The Top 50 Applicant Tracking Systems in 2024

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Our Ongig team talks to hundreds of people a year about which applicant tracking systems they use because the ATS is often directly related to candidate experience and employer branding (things we care deeply about). So, we’re by no means experts on the best applicant tracking systems. However, we’ve learned a bunch on the subject… Read more »

Engaging “Overlays” For iCIMS ATS Job Pages [2020 Update]

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iCIMS is a top 10 applicant tracking system in market share for employers. If you are an iCIMS ATS client (like Microsoft, General Mills, Foot Locker) you’ll need to customize your iCIMS career/job pages to really make them awesome. So let’s talk about iCIMS job page overlays. What is Job Page/CSS Overlay for iCIMS? A job… Read more »

The Top Applicant Tracking Systems Annual Report (2017)

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2020 Editor’s NOTE — We have the updated version for 2020 here: Top Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS Software) in 2020 Enjoy! — Rob —— Welcome to Ongig’s 2017 Top Applicant Tracking System Annual Report! Here are the main sections of the report and below that is the report itself chock full of ATS data, charts and insights…. Read more »

5 Mistakes Your Job Search Page Might Make to Damage Your Brand

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Your company career site job search page is a vital component of the candidate experience. However, many job search pages make some common mistakes. I ran across one employer recently, Ideal Industries, whose job search page had 5 things they could fix to improve candidate experience (and increase pipeline/traffic). I don’t mean to pick on Ideal Industries: they… Read more »

The Top 70 Applicant Tracking Systems (2016)

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2020 Editor’s NOTE — We have the updated version for 2020 here: Top Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS Software) in 2020 Enjoy! — Rob ———————- Ongig first began reporting on top applicant tracking systems in September 2014 and after 30,000 people read one post on it, we decided to update it for 2016. Our goal for this one is that 100,000 of you read… Read more »

Top 17 LinkedIn Mobile Job Ad Platforms [SlideShare]

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LinkedIn says they are on their way to having 50% of their traffic being mobile. This trend cannot be ignored if you spend time, money, and/or resources on: 1. LinkedIn Recruiter — Jobs advertised through InMail, postings, and sharing 2. Job Wrapping — Automatically posting multiple jobs from your ATS to LinkedIn 3. Job Postings… Read more »

The Top 5 ATS’s by Google Search Traffic

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After the popular Top 50 Applicant Tracking Systems article we shared last month, we thought we’d look at the top 5 ATS’s based on Google search traffic (courtesy of Google Trends). You can click the trend line below to refine the search more (including adding other ATS search terms). Disclaimer: We at Ongig share this type… Read more »

Social Recruiting Strategies Conference In San Francisco This Week

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Social Recruiting is a trendy phrase in the world of talent acquisition. Top recruiters across the industry are hard at work trying to define Social Recruiting. Is it social because of networking? Is it social because of technology? Is it something different altogether? Attendees at the Social Recruiting Strategies Conference in San Francisco will be… Read more »