply for your roles. Here… Read more »

5 Tips for Writing a Job Description Template

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Writing a job description template is a great way to ensure consistency (and get more applies). Especially if you’re working with a big team. Here are 5 tips to get you started writing your own: 1. Eliminate Biased Words Words matter, especially if you’re writing a job description template. If your JDs are full of… Read more »

Should you list Benefits in a Job Description? [+ where & which ones]

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Should you list benefits in a job description? The answer is yes. “money and insurance (which equates to money) are what drive job seekers to apply for jobs.” source: Appcast So, what are typical job benefits? Where do you put them in a JD? And, which ones get the most candidates to click “apply”? Let’s… Read more »

Generic vs. Specific Job Descriptions: Which is better?

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Generic vs. specific job descriptions, which one is better? The quick answer is…a mix of both. There are pros and cons for each. So how do you find the perfect balance when writing your JDs? This post will dive into both sides so you can create the best blend for your roles. And, there’s a… Read more »

How to Attract and Retain Talent: 6 Reasons Salary Matters

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In an increasingly competitive job market, it’s important to attract and retain talent in your business. Therefore, you must be open about things that matter like salary. Transparency about your salary helps boost your chances.   Not sure why? Here are 6 reasons why salary is important to attract candidates:  1. Salary info attracts highly-qualified… Read more »

How To Write a Software Developer Job Description [examples, templates & tips]

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“Software Developer” is one of the most sought-after professions in the tech realm. If you want to write a software developer job description, read on. Here’s a breakdown of what’s in this post: What is a software developer? [plus the different types] 1 Software developer job description example [from Charles Schwab] 1 Software developer job… Read more »

How to Create the Ideal Remote Job Description: 7 Helpful Tips to Attract Top Talent

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If you want to hire great staff, the first step is to write effective job descriptions. When hiring for remote roles, you’ll need to tailor your remote job description to attract the best remote talent.  That means your job description for remote work positions needs to be captivating, optimized for SEO, and written with inclusive… Read more »

4 Tips for Writing a Good Job Description

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Job descriptions are powerful. And writing a good job description is key to everything, from how many applicants you’ll get to how eager they’ll be to work for you.  Companies often think the applicant does all the work to get an interview. This is partly true, but it’s also your job to create quality JDs… Read more »

5 Top Job Description Optimizer Tools

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Are your job descriptions attracting the wrong applicants, not getting enough applicants, or getting lost in Google? Chances are your JDs need improvements. There are job description optimizer tools to help automate the process. Here are 5 examples: Ongig — Text Analyzer Ongig’s Text Analyzer is a cloud-based software for optimizing job descriptions. Ongig’s software:… Read more »