There are many valuable sourcing stats and insights in the “Sources of Hire 2017 Report” from applicant tracking system company Silkroad. Here are the top 7 that caught my eye:

  1. 46% of employers had difficulty filling jobs in 2016 (up from 32% in 2015)
  2. 92% of employers expect an increase in competition for talent this year
  3. Employee referrals remain the top sourcing method for hires, increasing 5% over last year
  4. External sourcing applicants make up 62% of interviews but just 48% of hires
  5. Indeed is responsible for 72% of interviews and 65% of hires, easily beating out competitors like LinkedIn, CareerBuilder, Monster, and Glassdoor (Ongig note: we expect Indeed’s market share to go down as a result of Google for Jobs!)
  6. External sourcing applicants have a big hill to climb getting to an interview: completing 4x the applications and 2x # of interviews to find a good fit versus internal sourcing applicants (employee referrals, recruiter sourced)
  7. Campus recruiting appears to be gaining in effectiveness (hires increased 14% from last year even though  interviews decreased by 4% during that time



Another gem from the report was related to the “Best Practices for Finding the Best candidates” — here are some of their tips:

  1. “Know your audience” (emphasizes prep working on job descriptions)–  research the audience, qualities and characteristics needed for the position and company, review star performer’s profiles
  2. “Create a persona” qualities — create a career story to attract that persona
  3. “Develop employee value proposition” — conduct interviews with staff to expand on patterns found in data. Craft a compelling message to attract and then market it heavily in all communication avenues
  4. “Evaluate the current candidate experience” — go mobile, remove complexity, create communication process that reflects the brand, provide training to staff on how to present the brand and to hiring managers on the interview process to reduce bias
  5. “Connect candidate to company goals” — help candidates envision their role to create vested interest and promote programs in place to set them up for success


by in Recruiting Strategies