14 Best SEO Tips for Writing Job Descriptions (2024)

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When you write a job description, you are not just writing it for the candidate, you are also writing it for Google, Bing, Indeed, and any other search engine out there. That’s why you need the right SEO tips to make sure your JDs get seen. Writing for search engines is one of the key… Read more »

10 Tips for Writing Effective Job Descriptions

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A few tips from my 20+ years of writing job descriptions: Note: If you’re lazy like me, a lot of the principles below are built into software such as these: The Top 6 Augmented Writing Tools for Job Descriptions. For more tips on writing job descriptions, check out How to Write a Job Description — Best Practices & Examples.  Put First… Read more »

7 Easy Tips for Writing a More Effective Job Description

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1. Job Description Length In our research, the optimal length of a written job description is 550 to 750 words. Many candidates lose interest after that. One exception to this: If your job description copywriting is truly incredible, you can get a quality candidate to read 1,000+ words. Note: Check out our free Job Descriptions Guide… Read more »

How One Underdog Out-Recruits the Big Dogs for Free with “Keyword Density”

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Why is it in a city like Austin, Texas, which boasts some of the largest and most attractive employer brands in the world — Apple, Google, Facebook, Dell, Whole Foods, Uber — that one employer you’ve likely never heard of out-recruits them all in one recruiting category. And this tiny employer does it for free! The company is… Read more »