Rob Kelly

If you have work from home jobs, you are leaving money on the table by not showcasing them off your company career page.

Check out these stats from Google on candidate searches of work-from-home/virtual jobs:

Keyword Daily Searches Monthly Searches
work from home jobs 5,400 162,000
work at home jobs 1,324 39,720
remote jobs 396 11,880
virtual jobs 116 5,280
Work from home data entry jobs 96 2880
Work from home nursing jobs 40 1200
Work from home insurance jobs 40 1200
Work from home IT jobs 29 864

We recommend you do a set of microsite landing pages for your work from home jobs (more on that at the bottom of this article), regardless of how few you have.

Here are 5 companies doing microsite landing pages for work from home jobs:


Convergys puts a little extra effort into their work from home microsite, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as well as requirements.
Work from Home Virtual Microsites | Convergys FAQ | Ongig Blog
Work from Home Virtual Microsites | Convergys | Ongig Blog


Xerox emphasizes their VIrtual Office Program in which 8,000 employees work from home.

They add a nice touch called “Heroes@Home” for recruiting military veterans and their spouses who get to work from home.
Work from Home Virtual Microsites Military Recruiting Xeorox | Ongig Blog


U-Haul has a set of Featured Jobs to recruit work from home candidates to support their Contact Center (Call Center).

Work from Home Virtual Microsite | U-Haul | Ongig Blog


Amdocs has employee testimonials from those who work from home.
Work from Home Virtual Microsites | amdcos | Ongig Blog


SiTEL spells out (in their Want to Apply? section the key criteria they are looking for in their work-from-home candidates.

Work at Home Virtual Microsites | SiTEL | Ongig Blog

Pulling Work-From-Home Jobs From Your Applicant Tracking System

Most major applicant tracking systems let you tag a job as work from home either through the location or through a search filter. That way, when you need to build a microsite for work from home/virtual jobs you can do a fetch of just those work-from-home jobs.

Ongig’s Talent Acquisition Cloud Platform does this automatically and goes one step further:

First Ongig, dynamically generates microsite pages for your work-from-home jobs so you don’t have to build one yourself.

Secondly, Ongig dynamically generates more work-from-home pages by location (e.g. “Work From Home Jobs in Sales”, “Work From Home Jobs in Technology”, etc.).  That way you have multiple microsite landing pages attracting work-from-home talent (important for Google and SEO).

Thirdly, Ongig puts a Talent Community capture form on every microsite landing page to capture those who don’t immediately find a job — so you can target them later!

by in Microsites