Over the last few weeks we’ve had a front row seat to the global debate over Salesforce.com’s use of the Klout score as a “desired skill” for the position of Community Manager. Salesforce Posts Job On Ongig Listing Klout Score As “Desired Skill” On July 27th, Salesforce.com posted a Community Manager job through Ongig with… Read more »
The Forgotten Gap In The Tech Boom Of 2012
If you are a founder of a startup who is new to leading this post is for you. First off, congratulations on being a part of driving one of the most exciting economic booms we may ever see in our lifetime. No region in the world comes close to what we’re experiencing in the Bay… Read more »
What’s Your LinkedIn InMail Response Rate?
[Note: If you do nothing else, please proceed to the bottom of this page to vote and comment. We want your opinion on the effectiveness of LinkedIn InMails.] The value LinkedIn places on an InMail is $10 each. Of course, you can get a volume discount if you buy the LinkedIn Recruiter seat. Several of… Read more »
Kixeye Ridicules Rivals Zynga, EA & Kabam In This Profanity-Laced Recruiting Video
In case you missed it, San Francisco gaming company Kixeye put their stake in the ground this week with an explosive video mocking their rival — it’s probably the fastest growing recruiting video we’ve seen. THe video is from the perspective of a job applicant on an interview with what appears to be Zynga (who… Read more »
5 Tips On How Recruiting Videos Boost Job Applications By 34%
Job postings with video icons are viewed 12% more than those without, according to a study by CareerBuilder last month.
Your Resume Is Dead: Follow These 4 Simple Steps Instead
Are you one of the millions of job seekers out there spending countless hours polishing every last word on your resume that highlights how amazing you are, stop it! Let’s take a step back to think about what you should really spend your time on if you are serious about getting that perfect job.
5 Reasons Why Job Postings Are Dead
We’re calling it first: the classic old style job posting you have seen a thousand of – and may have even posted a few yourself – is on its deathbed. Job postings on Craigslist…dead; jobs on Monster…dead; jobs on CareerBuilder…dead (at least as far as A-Player job seekers are concerned). Why will job postings die? … Read more »
The “Weird BD VooDoo” Of Instagram/Twitter/GetSatisfaction’s Office Space
I happened to be at Instagram’s old offices (164 S. Park) yesterday when the Facebook acquisition went down. I snapped this crappy pic because I thought it was cool that Instagram, Twitter and GetSatisfaction (social CRM on the rise ) all did their first work here.
Is This Type Of Multitasking Killing Your Chance At Landing a Job?
[This is a guest-post from Brian Kerr] Everyone has seen job postings looking for great multitaskers. If you are below the age of 35, you will probably happily admit that you multitask better than most, and much better than those of your parents’ generation. The problem is that you don’t.
What Do Russian Satellites, Botswana & Your Job Have In Common?
[Guest Blogger Mike Harding is the co-founder of re.vu, a radically better visual resume. You can follow Mike on Twitter @mah1.] Conventional wisdom says that a picture is worth 1,000 words. But is that really true? And what bearing does that have on your search for great talent or your desire to land an awesome gig?… Read more »
Check Out What A Naming Guru Put On His Business Cards
Clever business cards from naming guru Anthony Shore (he named Blackwire, Scamper, Lytro, Lyric, meeVee & many more products) . He shows 3 different sets of everyday products and what they look like without any name on them:
“Anonymous” Hacktivists Crowdsourced Attempted Takedown Of The Vatican Through Social Media
Fascinating news broke this weekend when security firm Imperva out of Redwood City outlined a report called “The Anatomy of an Anonymous Attack” (outlining details of how the “Anonymous” hactivist group operated in one unnamed attack last year in The Anatomy of an Anonymous Attack.
Which Of These 12 Big Lies Have You Caught On A Résumé?
Somewhere between 12% and 42% of résumés contain a lie, according to such sources as Morgan & Banks, ResumeDoctor and ADP. ADP once did 2.6 Million background checks and found that 44% lied about work histories, 41% lied about education and 23% falsified credentials or licenses.
The Short Story Of How I Raised My Salary 62.5% (In 2 months!)
[This is a guest-post from Brian Kerr] It was the start of October and I was stuck commuting to work in traffic for 1 hour both ways. Oh yes, and I was working 8am to 6pm…this meant I woke up at 6am and got home at 7pm if I was lucky.
The 12 Most Awesomely-Creative Resumes Ever? (Including One She Wears)
Here are 12 super-creative resumes we found at deviantART and a couple other places. 1) Writer’s Resume