20 Top Recruiting Podcasts for HR Pros

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Recruiting podcasts are a great way to stay updated on the latest talent acquisition. To save you time searching, I put together this list of 20 recruiting podcasts to listen to right now. Let’s get started: The Contract Recruiter Podcast In this recruiting podcast, Eloise Sutton-Kirkby takes you on a global tour of contract recruitment…. Read more »

Remote First vs Remote Friendly: How to Create a Clear Policy

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There is a big difference between being a remote friendly vs remote first company. There are also many logistical and financial implications of choosing between these 2 business models. Before making this choice, you must consider the pros and cons of a remote first vs remote friendly business model. Once you’ve decided which way to… Read more »

5 Tips to Attract Top Talent with “Website Job Descriptions”

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Effective recruitment involves many tactics, tools, and methods. The job description is one of the most essential elements of effective talent acquisition. When structured, optimized, and written well, a “website job description” (aka a JD on your career site) drives your recruitment process forward and inspires the best talent to apply for your roles. Here… Read more »

5 Tips for Writing a Job Description Template

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Writing a job description template is a great way to ensure consistency (and get more applies). Especially if you’re working with a big team. Here are 5 tips to get you started writing your own: 1. Eliminate Biased Words Words matter, especially if you’re writing a job description template. If your JDs are full of… Read more »

7 Tips to Boost Your Diversity Recruiting Strategy

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You tap into new perspectives (and skill sets) by building a more diverse workforce. You also improve company culture and connect with your customer base. But, simply wanting to improve diversity is not enough. You need a plan to make it happen. That’s where a diversity recruiting strategy comes in. It is a set of… Read more »

Should you list Benefits in a Job Description? [+ where & which ones]

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Should you list benefits in a job description? The answer is yes. “money and insurance (which equates to money) are what drive job seekers to apply for jobs.” source: Appcast So, what are typical job benefits? Where do you put them in a JD? And, which ones get the most candidates to click “apply”? Let’s… Read more »

What is Misgendering? [+ 10 examples]

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Malicious misgendering has been making headlines for years. But what is it? And how can we stop it? This blog digs into: what misgendering is [hostile, malicious, and unintentonal] who’s weighing in on misgendering as a topic why misgendering in the workplace should be addressed 10 examples of misgendering in the news What is “hostile… Read more »

Generic vs. Specific Job Descriptions: Which is better?

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Generic vs. specific job descriptions, which one is better? The quick answer is…a mix of both. There are pros and cons for each. So how do you find the perfect balance when writing your JDs? This post will dive into both sides so you can create the best blend for your roles. And, there’s a… Read more »

5 Ways to Confront Unconscious Age Bias

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The imbalance in favor of hiring “younger people” vs. “older people” is increasing. “Age discrimination cases account for about 20-25% of all Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) cases” source: 34 Age Discrimination Facts That May Shock You and Your Workplace by Vervoe And, 2/3 of workers aged 45 and up have experienced age discrimination at… Read more »

How to Attract and Retain Talent: 6 Reasons Salary Matters

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In an increasingly competitive job market, it’s important to attract and retain talent in your business. Therefore, you must be open about things that matter like salary. Transparency about your salary helps boost your chances.   Not sure why? Here are 6 reasons why salary is important to attract candidates:  1. Salary info attracts highly-qualified… Read more »

7 of the Best Books for Recruiters [to Boost Applies & Build Culture]

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Do you have the important role of finding the best talent for your biz? And want to stay up-to-date on the latest hiring trends? One of the best ways to do it is by reading the best books for recruiters written by HR pros. Here are 7 I found to help give you a strategic… Read more »

How To Write a Software Developer Job Description [examples, templates & tips]

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“Software Developer” is one of the most sought-after professions in the tech realm. If you want to write a software developer job description, read on. Here’s a breakdown of what’s in this post: What is a software developer? [plus the different types] 1 Software developer job description example [from Charles Schwab] 1 Software developer job… Read more »

53.8% of Companies Write Job Ads that Hint at Lying

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Candidates are more likely to respond to your job ads if they feel you’re being honest, upfront, and show you value your employees. So, how are over 50% of companies doing the opposite? And how can you make sure this headline isn’t about you? Let’s find out… 3 Tips to Boost Your “Honesty Rating” It’s… Read more »

How to Boost Your Team with Second Chance Hiring: 3 Key Benefits for Your Business

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Nearly 1/3 of Americans have a previous arrest or conviction record. The need for these 70 million people to gain employment is essential on an individual and also on an economic level. So, that’s where second chance hiring plays an important role. “Second chance hiring encourages businesses to consider candidates with criminal backgrounds and make… Read more »

4 Examples of Employer Branding Solutions

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Creating solid employer branding (EB) is essential. Why? “95% of candidates identify a company’s reputation as a key consideration when exploring new career opportunities” (source: KRG) Here are 4 employer branding solutions to set you up for success. Plus 4 successful EB examples for inspiration. Let’s get started. 1. Ongig – For Effective and Inclusive… Read more »