5 Top Ways to Improve Hiring on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn is one of the first websites people visit to find new job openings and opportunities in their industry. So, it makes sense that many companies also choose to post their job ads and start hiring on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is strictly a professional network. Therefore, it is uniquely positioned to bring companies, customers, and potential… Read more »

5 Best Employee Value Propositions to Elevate Your Job Ads

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The job market has become increasingly competitive in recent years. So, while companies in the past have focused on outbidding competitors through attractive salaries, this isn’t a sustainable long-term strategy. That’s where employee value propositions (EVPs) can swoop in as a secret weapon in attracting and retaining quality hires.  Gartner outlined 9 Future of Work… Read more »

An HR Manager’s Guide to Agile Methodology Implementation

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With the workforce constantly changing, many professionals now prefer working remotely. The gig economy is expanding, and employees have different expectations from employers. As a result, attracting and retaining top talent depends on how quickly an organization can adapt to these changes. And this is when agile HR comes into play. Agile methodology is derived from… Read more »

5 New Strategies for Maximizing ROI in Recruitment

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Hiring and recruitment have become increasingly challenging in the face of a fiercely competitive workforce and economic uncertainty. HR teams also struggle with recruitment budget constraints, which further complicates the hiring process. So, you must ensure you’re maximizing ROI in recruitment. These situations have prompted hiring managers to reassess the core of their talent acquisition strategies…. Read more »

Recruiting on a Budget: 6 Free and Paid Tips in 2024

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Attracting qualified candidates and building an effective hiring process – while keeping your recruitment costs under control – can seem like a difficult task. The reality is, however, that there are many ways you can attract qualified candidates that won’t make you break the bank. Let’s talk about recruiting on a budget. In fact, there’s… Read more »

What is Talent Intelligence? How Does It Remove Bias in Hiring?

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Talent within an organization is its greatest asset. The vision may be clear, and there might be adequate resources and a well-thought-out plan, but you need the right people to bring it all together. That’s where talent intelligence comes into play. However, finding the ‘right people’ these days is easier said than done. More than ever,… Read more »

6 Ways to Use AI in Recruitment Marketing

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“We’re falling behind in terms of employer branding. We need to do more.” Sounds familiar? Then, you might not understand how to use AI in recruitment. Or… “Our candidates express dissatisfaction with their candidate experience. Something has to change.” “The conversion rate from our job postings is much lower than we expected. What can we… Read more »

Hiring Gig Workers: 7 Useful Tips to Build Your Team

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The gig workforce continues to boom as organizations cope with the post-pandemic economy in recent years. There’s a skill and labor market shortage worldwide as some members of the workforce experience shifting career priorities. And that’s where it might be useful to start hiring gig workers. Many workers have embraced gig and contractual positions for greater… Read more »

Workplace Conflict: 3 Top HR Do’s and Don’ts

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Workplace conflict is an ever-present challenge when diverse teams collaborate. So, as a hiring manager or organizational leader, you will likely encounter clashes in personality and work styles. However, ignoring these conflicts can severely affect your company’s productivity and hiring efforts.   Industry reports from 2022 revealed that 73,485 workplace discrimination charges were filed in… Read more »

Data-Driven Recruitment: How to Use Analytics to Improve Hiring

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Tired of spending time on long hiring processes that don’t even result in quality hires? Data-driven recruitment is the solution you’ve been looking for.  In this article, we’re sharing what data-driven recruitment is, five ways it can help hiring teams, and best practices for implementing it. Let’s get started. What is data-driven recruitment?  Data-driven recruitment… Read more »

5 Top Tips for Attracting Talent with PR

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A good company reputation makes attracting talent (the best talent) relatively easy. It’s one of the reasons top talent in various industries want jobs in renowned companies like Microsoft and Apple. It’s not rocket science—we humans just naturally like to associate with anything popular and perceived to be good.  Want your company to attract great… Read more »

Specialists vs. Generalists: How Both Types of Workers Benefit Your Company

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In the specialists vs. generalists debate, it has always been an either/or situation. It’s either you go with a generalist who is a jack of all trades or choose a specialist who is a subject matter expert with specialist skills.  While organizations may thrive by 26 times when engaging generalists and pushing them to innovate,… Read more »

6 Steps to Build the Best Recruitment Tech Stack

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Thanks to recruitment software, the process of hiring staff can now be more efficient. Your recruitment team no longer has to trawl through job applications and recruitment for hours on end. Specialized software streamlines the process, automating tasks and tracking the entire hiring process. In fact, 76% of companies say recruiting automation allows recruiters to… Read more »

5 Examples of a 4-Day Work Week Policy Template

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Considering offering three-day weekends and flexible schedule arrangements to your employees?  You’ve come to the right spot. In this short guide, we’re overviewing what four-day work weeks are and the benefits of implementing them. We’re also going over what to include in your four-day work week policy and some template examples to inspire you.  Ready… Read more »

Can You Trust AI in Recruitment?

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AI is everywhere these days due to its problem-solving capabilities at scale. The data-backed algorithms behind AI solutions also help reduce human error costs. We have seen AI in construction site safety assessments, chatbots, and accounting. But have you heard of AI in recruitment? These days, a growing number of companies have also turned to… Read more »