Who Should Write Job Descriptions? (5 best examples)

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Who should write job descriptions in your biz? Some enterprise co.s have 17,000+ people writing JDs. Others have only a few who crank out 1,000s per week. There are also what I call editors and approvers. These people on your team might not write full JDs, but they are part of the process — or… Read more »

8 Helpful Free Job Description Sample Templates

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Job descriptions are like the welcome mats to your company. So, if you want to keep them consistent (and make candidates feel right at home before going through the front door) templates are a great tool. Here are 8 job description sample templates to help you get started: Job Description Sample Templates — Ongig (just… Read more »

7 Best Job Description Builder Tools in 2024

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Do you want to create job descriptions online…that are consistent and bias-free? Here are 5 job description builder tools to help you: write more effective and inclusive JDs speed up your JD writing process create re-usable templates So you can attract top talent. Let’s dive in. 1. Ongig Text Analyzer Job Description Builder Text Analyzer… Read more »

5 Tools for Creating a Job Description Template

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Don’t know where (or how) to start creating a job description template? Here’s are 5 tools to help you write them with ease: Ongig  Ongig is a great tool if you need help creating a job description template for diversity, or speed and scale. You can easily create templates to keep your JDs consistent. And,… Read more »

4 Examples of a Modern Job Description Template

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A modern job description template is more than a list of daily duties with matching skillsets. Candidates are focusing on benefits, compensation, culture, and flex-work options more than ever. So, how do you update your JDs to attract top talent? Here are 4 examples of modern JD templates you might find inspiring. Plus, 1 is… Read more »

What is a Job Family?

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What is a job family? Why is it important? And what separates it from a job function? Let’s dive in for some answers.  Job Family Definition A job family includes roles with similar education, skills, training, or experience. So, what is the difference between job function and job family? A job family is a group of… Read more »

Skills vs Competencies…are they the same?

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Skills vs competencies…what’s the difference? Are they the same? Which should you use in your job postings? In this blog, we’ll dig in for answers.   Skills vs Competencies Skills refer to an employee’s learned activities (through training or experience) related to a role.  Competencies are skills (combined with abilities and knowledge) that help an employee… Read more »

What is a Job Function and why it’s Important?

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What is a job function? Sounds obvious…or is it? How is job function different than job family, job title, or job role. Let’s dig in. What is job function? The purpose of a job function in a job posting is to give a complete description of the primary responsibilities the employee will perform. We define… Read more »

3 Types of Job Description Software (and Why Each Matters)

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In my view, there are 3 major types of job description software now available. And each has its own purpose. Here they are:   1) Candidate Experience Job Description Software Some clients of applicant tracking systems are not satisfied with the ATS job pages. It might be because: The URL shown is that of the… Read more »

Is Now the Time to Hire a “Chief Job Description Officer” ?

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There’s one thing that every growing employer has in common: job descriptions. And they have lots of problems/projects related to job descriptions. Talent acquisition leaders ask me/Ongig for help: adding video and pics to their job descriptions; adding recruiting widgets (LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Google Maps, etc.) to their job descriptions; rewriting their JDs to be more outward-facing;… Read more »