Video Job Descriptions Get 487% Pop Over Text Job Descriptions

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Online job descriptions are one of the few Web pages whose primary design has not changed since they first appeared on Online Career Center, Monster and DICE in the early ’90s. Job descriptions continue to look like little more than old print help-wanted ads pasted online. What happens to candidate engagement when you add a… Read more »

“Little Data”: 5 Basic Metrics For Your Careers Site

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Being a recruiting nerd, I was excited when two separate talent leaders told me last week that they spend several hours each month in Google Analytics. During hundreds of conversations with talent leaders over the last two years, this has been a rarity. To have two in one week was refreshing. Refreshing because Google Analytics… Read more »

The Top Trend For Online Recruiting In 2014: Talent CRMs

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It’s the time of year when predictions run wild, and the world of online recruiting is no different. To better understand what to expect in 2014, we should first look at a major trend in 2013: the fusion between recruiting and marketing. We wrote about this late last year in “Social Recruiting 2013: Think Like… Read more »

The Best Network For Sharing Jobs

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Often times in social recruiting, the three top networks are treated the same. Recruiters promote new jobs, hoping to access the social network around them. They ask people on their team to share jobs on their networks. As well as tools like Bullhorn, Jobvite, and Zao that are created to sign-in employees for automated job… Read more »

Why Your Careers Site Should Be The Center Of Your Recruiting Universe

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I was inspired recently when reading an article by Lisa Jones published on The Undercover Recruiter. The title of her article was “Why Your LinkedIn Company Page Is Still More Important Than Your Website“. The article caught my attention as I’m looking at careers sites daily, and breaking down the data on how they perform…. Read more »

Bullhorn Reach Should Thank You For The Free Marketing

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If you’re connected to recruiters on LinkedIn, you’ve seen the Bullhorn Reach logo in your news feed. My attention was grabbed when I saw top recruiters from Deloitte, Dow Jones, and Twitter marketing the product. Scroll down the news feed a bit further, and an ace recruiter from Lookout was marketing Bullhorn Reach as well…. Read more »

How Ongig Found Its “Unicorn” Designer for Free…Well Almost!

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Jason, Kevin and I are very psyched, and relieved, to have finished our “Unicorn Designer” search (welcome aboard, Max as employee #4!). This Unicorn search didn’t start off easy: our first real screened candidate walked out out of our offices in the middle of our Topgrading interview — I had never seen that before. And… Read more »

Top 5 Frustrations In Corporate Recruiting

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Recruiting is difficult. Hiring an awesome employee is a very personal experience for both the candidate and the hiring team. Candidates have aspirations, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Recruiters have the same, with the added pressure of big hiring goals to hit. We’ve been curious to know more about the things corporate recruiters perceive to being… Read more »

Is Facebook Stickier Than LinkedIn?

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Anyone with an eye on talent acquisition has seen the debate on whether Facebook or LinkedIn is stickier in attracting top candidates. A popular perspective is that Facebook is where you keep your personal friends, while LinkedIn is where you keep it professional. In fact, most of the folks I talk to tell me this… Read more »

3 Tips To Start With Employer Branding

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I recently dove into the 5 impacts a strong Employer Brand can have on your company. The impacts are real, and you’ve got to set up a consistent process to achieve them. If you believe in the value that is possible, the next question is…where do you start? There’s good news and bad news as… Read more »

Social Recruiting Surprise: Google Beats Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn (Combined) In Job Traffic

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Ever wonder where all the traffic to your job postings comes from? Ongig took a look at our last 100,000 visits to the “social job descriptions” we help power for our employer users (and thus have visibility into via analytics). Given that Ongig specializes in “social job descriptions,” the results surprised us!

Debate Runs Wild Over Use Of Klout Score As Job Requirement

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Over the last few weeks we’ve had a front row seat to the global debate over’s use of the Klout score as a “desired skill” for the position of Community Manager. Salesforce Posts Job On Ongig Listing Klout Score As “Desired Skill” On July 27th, posted a Community Manager job through Ongig with… Read more »

An Irish Blog: Hunting For A Tech Job In Silicon Valley

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About me Before I tell you about my experience of job hunting in the IT Mecca that is California, I guess I should introduce myself. So here goes! My name is Mervyn. I am a 24 year old, Irish, Computer Science graduate from Dublin. I majored in computer applications at Dublin City University (DCU). I… Read more »