6 Ways to Debias Your Language

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If you are crafting new job postings, you might want to make your language more inclusive. I found 6 debiasing techniques that can help. Before we jump into debiasing strategies, let’s define “biased language” and “debiasing.” What is Biased Language? “Biased language includes expressions that demean or exclude people because of age, sex, race, ethnicity,… Read more »

10 Awesome Diversity Tools For Hiring

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Humans sometimes carry unconscious bias that leads to non-intended prejudice, especially when hiring people. Good news: Many diversity tools can help remove this bias (unconscious or not). Studies show diverse companies: “diverse companies enjoy 2.3 times higher cash flow per employee…inclusive teams improve team performance by up to 30 percent in high-diversity environments…companies with diverse management teams had… Read more »

3 Examples of Great Diversity Employee Referral Programs

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Diversity employee referral programs are on the rise — and for good reason! Studies show that new hires who are referred are: a better fit more engaged at work less likely to quit more productive We all know employee referrals work. It turns out they work for diversity too (Pinterest women up 24%!). But you might need… Read more »

10+ Examples of Companies with Autistic Hiring Programs [2023 Update]

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50-75% of autistic adults in the U.S. are “unemployed or underemployed.” Some brands are trying to lower these statistics. Here are 10+ examples of companies hiring people with autism: Auticon Name of hiring autistic program: Become a destination for neurodivergent talent. The gist: Auticon is a majority-autistic company and one of the world’s largest employers of… Read more »

4 Helpful Tips to Avoid Disability Bias in Hiring [& Beyond]

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Disability bias creeps into your company without you even knowing. Here are 4 tips on how to avoid disability bias in hiring (and beyond). 1. Remove disability bias in job descriptions Do a quick search on Indeed or LinkedIn, and you’ll find disability bias examples in 80% of job postings. The good news is there’s… Read more »

4 Highlights from Amazon Studios’ Inclusion Playbook (for hiring)

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On June 16, 2021, Amazon Studios released its first-ever “Inclusion Playbook” to support its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This got me thinking…will more companies create an inclusion playbook to support diversity in hiring? Time will tell! In the meantime, here are 4 highlights from the Amazon Studios inclusion playbook I found useful, plus… Read more »

Diversity Recruitment Advertising [125+ Resources from JobElephant Report]

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JobElephant created an awesome Diversity Recruitment Buyer’s Guide with loads of data-driven analytics from 172,000+ diversity job postings. I combed through the guide to summarize its value. There are helpful tips to: find new D&I job boards you didn’t know about choose which diversity recruitment websites and publications fit into your recruiting plan organize your… Read more »

5 Tips for Hiring Former Felons [2022 Update]

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1 in 3 Americans have some type of criminal record affecting their chances of getting a job. Hiring former felons or hiring employees with criminal records can be a confusing path to navigate. Research shows that hiring former felons is good for business because they tend to be more loyal and have higher performance rates… Read more »

7 Tips for Hiring Autistic Workers

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April is Autism Acceptance Month, and the theme for 2021 is “Celebrate Differences.” In the spirit of celebrating differences in the workplace, I found 7 tips for hiring autistic workers: 1. Eliminate bias against neurodiverse/autistic candidates in your job descriptions The first tip, you can use tools in your organization to create more inclusive job… Read more »

How to Recruit More Women in Engineering [From Data Director Stephanie Sibert]

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We recently blogged about 5 Tips for Recruiting Diversity in Engineering. This topic also came up during a Text Analyzer demo with Ongig’s new client, Curology. Stephanie Sibert, the Director of Data at Curology is passionate about diversity and so is the rest of the Curology team. We asked Stephanie to share her experiences as a… Read more »

5 Tips for Recruiting Diversity in Engineering

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There has been a lack of diversity in engineering for years, and many companies are focusing on how to tackle this issue. We found 5 tips to help guide your recruiting diversity in tech efforts. But first, here are some stats on the most affected underrepresented groups: POC in tech According to Wired, people of… Read more »

5 Tips for Recruiting More Women in Leadership Roles

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Many companies are focused on recruiting women in leadership roles. Fortune magazine reported in May that the number of female CEOs “has hit a new high”, with 37 of the companies on 2020’s Fortune 500 list being led by female CEOs. But how can we keep this number on the rise? Here are 5 tips on how… Read more »

5 Ways to Hire for Diversity in Leadership

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Diversity and leadership in a changing world is top of mind, especially with the recent focus on Black Lives Matter. A 2019 diversity study by McKinsey & Company reaffirmed there is a: “strong business case for both gender diversity and ethnic and cultural diversity in corporate leadership—and shows that this business case continues to strengthen…. Read more »

10 Easy Tips for Recruiting People of Color [or BIPOC]

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A key focus for companies is on how to recruit people of color. We found 10 easy tips for recruiting people of color (POC) or Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC).   1. Create diversity goals to recruit applicants of color Diversity and inclusion goals, especially for hiring people of color, can be documented and… Read more »

12 Impressive Diversity & Inclusion Pages (and Why!)

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Looking to revamp your diversity recruiting strategy? A great place to start is with your diversity page. After combing through 200+ diversity pages I found 12 that caught my attention and stood out the most. Here’s a table of contents to help you navigate: What is a diversity page Adidas AT&T Dell Netflix Hubspot IBM… Read more »