10 Winning Employer Brand Marketing Strategies

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Today I’m going to show some awesome employer brand marketing strategies. These are the same strategies our top clients use to get (and stay) in the minds of job seekers. Let’s get to it! Email Marketing Content Marketing Job Boards Company Job Pages Employer Review Sites Google Adwords (Search Network) Google Analytics Social Media Advertising… Read more »

How To Find Your Most Valuable Organic Job Pages in Google Analytics

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Today you’ll learn how to find your most valuable job pages in Google Analytics. Specifically, I’ll show you how to find the job pages that generate the most organic traffic. Why is organic traffic important? It’s free It’s relevant traffic It’s sustainable Let’s dive right in. How to Find Job Pages that Generate the Most… Read more »

How To Easily Find Your Google For Jobs Traffic Data

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Google now tags all traffic coming from their Google For Jobs search. Any URL/link referred from Google For Jobs contains these UTM parameters : utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply utm_source=google_jobs_apply utm_medium=organic Check out the end of this Amazon job URL:   Reasons Why Google Tags Google For Jobs Posting Links: To see how much traffic the new Google For… Read more »

Recruiting Q&A: Analytics with Groupon & Charles Schwab

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Last week we wrote about the  5 basic metrics for your careers site. The article was inspired by two talent leaders we talked to who are using Google Analytics to better understand their careers site and candidate experience. As a follow up, we invited these two talent leaders to share more about how they got… Read more »

“Little Data”: 5 Basic Metrics For Your Careers Site

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Being a recruiting nerd, I was excited when two separate talent leaders told me last week that they spend several hours each month in Google Analytics. During hundreds of conversations with talent leaders over the last two years, this has been a rarity. To have two in one week was refreshing. Refreshing because Google Analytics… Read more »