Progress For San Francisco’s New Transbay Transit Terminal

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Convenience is an important factor when top candidates are choosing their place of work. San Francisco’s Transbay Transit Terminal of tomorrow promises to add more to the term “convenience” that just location. Amenities for the new terminal are many, but the main attraction will likely be the 5.4 acre park situated atop of the facility…. Read more »

What 5 Famous Tech People’s Early Business Cards Looked Like

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Few people know that Steve Jobs didn’t serve as CEO of Apple until 1997. Did you know that Bill Gates started Microsoft in New Mexico!?

The Most Popular Videos About Working At Top Tech Companies (From YouTube)

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Ongig’s focus is video job postings (we believe all online job opportunities will be visual one day) and we are always on the look-out for any videos to do with hiring. We decided to comb through YouTube and show you the most viewed videos having to do with hiring at top tech companies —  Enjoy!… Read more »

Wanted: Technical Assistant To Stephen Hawking — $38,500 Per Year/No Equity (Cambridge, UK)

Posted by & filed under Career Development. will be posting an official job advertisement for a Technical Assistant to Professor Hawking in mid-January. Here is an unofficial summary of the job from their Web page. Here’s a video of Hawking from TED: Technical Assistant To Stephen Hawking Primary Purpose: To allow Prof. Hawking to function within the physics community and as… Read more »

5 San Francisco Entrepreneurs You Should Know About

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I’ve had advice from people in the past to “work with companies led by people you strongly believe in”. As I reflect on 2011, I am fortunate to recall several amazing people I was able to meet. Thus, I wanted to share my thoughts on 5 San Francisco entrepreneurs you should know about. As I… Read more »

How I Quit My Job At Yahoo To Become A Digital Marketing Entrepreneur

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[This is a guest blog by Greg Jordan] It was the fall of 2005 and I was vulnerable. Fall seems to be when everything important happens in my life. Caught in a fragile moment, I was being recruited away from a decent job at Forrester Research to work at Yahoo!, a company still struggling to be… Read more »

The Death Of The Middle-Man Recruiter — Again!

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[This is a guest blog by recruiter Nina Merklina Morrison] Over the past dozen years I have heard proclamations that my job as an external recruiter is on the verge of extinction. Meanwhile, despite the oversights and calls of vocational doom, the job of recruiter persists and the recruitment industry continues to generate billions of… Read more »

A Techie Couple’s Last Minute Holiday Gift Idea For “The Top Dog”

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Thank you to one of Ongig’s favorite techie couples, Currin Berdine and Jose Miguel Hernandez, for giving us this cool gift idea for dog-lovers: the Ultra Dog Pack from REI. Here’s their puppy Lola (who also has her own Facebook page) donning the Dog Pack with Currin:

The Evolution Of “Geek”

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I was watching An Evening With Kevin Smith (The full 2 hours of it free) the other night and a guy named “Geek” asked Kevin a question — and Kevin had a throw-away comment about the word “Geek” originating from someone biting chicken heads off. That got me thinking about the origin of the word… Read more »

Google+ “Hangouts” Is Cool For Free 3-Way Video Call

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We here at Ongig (job description platform) tried using Google+’s Hangouts feature for our Ongig daily huddle call this morning and it was super-easy and fun. You just go to

The Top 25 Most Efficient Tech Companies Based On Profit Per Employee

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I was curious who the most profitable tech companies were based on net income per employee; so I asked the kind folks at MANDASOFT (a cool mergers and acquisitions data provider) for the data. Top 25 Tech Companies By Profit-Per-Employee I think of the highest profit-per-employee companies as the most efficient companies, since they generate… Read more »

A Hacker’s Journey To Find A Co-Founder

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Prologue, Apr 2011 It started on a rainy evening. I was working for a company that made widgets. (Really, they make customized social widgets for clients). I had spent the entire day poring over a jumble of hideous Java code that could have been written by a thousand monkeys on typewriters. Any mention of using… Read more »

What Steve Jobs Said When I Asked Him For Entrepreneurial Advice

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A friend just sent me this nice quality version of me nervously asking Steve Jobs a question at All Things Digital (D5) a few years back. I asked him for his advice for entrepreneurs like me…on how to try to build an awesome company like Apple.

Randi Zuckerberg Can Really Sing And Other Interesting Things I Learned About The Tech Industry At SVRocks

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I didn’t know what to expect when I ponied up the $45 dollar per ticket admission for my wife and I to attend the Silicon Valley Rocks charity concert benefiting Music in Schools Today(MUST).  MUST, which provides music education programs for underserved schools, is a worthy cause in and of itself, and I was truly impressed with… Read more »

How To Make A Video Job Posting In 15 Minutes

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I believe that video will be standard in job postings within the next 5 years. Call me crazy, but technology is easy to use and video gives you such a tremendous advantage. Active and passive job seekers network through referrals first. What do they do after that? Most people in San Francisco tell me Linkedin,… Read more »