14 Best SEO Tips for Writing Job Descriptions (2024)

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When you write a job description, you are not just writing it for the candidate, you are also writing it for Google, Bing, Indeed, and any other search engine out there. That’s why you need the right SEO tips to make sure your JDs get seen. Writing for search engines is one of the key… Read more »

How To Find Your Most Valuable Organic Job Pages in Google Analytics

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Today you’ll learn how to find your most valuable job pages in Google Analytics. Specifically, I’ll show you how to find the job pages that generate the most organic traffic. Why is organic traffic important? It’s free It’s relevant traffic It’s sustainable Let’s dive right in. How to Find Job Pages that Generate the Most… Read more »

Career Site Guide: How to Create a Better Career Site

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It’s no secret that your company career site is one of the most important elements of your recruiting strategy. In fact, it’s a culmination of many initiatives: candidate experience, employer branding, recruitment marketing, diversity and inclusion. So, keep reading this career site guide. The bottom line: Optimizing your company career site is necessary if you… Read more »

How Long Should a Job Title Be?

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I’m sometimes asked how long a job description title should be. Below are a few opinions from others I trust. Note: This article is part of our ongoing series called Job Titles: The Definitive Guide.  1 to 3 Words Job titles with 1 to 3 words had an apply rate twice as high as those with… Read more »

The Top 10 Problems TA Leaders Tell Me About

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My job is awesome. I chat with talent acquisition leaders most of the day, and then I work with the Ongig team to create software to (hopefully) solve those problems! About a year ago, I started a spreadsheet of the problems TA leaders shared with me. I decided to now share them with you —… Read more »

How To Get Your Job Postings on Google For Jobs

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Schema markup has become a major, yet underused, SEO tactic for recruiting. Optimizing your job pages for SEO can cause a leap in applications from Google, Bing and others. What is Schema? It’s a way for search engines to more easily read, analyze and classify your job postings. Your job postings should have schema markup… Read more »

5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your “Work from Home” Jobs

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Do you have work-from-home job openings? Did you know that last month there were at least 478,424 people who Googled words or phrases related to “work from home jobs”. Almost every candidate at some point in their life would love to work at home. Here are 5 ways to get more candidate traffic to your… Read more »

Do You Have this Massive “Drop-Off” From Career Site to Job Descriptions?

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Do you have this problem? You’ve got a solid-looking company career site page like this: The “Hotel Lobby Theory” …yet your job description pages look something more like this JD below. My friend Eric Osterman (Recruitment Marketing Manager at CenturyLink calls it the “Hotel Lobby Theory” — the lobby needs to look pretty but if… Read more »

The Top 8 Things Candidates Really Care About in Employer Branding

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When it comes to your employer brand, there’s a disconnect between what the candidate really cares about versus what you employers think they care about. That’s one finding from Hinge Research Institute’s recently-released terrific Employer Brand Study where they surveyed 800+ employers and job seekers. The study is full of great employer branding research but this one graphic below really stood… Read more »

5 Company Career Site Mistakes To Avoid

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Make sure to avoid these 5 common mistakes on your career site — doing so will vastly improve your digital candidate experience: 1) No Category and Location Pages (Candidate Experience) If you could make the job search easier for a candidate, wouldn’t you? You’d be surprised how many companies, large and small, don’t have department and/or location specific… Read more »

7 Easy Tips for Writing a More Effective Job Description

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1. Job Description Length In our research, the optimal length of a written job description is 550 to 750 words. Many candidates lose interest after that. One exception to this: If your job description copywriting is truly incredible, you can get a quality candidate to read 1,000+ words. Note: Check out our free Job Descriptions Guide… Read more »

Why Glassdoor Just Became More Important than the Employer in Google Search

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Google has officially crowned Glassdoor as the king of job content. Glassdoor now has such an enormous amount of relevant content on you “the employer” that not only do they come up as the first non-paying ad on Google Search results, Google is rewarding them with what’s called a “Featured Snippet” which is the block… Read more »

How One Underdog Out-Recruits the Big Dogs for Free with “Keyword Density”

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Why is it in a city like Austin, Texas, which boasts some of the largest and most attractive employer brands in the world — Apple, Google, Facebook, Dell, Whole Foods, Uber — that one employer you’ve likely never heard of out-recruits them all in one recruiting category. And this tiny employer does it for free! The company is… Read more »

How Google’s New “Mobile-First Indexing” Re-Ranks Your Job Pages

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Google is shuffling the deck in terms of mobile recruiting/SEO and where your job pages appear. If you pay attention to this, Google will deal your cards first off the top of the deck. If you don’t, your cards will be dealt much later in the game if at all. The difference in Google SEO traffic for… Read more »

5 Mistakes Your Job Search Page Might Make to Damage Your Brand

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Your company career site job search page is a vital component of the candidate experience. However, many job search pages make some common mistakes. I ran across one employer recently, Ideal Industries, whose job search page had 5 things they could fix to improve candidate experience (and increase pipeline/traffic). I don’t mean to pick on Ideal Industries: they… Read more »