How to Attract and Retain Talent: 6 Reasons Salary Matters

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In an increasingly competitive job market, it’s important to attract and retain talent in your business. Therefore, you must be open about things that matter like salary. Transparency about your salary helps boost your chances.   Not sure why? Here are 6 reasons why salary is important to attract candidates:  1. Salary info attracts highly-qualified… Read more »

15 Top Diversity Podcasts in 2022

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DEI might feel like a moving target, and to an extent, it is. A great way to stay up-to-date is by listening to diversity podcasts. Podcasts are a somewhat new (and evolving) part of life. They’ve only been around since 2004. But, diversity and inclusion podcasts are an easy (and mostly free) way to learn… Read more »

7 Inclusive Phrases for your Job Descriptions [& more]

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Successful hiring goes beyond listing requirements, qualifications, and benefits. Adding inclusive phrases to your job descriptions helps attract top talent from a diverse pool of candidates. Here are 7 examples of phrases to make people from underrepresented groups feel included when reading your JDs, careers sites, diversity pages, and more:   1. “All Genders” Phrases… Read more »

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Events Calendar 2022

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The 2022 DEI Calendar seems to be moving back to normal (in-person), but there are still a lot of virtual events too. As always, we like to lead with a table listing all diversity conferences giving you an easier, zoomed-out view of the year. Then we dive into the details of each DEI event below… Read more »

7 Tips for Removing Bias from Recruitment

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Companies that build and promote inclusive culture reap the benefits of a diverse workforce. Building a diverse team starts with removing bias from recruitment. Here are 7 tips on how to do it:   1. Create an inclusive company culture Removing unconscious bias shouldn’t just be limited to recruitment.  To reap the benefits of a… Read more »

Hiring for Diversity: 7 Helpful Books for Recruiters in 2024

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As a recruiter, your job is multi-layered. So, it expands far beyond the scope of just “hiring people.” Nowadays, you need to make sure you’re hiring for diversity. Effective recruiters seek out qualified candidates and assist with arranging interviews. They also help to negotiate salaries, review resumes, advise clients, and stay on top of current… Read more »

How Do “Remote Jobs” Increase Diversity & Inclusion?

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In the short time since the COVID-19 pandemic sent workers home from the office, companies have adapted quickly to a new way of working — remote work. So, a lot more people are doing remote jobs today. Remote work became the norm, with reports of 70% of full-time employees working from home during the pandemic…. Read more »

6+ Examples of Gender-Inclusive Language [2022 Update]

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Being “gender-inclusive” eliminates inaccurate clichés and negative stereotypes. It also improves communications, productivity, and equality. Here are 6+ gender-inclusive language examples you can use in daily conversations, job postings, emails, meetings, and more. 1. Humankind  If your company’s mission is to “share a desire to improve mankind” or you create “innovative solutions that benefit mankind,”… Read more »

8 Companies Hiring People with Criminal Records

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More than 650,000 people are released from prison every year. With unemployment rising and widespread skills shortages, hiring someone with a criminal record doesn’t seem like a bad idea.  Not sure about this recruitment strategy?  Here are 8 examples of brands hiring folks with criminal backgrounds:  Butterball Farms  Butterball Farms has a track record of hiring… Read more »

6+ Examples of Diversity Workshops [free and paid]

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Research shows companies who embrace DEI culture are 2X as likely to achieve their financial targets and 6X more adaptive to shifting environments. Diversity workshops help you build a solid DEI culture. And the best diversity & inclusion workshops give you dynamic tips or strategies to enhance your DEI initiatives. Here are 6 examples [free… Read more »

6 Tools for Hiring People with Criminal Backgrounds

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We’re in an era of increasing demands for accountability and transparency in all aspects of business. So, employers want to know that their employees are trustworthy and reliable. As a result, many of them are reluctant to hire people with criminal backgrounds. This is especially true when they don’t have the right tools for hiring. Second… Read more »

6 Tips to Make Job Descriptions More Inclusive

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Are you trying to hire more diverse candidates? A good place to start is revamping one of the first things candidates see during their job search…your job ads. If they’re bad, you might miss out on some great talent. Here are 6 tips on how to make your job descriptions more inclusive (and effective): 1…. Read more »

5 Examples of Affinity Bias [in Job Descriptions]

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When hiring managers meet a candidate they like and know they’ll get along with, it’s often because they share similar backgrounds or interests.  This is called affinity bias, which can be detrimental to your diversity hiring efforts.  What is affinity bias in the workplace? Affinity bias means giving favor to candidates with a similar background… Read more »

5 Examples of EEO Taglines for Job Postings

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EEO taglines for job postings are required for all U.S. federal contractors. Many public companies use them to show they take diversity seriously. An EEO tagline is a company commitment showing you won’t accept (or reject) a candidate based on their background (including race, religion, age, physical/mental ability, gender, etc.). They include the words: “(Company… Read more »

5 Best Tips for Diversity and Inclusion Training

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More brands are going all-in on company culture. And the foundation for most of them is diversity and inclusion training.  So, if you are just getting started or want to fine-tune your diversity and inclusion training, these 5 tips might help. But first, why the new spotlight on D&I training?  Why is diversity and inclusion… Read more »