5 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Diversity Hiring Strategy

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Having a variety of people from different backgrounds is important. It lets you find top talent from all around the world. If you’re not focusing on inclusive recruiting practices (or making diversity a priority), you’re failing to attract the best and the brightest to your business. So, it’s time to start focusing on your diversity hiring… Read more »

7+ Examples of Allyship in the Workplace (2024 Update)

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How can you build allyship in the workplace? I found 7 examples of companies doing just that. But before we dive in, here’s what it means to be an ally at work.   What is allyship in the workplace? Being a good ally means you accept the privilege majority groups have in a professional setting… Read more »

6 Tips for Setting Diversity and Inclusion Performance Goals

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For your organization to stay competitive in a diverse and global world, incorporate DEI practices into your everyday operations. Research from McKinsey & Co. shows companies with a diverse workforce experience 36% more returns than non-diverse ones. But setting diversity and inclusion performance goals isn’t an easy, one-time task. The process requires commitment for success…. Read more »

Equity vs Equality in the Workplace: What’s the Difference?

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There’s a high volume of searches for “equity vs equality in the workplace” on Google each month, so I decided to write this blog to help remove any confusion between the two. In this blog, you’ll find: a definition of equality vs equity in the workplace tips on using both terms in your job descriptions… Read more »

10 Examples of Non-Inclusive Language (2023 Update)

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Barack Obama famously said: “We are at a time in our country’s history that inclusive language is better than exclusive language.” But he didn’t say much about what NON-inclusive language to avoid. What words do you NOT WRITE so you don’t offend the reader. What words do you NOT SAY, so you don’t turn off… Read more »

5 Examples of Inclusive Recruiting Practices

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Having a diverse team is good for your bottom line. Companies with a more diverse workforce experience 36% more returns than non-diverse ones. Plus, 76% of candidates and employees from different backgrounds prefer to work for co.s focused on inclusive culture.  If you want to build your DEI hiring strategy, here are 5 examples of… Read more »

The Top 5 “DEI Words” [+ their acronyms]

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You likely use DEI words (or their acronyms) in JDs and other HR content. Here are 5 of the most common we find (plus, examples of how brands use them): diversity inclusion equity belonging accessibility Let’s dive in. Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Diversity and inclusion are 2 closely related concepts – but they are not… Read more »

The 2024 (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) DEI Events Calendar You Need

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Introducing the 2024 DEI Events Calendar! DEI stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. So, this calendar is packed with events celebrating diversity, discussing important issues, and promoting inclusivity. From commemorating historical moments to sparking conversations, each event is a chance to learn, connect, and make a difference. Join us as we explore why each event… Read more »

What Does Inclusive Culture Mean? +Helpful Tips

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The term “inclusive culture” has become a buzzword in recent years. We see it on LinkedIn discussions, organizational policies, and job descriptions. But, it’s far more than a fancy fad among progressive employers.  So, what does an inclusive culture mean? “Inclusive culture” describes a positive environment that promotes harmony and collaboration among co-workers of all… Read more »

6 Ways to Foster Belonging in the Workplace

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Safety and the sense of belonging rank high on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. And for many people belonging means creating a sense of social connection with others at work. Studies show that an average person spends 1/3 of their lifetime (around 90,000 hours) at work. So to help your keep employees (and attract new ones),… Read more »

How to Write an Inclusive Job Description [Tips & Examples]

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Is your company aiming for a more diverse workforce? It all starts with an inclusive job description. An inclusive JD sets the tone for the candidates you’ll attract and eventually hire. Katrina Kibben, CEO of Three Ears Media, says: “Creating an inclusive job posting is not just about pushing your content through gender bias AI…. Read more »

7 Ways to Scale Company Culture…Fast!

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Your company is growing fast. Congratulations! You’re busy keeping up with new clients, establishing better processes, and hiring new talent. But unfortunately, company culture is falling off your plate. Company culture is extremely important. But, if you’re growing rapidly, culture might not be your top priority. So, how can you scale company culture…fast? Glad you… Read more »

7 Tips to Boost Your Diversity Recruiting Strategy

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You tap into new perspectives (and skill sets) by building a more diverse workforce. You also improve company culture and connect with your customer base. But, simply wanting to improve diversity is not enough. You need a plan to make it happen. That’s where a diversity recruiting strategy comes in. It is a set of… Read more »

What is Misgendering? [+ 10 examples]

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Malicious misgendering has been making headlines for years. But what is it? And how can we stop it? This blog digs into: what misgendering is [hostile, malicious, and unintentonal] who’s weighing in on misgendering as a topic why misgendering in the workplace should be addressed 10 examples of misgendering in the news What is “hostile… Read more »

5 Ways to Confront Unconscious Age Bias

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The imbalance in favor of hiring “younger people” vs. “older people” is increasing. “Age discrimination cases account for about 20-25% of all Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) cases” source: 34 Age Discrimination Facts That May Shock You and Your Workplace by Vervoe And, 2/3 of workers aged 45 and up have experienced age discrimination at… Read more »