40+ Famous People with Tourette Syndrome

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I found 40+ famous people with Tourette Syndrome as part of our research for Ongig’s series on neurodiversity. And, I felt inspired to list them all in one place! Disclaimer: This list includes famous celebrities with Tourette Syndrome who have been diagnosed and those who have been reported to be affected. I do my best to… Read more »

10 Examples of Hate Speech and Human Rights Policies

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With the rapid rise of social media, people have new platforms for expression, prompting many companies to create either a human rights policy or hate speech policy (some have both — e.g., Facebook). If your company is writing or upgrading its human rights (or hate speech policy), you might be stuck on what to include…. Read more »

10 Tools For Hiring Women and Moms

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Why aren’t people hiring women? A report from LinkedIn says that 13% of hiring managers are more likely to click on a male candidate than a female one, even though they might have the same experience and skill set.  This inequality also affected those who choose to become mothers. Mothers who have college degrees or… Read more »

25 Famous People with Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, or Dyspraxia

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When I researched Ongig’s articles on famous people with autism, ADHD, and dyslexia, I found these 25 famous people with 3 things I’d never heard of: dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia. They are actors, writers, scientists, musicians, and more. I felt inspired to list these famous people with dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and dyspraxia in one place! Disclaimers:… Read more »

200+ Famous Deaf People [A List of Famous Inventors, Actors, Musicians, Models & More!]

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This list of famous deaf people is part of our series on famous people with disabilities. These 200+ successful deaf people include inventors, authors, entrepreneurs, models, musicians & more. Note: This is a dynamic list, and I will keep adding to it! If I missed a famous deaf person, you’d like us to add, email… Read more »

The 1 Word that Most Often Gets Recruiters in Trouble [2022 Update]

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The word “lead” seems harmless enough, right? I use it all the time. But, lead is a “masculine-themed” word, according to a study of job ads by the University of Waterloo and Duke University (Danielle Gaucher, Justin Friesen, Aaron C. Kay). What do they mean by a “masculine” word? The study opens with this key finding: “When job advertisements… Read more »

100+ Famous Blind People [A List of Actors, Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Writers, Musicians, & More!]

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This list of famous blind people is the newest addition to Ongig’s series of famous people with disabilities. These 100+ folks include successful blind entrepreneurs, leaders, actors, musicians & more. Note: This is a dynamic list and I will keep adding to it! If I missed any famous blind people, email heather@ongig.com to get them… Read more »

3 Examples of Great Diversity Employee Referral Programs

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Diversity employee referral programs are on the rise — and for good reason! Studies show that new hires who are referred are: a better fit more engaged at work less likely to quit more productive We all know employee referrals work. It turns out they work for diversity too (Pinterest women up 24%!). But you might need… Read more »

5 Examples of Racial Equity Tools

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Businesses can no longer take a neutral stance on diversity, equity, and inclusion — and neither can your recruiting technology — that’s where racial equity tools come in. More and more companies are using racial equity tools to widen and clarify their racial equity lens. For example, you can program artificial intelligence (AI) software to… Read more »

10+ Examples of Companies with Autistic Hiring Programs [2023 Update]

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50-75% of autistic adults in the U.S. are “unemployed or underemployed.” Some brands are trying to lower these statistics. Here are 10+ examples of companies hiring people with autism: Auticon Name of hiring autistic program: Become a destination for neurodivergent talent. The gist: Auticon is a majority-autistic company and one of the world’s largest employers of… Read more »

7 Examples of Elitist Language that Might Hurt your Job Ads

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Elitist language often finds its way into your job ads. And, elitism at work causes hostile working relationships. Searching Indeed, I found 100’s of examples of elitist language in job postings. I put together this list of the 7 most used, plus: Tips on how to replace them with more inclusive language 20+ variations of… Read more »

4 Helpful Tips to Avoid Disability Bias in Hiring [& Beyond]

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Disability bias creeps into your company without you even knowing. Here are 4 tips on how to avoid disability bias in hiring (and beyond). 1. Remove disability bias in job descriptions Do a quick search on Indeed or LinkedIn, and you’ll find disability bias examples in 80% of job postings. The good news is there’s… Read more »

3 Examples of Women “Hiring” a Fake Male Employee [to Avoid Bias]

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It’s a sad world when women have to “hire” a fake male employee to do their job. I found these 3 examples of women doing just that to avoid bias and improve their biz. Female Podcaster’s “fake male employee” TikTok goes viral Jandra Sutton, host of The Wildest Podcast, “hired” a fake male employee, and… Read more »

20 Examples of Gender-Coded Words in Job Ads

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I analyze 1000’s of job postings (for bias and readability) and find loads of gender coded words. They affect how candidates view your brand and decision to apply…or not. Here’s a list of 20 gender coded words I find the most. A list of gender coded words Masculine coded words in your job postings might… Read more »

7 Things I Learned from the 2021 Disability Equality Index Report

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On July 13, 2021, brands like Airbnb, AT&T, HPE, Walmart & Walgreens announced they made the 2021 Best Place to Work for disability inclusion list. This made me think… What is this list? How do you get on it? Is there a fee? How many companies made it? Can I learn something to help companies… Read more »