A friend just sent me this nice quality version of me nervously asking Steve Jobs a question at All Things Digital (D5) a few years back. I asked him for his advice for entrepreneurs like me…on how to try to build an awesome company like Apple.
Randi Zuckerberg Can Really Sing And Other Interesting Things I Learned About The Tech Industry At SVRocks
I didn’t know what to expect when I ponied up the $45 dollar per ticket admission for my wife and I to attend the Silicon Valley Rocks charity concert benefiting Music in Schools Today(MUST). MUST, which provides music education programs for underserved schools, is a worthy cause in and of itself, and I was truly impressed with… Read more »
How To Make A Video Job Posting In 15 Minutes
I believe that video will be standard in job postings within the next 5 years. Call me crazy, but technology is easy to use and video gives you such a tremendous advantage. Active and passive job seekers network through referrals first. What do they do after that? Most people in San Francisco tell me Linkedin,… Read more »
An Irish Blog: Hunting For A Tech Job In Silicon Valley, Part II
“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one” — Oscar Wilde. At no other point in the past has this quotation reverberated more truly for myself. Unfortunately for me, Wilde’s musing is a lot less imaginary and far more real. Since I published my last blog, which documented, “Hunting For… Read more »
3 Easy Steps To Write A Purpose Statement For Your (Next) Job
One of the “5 C’s” I mentioned in past posts here at Ongig (job description software) is getting from Point A to Point B in your Career development. To do so, you need to be purposeful about your job. Here’s an easy exercise for figuring out the purpose statement of your current or next job. 1) List… Read more »
Is The Résumé Dead?
Throughout the 20th Century and now into the 21st, job search pundits have eulogized the résumé as it gives way to technology and time. Through each era, age, fad and phase, the resilient document changes and continues to lead the way for job seekers. Like the Phoenix, the résumé is dynamic, dying thousands of fiery deaths only to rise from… Read more »
Technology Companies Spend $4,339 To Recruit You & They Find You Here
The kind folks at Bersin Associates in Oakland, CA gave us permission to share some awesome data from their $999 Talent Acquisition Factbook 2011 authored by Karen O’Leonard. A Recruiter Makes 21% Of Your First Year’s Salary (E.g. $21K Here In SF)
What Do Steve Martin, Facebook, Google & A Rock Have In Common?
Here are some more creative business cards/calling cards we discovered after posting A Creative Business Card Showing Twitter, Web & Email All On One Line. Thanks to Neatorama for posting this calling card from comedian Steve Martin: Here’s a simple & cool business card from Ji Lee (formerly Creative Director at Google)
A Simple Way To Keep Your Email Inbox Clean?
Keeping up to date with your email inbox can be one of the most challenging aspects in your work. Think of how much time you spend to keep your inbox clean, or the messages that get shuffled or missed. A clean inbox takes consistency, time, and effort. In late September, we noticed an email application… Read more »
I Keep A List Of “Must-Haves For My Next Job”
I’ve been lucky to have some awesome jobs in my life, including CEO (4 times), VP of Sales, Director of Business Development, Senior Editor and Assistant (Gopher) a couple of times. At each business I’ve been at I’ve learned that I run into awesome qualities (ones I’d like to have at every job I ever… Read more »
Leave The Cheese At Home, But Don’t Forget To Smile!
My wife watches a show called “The X-Factor” that some of you may have heard of. One of the remaining contestants is a young teen going by the name of Astro. Although he seemed to be a talented contestant, my wife was not sold on him “because of his attitude”. I asked my wife exactly… Read more »
An Irish Blog: Hunting For A Tech Job In Silicon Valley
About me Before I tell you about my experience of job hunting in the IT Mecca that is California, I guess I should introduce myself. So here goes! My name is Mervyn. I am a 24 year old, Irish, Computer Science graduate from Dublin. I majored in computer applications at Dublin City University (DCU). I… Read more »
Recruiter Spam Incoming…Phone “Blowing Up! “
I found it amusing when a senior .Net/C# developer colleague (let’s call him “Kumar”) in San Francisco showed me his cell phone the other day: Kumar named 19 of his contacts “Spam No. __” because
Top Reasons Passive Candidates Look At New Jobs During The Holidays
I saw my first sign of the holidays while biking down Market Street in San Francisco on October 31st. City workers were putting up the lights and snow flakes on that will don the main drag for the holiday season. Only two days later, the very first holiday catalog arrived at our house. Fast forward… Read more »
Jack Dorsey’s Weekly Schedule As CEO Of Both Twitter AND Square
Fascinating CNN report on Jack Dorsey’s weekly schedule as CEO of both Twitter and Square. He told CNN he works 8 hours per weekday at Twitter and then walks 2 blocks to Square where he works another 8 hours…and each day has its own theme: