The Guide to Gender Neutral Adjectives [a list of 190]

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Why should you use gender neutral adjectives? Did you know they affect people’s behavior (e.g., in everyday language, interview questions, job ads, etc.)? Therefore, using them helps you avoid words that might be interpreted as biased, discriminating, or degrading.  So, here’s a comprehensive list of gender neutral adjectives to help you create more balanced job… Read more »

5 Things to Look for in a Gender Neutral Writing Tool (2024 Update)

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Despite the hard work of activists and women in every industry, gender bias remains in the hiring process. Many hiring professionals are aware of more common forms of gender bias, like pregnancy-related discrimination. Less well-known is biased language in job descriptions. But biased language in job descriptions, like job descriptions that favor masculine-coded words and… Read more »

14 Examples of Unconscious Bias in Job Descriptions (2024 Update)

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The examples of unconscious bias in job descriptions are rampant. There is plenty of research confirming hiring biases: AARP noted that older adults received job offers at a rate that is 68% lower than younger candidates Across all age groups, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that persons with a disability were much less… Read more »

10 Free Fixes to Remove Gender Bias from your Job Postings in 2024

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If you want to attract more female candidates, a good place to start is to eliminate your job description gender bias. Job description gender bias is the easiest lever for you to pull to hire more women. The 80/20 Rule is in effect here. Well, almost. You can remove about 70% of job description gender… Read more »

10 Simple Tools for Gender Writing Analysis (2024)

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Do you write job descriptions, send emails, or create social media posts to reach potential applicants? Then, you might need to use tools for gender writing analysis. These types of tools can ensure your content is inclusive and also unbiased. An Appcast study of 473,742 jobs found: “Job ads with gender-neutral language result in 67.75%… Read more »

Top 10 Feminine-Biased Words Used in Job Descriptions (2024 Update)

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Masculine vs. feminine job descriptions remains a hot topic these days. Last week I shared The Top 10 Masculine Biased Words Used in Job Descriptions. If you’re trying to gender-neutralize your job ads, eliminating those top 10 masculine-biased words is a good start. So, are there loads of feminine-biased words in job ads? Some of you… Read more »

3 Tools for Eliminating Sexist Language in Job Ads

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Using sexist language in your job ads might keep women or people from the LGBTQ+ community from applying. These 3 tools highlight sexist language in your job ads…and give options for replacements, so you can be more inclusive. The best part, while they find sexist language (or other biased words), they also help you craft… Read more »

The 1 Word that Most Often Gets Recruiters in Trouble [2022 Update]

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The word “lead” seems harmless enough, right? I use it all the time. But, lead is a “masculine-themed” word, according to a study of job ads by the University of Waterloo and Duke University (Danielle Gaucher, Justin Friesen, Aaron C. Kay). What do they mean by a “masculine” word? The study opens with this key finding: “When job advertisements… Read more »

3 Examples of Women “Hiring” a Fake Male Employee [to Avoid Bias]

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It’s a sad world when women have to “hire” a fake male employee to do their job. I found these 3 examples of women doing just that to avoid bias and improve their biz. Female Podcaster’s “fake male employee” TikTok goes viral Jandra Sutton, host of The Wildest Podcast, “hired” a fake male employee, and… Read more »

8 Key Steps of a Job Description Text Analyzer

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Are you shopping for job description text analysis software? Some recruiting leaders want this augmented writing tool because of the ROI they enable on hiring quality/diverse applicants (e.g. one client boosted their applicant to phone screen conversion from 5% to 17%; another saw a 4X increase in diversity and inclusion hiring). If you are looking,… Read more »

New Study Shows Gender Bias Against Women for “Brainy” Jobs

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Women are less likely seen as good candidates if the job mentions a high degree of intellectual ability, according to a new study. In 3 tests, published in the journal American Psychologist, more than 1,150 participants were asked to refer individuals for a job. Half of the participants were told that the job description required… Read more »

5 Reasons to Use a Text Analyzer for All Your Job Descriptions

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If you are hiring more than 50 people per year, you can benefit in a big way from using Ongig’s Text Analyzer for your job descriptions. Let me give you 5 examples: 1) To See How Your Job Descriptions Compare to Peers A good text analyzer compares your job descriptions to the industry on things… Read more »

A List of Offensive (Exclusionary) Words Used in Job Descriptions [2020 Update]

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There are quite a few words and phrases that can crush your job descriptions. Use just one of these phrases and you could lose 50%+ of your candidates. These words are considered “exclusionary” by some and just plain offensive words by others. Exclusionary words in job descriptions are so rampant, that Ongig’s Text Analyzer now flags… Read more »

Gender-Neutral Suggestions for the Top 25 Job Titles That Still Use the Word “Man”

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Many of us are talking about gender-neutral job descriptions these days. But how about gender-neutral job TITLES? Gender-biased job titles are so prevalent that Ongig now offers a  job title bias checker in our Text Analyzer software. After all, if you show gender bias in the job title, a candidate might not even read the rest of… Read more »