How Hubspot, Autodesk and Dell Use Culture SlideShares to Attract Millions

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I was recently chatting up talent leaders at Hubspot, Autodesk and Dell about the creation of their culture-related slide decks — thousands of new candidates are flipping through these things every day. The 3 of them kindly agreed to let me share my notes from our exchanges. I shortened some answers for clarity. Thanks for sharing your experience, Katie, Andrew… Read more »

The 80/20 of Hiring: How Your Next Star is Worth $30,457,216

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The top star of your next 100 hires should generate about $30,457,216 in revenue per year. Believe me? That’s the math for the top hire at an average S&P 500 company (and makes Facebook’s hacquisition value of $500K to $1 million per engineer look downright cheap!). Let me explain the math behind the $30 million claim: First off, we… Read more »

Make Your Job Descriptions More Sticky by Adding Glassdoor Content

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The majority (77.3%) of candidates say the job description is the most useful employment content in their decision process, according to The Talent Board, but half of candidates also search for information about you elsewhere — and these days Glassdoor is their Web site of choice. So why not combine your job descriptions with Glassdoor content for… Read more »

GEICO Goes Local With Location-Based Microsites

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It’s a challenge for enterprise companies to cater to candidates by location. Yet the payoff can be huge, because candidates are hungry for the most relevant information available about job opportunities. Candidates scour the internet for specifics on jobs they are considering. They want more than just the job description. They want details about the… Read more »

Talent Management Starts With Employer Branding

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The emergence of Talent Management as a best practice in enterprise companies is a major step forward for employers and candidates. It’s exciting for candidates looking for companies where they can grow personally and professionally. And it’s exciting for enterprise companies who can become market leaders through the professional growth of its employees. As Talent… Read more »

5 Ways HR Executives Can Boost Employee Retention

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The economy revved up in 2014, and that’s good for business. Unemployment is at it’s lowest point since 2009 at 5.6%, and that’s great for employees. Except for one major caveat. Employee wages have remained stagnant over the last five years, and even took a dip in December 2014. The combination of available job opportunities and… Read more »

Build A Candidate Pipeline With LinkedIn Publisher

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LinkedIn’s move to become “The Definitive Professional Publishing Platform” is taking shape. Less than one year after providing mainstream access to LinkedIn members, the results are compelling. In December 2014, I published an article titled “Uber Job Ad Reveals Company Mindset” on LinkedIn. I was astonished by the results: 111K+ views, 500+ likes, and 200+… Read more »

It’s Time To Embrace Glassdoor

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Top candidates are savvy. They know where to go when they want to learn more about a company. Increasingly that destination is Glassdoor. Time and again I’ve heard employers complain that their company has bad reviews, and this keeps them from embracing Glassdoor. These employers also rant about some of the reviews being BS, or… Read more »

New CEO Takes To Twitter For Recruiting

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A promoted tweet came across my feed about a month ago that caught my attention. It was the new CEO of a San Francisco startup talking about recruiting, and communicating with candidates. I immediately liked the idea because it stood out.     Think about how common the narrative for San Francisco startups has become…. Read more »

Evergreen Jobs

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I’ve seen companies spend $500K+ per year on media-buying and 3rd party staffing commissions for a job role they need a ton of people for (an “evergreen” job), yet they spend almost nothing on the job description page itself. Here are a few thoughts on why, how and when to create a specialized evergreen job… Read more »

Uber Job Ad Reveals Company Mindset

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I’m not an Uber-hater. I use the service every couple of months, and I’ve always had a positive experience. What I am is an employment branding strategist. I live in the online recruiting world every day. This includes assessing job descriptions. I’ve read thousands of them in 2014, and I just read one for Uber that… Read more »

Top 17 LinkedIn Mobile Job Ad Platforms [SlideShare]

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LinkedIn says they are on their way to having 50% of their traffic being mobile. This trend cannot be ignored if you spend time, money, and/or resources on: 1. LinkedIn Recruiter — Jobs advertised through InMail, postings, and sharing 2. Job Wrapping — Automatically posting multiple jobs from your ATS to LinkedIn 3. Job Postings… Read more »

Will Workday “Eat Taleo’s Lunch”?

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* Update on June 30, 2016.  Interestingly, subsequent to this article, Taleo and Workday both ranked #1 for different things in the recent Top 70 ATS’s Research Report (Taleo is #1 in market share and Workday is #1 in market share growth year to year)   A former Taleo exec commented to us the other day… Read more »

The Makings of a Modern Job Description

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For all of the energy and resources being poured into Employer Branding, one major pain point still remains: job descriptions. Job descriptions are easy to pick on, and for good reason. Most of them are text-riddled, mis-formatted, non-mobile friendly web pages that you wouldn’t send to your best friend. It’s not like most companies don’t… Read more »

Is Your Recruiting Process Broken?

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“Our recruiting process is broken”. I’m hearing this more and more from Talent Leaders lately. It’s usually a comment made made out of frustration. Many companies execute most of the recruiting process very well, yet nearly all employers have at least some glaring deficiencies. Here are 6 parts of the recruiting process to examine to see… Read more »