15 Examples of an Awesome “About Us” Statement

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An About Us statement is a critical piece in a job posting or website. Like any content on your job pages, it’s an opportunity to sell and attract the candidate! After reviewing thousands of About Us statements through our Text Analyzer job description software, I want to share a few things in this article: What… Read more »

7 Examples of the Questions Top Brands Use to Start Their Job Postings

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Starting your job posting with a question is smart and effective. Just like it’s proven in sales that asking questions can convert customers at 10X the rate than average (see the SPIN Selling book), so too does asking questions in your job ads. The reason? Yep, I just asked YOU the reader a question. 🙂… Read more »

5 Examples of “Complex Words” That Hurt Your Job Ads

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Every word in your job ad counts. But your job postings often have complex words or phrases you don’t need  — they sound more like legalese than a job advertisement.  Replace or cut these complex words/phrases and your job ad’s apply rate can see a major boost. You’ll also often see an increase in good candidates…. Read more »

How Unreadable is Your EEO Statement?

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Thank you to the 15,000+ people who read my 10 Samples of an Effective EEO Statement. Let’s dig deeper into the readability of EEO statements! Did you see how an effective job ad should be written at the 8th grade or lower? Were you as surprised as me at the power of writing in Plain English for busy… Read more »

14 Examples of the Best Company Career Sites (2018)

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We review 100’s of company career pages and found these 14 that really stand out. Check out each career page idea we highlight that makes these among the best. You can create awesome career site features like below through Ongig’s Branded Candidate Experience Software. Everlane Creative headline — They use a written letter approach (e.g. “Dear rule-breakers…”)… Read more »

How to Write a Job Description Like an Ad Copywriter

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You have to do better than a “copy-and-paste” of an old job description to write a job description that stands out and engages the best talent. Many of you still use job descriptions written by someone with little to no marketing skills. Or perhaps copy-and-paste the JD from an unknown source. Let me give you… Read more »

3 Tips from U.S. Acute Care’s Branded Job Descriptions

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You can see 3 nice job description features below from new hospital organization U.S. Acute Solutions: 1. A picture of every office (hospital) This is an easy feature that every hospital group should consider since candidates want to picture where they work (and most hospitals have a quality picture of their location). The same applies… Read more »

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Job Description

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Words matter…especially in job descriptions. Update: Since writing this article, our team here at Ongig launched a new version of our Text Analyzer software for writing job descriptions. For more tips on writing job descriptions, check out How to Write a Job Description — Best Practices & Examples.  Here are 7 mistakes to avoid when writing YOUR job description: 1)… Read more »

3 Awesome Company Diversity Pages

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If you’re serious about diversity, it helps to have a dedicated diversity page. Here are 3 company diversity pages that impress us: Apple Company Diversity Page How killer is Apple? I know: a bunch of us are fanboys (and fangirls!), but Apple comes right out with a sweet-looking diversity page with hard data on their… Read more »

Companies Are Getting Serious About Employer Branding

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Notice the effort Booking.com’s putting into employer branding: They have a position with Employer Brand in the title (not every business does this yet. LinkedIn lists only 2,163 people with “Employer Branding” in their title in the world, meaning that millions of businesses do not have an Employer Branding position. The position below is for “Copywriter” — this is marketing-speak… Read more »

7 Cool and Effective Tips for Your Careers Site

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I look at a lot of careers pages and wanted to pass along seven ideas I ran across lately that might help you move the needle on driving candidate experience. 1) Use a Headline Qualcomm grabs your attention with a simple and eye-grabbing headline: “Get Your Mobile On”. Reason this is important: Copywriting is key… Read more »

10 Awesome “Careers Page” Ideas You Might Have Missed

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Most Careers pages are boring. As we pointed out last month, some remind you of a visit to the DMV. On the flip side, some employers do an outstanding job of making their Jobs section stand out. Here are 10 solid ideas worth considering. 1) Show Your Hiring Manager Once a candidate knows the industry, role… Read more »