6 Ways to Avoid Age Bias in Your Job Descriptions

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Age bias is expensive. A study conducted by AARP and the Economist Intelligence Unit found that age discrimination against older adults cost the economy $850 billion in 2018 alone. Note: Most age discrimination lawsuits relate to The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) which forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older. It… Read more »

14 Examples of Unconscious Bias in Job Descriptions (2024 Update)

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The examples of unconscious bias in job descriptions are rampant. There is plenty of research confirming hiring biases: AARP noted that older adults received job offers at a rate that is 68% lower than younger candidates Across all age groups, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that persons with a disability were much less… Read more »

The Top 10 Masculine Biased Words Used in Job Descriptions (2024 Update)

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What are the top masculine biased words used in job descriptions? Knowing if you have masculine vs. feminine job descriptions is a hot topic these days. Most companies want to hire more women. This week, I used Ongig’s Text Analyzer software (the tool for gender bias in job descriptions) to find out. I had Text… Read more »

5 Easy Ways to Remove LGBTQ Bias from Your Job Descriptions

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Do the words in your job descriptions contain LGBTQ bias? If you’re hiring 100+ people per year, it’s more likely than not that your job descriptions contain LGBTQ bias, according to Ongig’s Text Analyzer job description software. I’ll give you some tips to remove LGBTQ bias below. First off, what is LGBTQ? The acronym stands… Read more »

New Study Shows Gender Bias Against Women for “Brainy” Jobs

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Women are less likely seen as good candidates if the job mentions a high degree of intellectual ability, according to a new study. In 3 tests, published in the journal American Psychologist, more than 1,150 participants were asked to refer individuals for a job. Half of the participants were told that the job description required… Read more »