Why Aren’t All Retailers Showing Pictures in Their Job Descriptions?

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If your business includes retail locations (hotel, restaurant, store, etc.) then you should include pictures of your locations on your job descriptions. Giving an inside look at your specific location/store promoted on the job description helps increase your apply rate from quality hires. I’m not talking about just default pictures of a random location, but the actual location… Read more »

Turn Your Facebook Careers Page Into a Recruiting Machine

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Facebook has a massive 1.7+ billion active monthly users which means your company should be actively recruiting on this social network. Here are 10 ways you can turn your Facebook careers page into a recruiting machine: 1. Create a separate Facebook Page dedicated to Careers Recruiting and careers are such big efforts for companies there… Read more »

Google Now Shows 10 to 15 Pictures per Job Description

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If you thought recruiting against Google was already tough, it just got a bit tougher — they now include 10 to 15 pictures of their culture in most of their job descriptions. Check it out below! But don’t fret — you can add video, pictures, chat, ratings & reviews and tons of other features to… Read more »

The Simple 3 Step Process to Employer Branding

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Wow, did you see this cool LinkedIn Share this week? It reminded me of one simple formula to an awesome employer brand is to: Hire good human beings — Make sure to hire good people as they will do good within and beyond your organization Acknowledge your team — If someone on your team does something… Read more »

5 Qualities that the Best Recruiters Have in Common (from a Silicon Valley Trainer)

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Facebook’s super “business recruiter” Sarah Clifford was kind enough to introduce me to recruiting trainer expert Jenna Luthy recently (and thanks to Uber’s talent branding star Andrew Levy for hooking me up with Sarah!). Jenna trains recruiters for some of the best companies in Silicon Valley and I asked her to share some of her… Read more »

Deloitte’s New Job Descriptions are Content Rich

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If you treat your job description pages (which are ads!) more like editorial content, they will convert better (I didn’t say that — famous ad man David Ogilivy did!). Deloitte recently launched new job descriptions (below) are a great example. Notice all the content they link to in the right-hand rail of the job description page: A day in the… Read more »

DHL Express Nails the “Branded Job Description”

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Your job description should always match your brand, a concept I call a “branded job description”. Why is a branded job description so important? The candidate needs to feel your employer brand at the job description level in the same way a consumer feels the brand if they are buying a product or service on your… Read more »

Best Company Career Sites Honorable Mention

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We did a post recently on the best company career sites. Below are some honorable mentions we wanted to give a shout-out to: Hallmark Job Search & Department Microsites — The first thing they provide is a job search by keyword, location, and then 8 pics/tiles that link off to different departments and Internships. Each… Read more »

20 of the Best Company Career Sites (and Why!)

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If you are redoing your company career site, check out the list below — it’s a list of 20 company career sites that have impressed us recently. We included career pages from large publicly traded enterprises on down to smaller companies you’ve likely never heard of. The 20 company career sites below are in alphabetical order and… Read more »

Sports Authority Takes a Swing at “Black Hole” Applications

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Sports Authority, like many retailers, has a job search at their Career Site that shows every role at every store, even if they’re not actively filling that role at the moment. But as they wrote in their New Job Search blog post,  applicants to many of these jobs might not hear back from the hiring team (because they were not… Read more »

The Ultimate List of Company Career Site Ideas (35+ Features)

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This is the ultimate list of company career site features and ideas. And let me be clear about something: This is NOT your average “5-10 ideas” post. Yes, I’ll cover the must-have features for you career site. But you’re also going to see more creative features that are catching our attention. So if you’re looking… Read more »

15 “Must-Have” Features For Your Company Career Site

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If you’re building a new company career site, here are 15 features for you to consider to attract, engage and convert candidates. 1. A Compelling Headline— It’s a shame that most company career home pages use just “Careers” or “Jobs” as their headline. Boring. Instead, write like a copywriter and be attention-grabbing (Huge Inc.) or Activision (pictured… Read more »

Improve Your Recruiting with Video Job Descriptions

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The job description marketing platform Ongig did a study on video job descriptions in 2014 and found that Video Job Ads Get 487% Pop Over Text Job Ads. Recently in February 2016, Recruiter.com did an article on video recruitment called Press Play on Your Video Recruitment Efforts where they conducted a similar study on video job description engagement… Read more »

8 Ideas To Visually Optimize Your Company Career Site

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Fostering candidate engagement and attracting potential candidates to your career site is easier said than done. Some ways your company can succeed in doing this is having a visually attractive career site that include features like eye-catching images, short and descriptive videos, and popular/enticing color schemes. We’ll go over 8 ideas that will help you… Read more »

5 Steps to an Employer Branding Strategy For Instagram

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We’ve seen the evolution of Instagram and it’s popularity in the everyday lives of millions which has led to it being utilized as a promotional/advertising tool . This also creates a unique opportunity for companies to visually showcase their culture, workplace, and environment enabling an employer branding aspect that has yet to be fully exploited… Read more »