6 Anti-Discrimination Hiring Laws for Recruiters to Know

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Complying with anti-discrimination hiring laws protects recruiters, HR, and employers from costly lawsuits and legal fees associated with discriminatory recruitment practices.  In 2022, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received 73,485 complaints about race, sex, age, religion, disability, color, and national origin.  Key Anti-Discrimination Hiring Laws  1. Anti-Discrimination Hiring Laws: The Civil Rights Act of… Read more »

Accessibility and Inclusion: How to Design Your Office for Everyone

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Inclusive office spaces are the future and accessibility is the foundation. Diversity and inclusion have become central themes in many aspects of life, including at work. So, companies are recognising the importance of accessibility and inclusion in creating an inclusive environment. This is an inclusive environment that can also accommodate individuals with disabilities. Office renovations… Read more »

Inclusion and Diversity in Hiring: 7 Ways AI Helps

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In a 2020 study by McKinsey, 4 out of 10 respondents said they’ve rejected a job offer or decided not to continue working at an organization because of a lack of inclusion. And, research shows that companies with diverse employees are more profitable. So, people are expecting companies to have more inclusion and diversity in… Read more »

Diversity Hiring White Paper: Helpful Insights for HR Pros

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An Introduction to Diversity Hiring Diversity hiring is a transformative approach for modern businesses seeking sustainable success. It involves embedding inclusivity in all hiring processes and fostering a workplace environment that embraces diversity in its many forms. So, this means including everyone from ethnic and cultural backgrounds to gender, age, education, and life experiences. The… Read more »

3 Unconscious Bias Training Tools For Better Hiring

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Many people have some kind of unconscious bias. And this is something that can affect their decisions and judgments. You will also find that the basis of these biases are stereotypes and fixed beliefs. So, to take this on at work, companies are using unconscious bias training tools to create more inclusive workplaces. These workplaces… Read more »

Blind Hiring: 17 Helpful Recruitment Tools

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Blind hiring is a recruitment strategy that blocks out candidates’ personal information. It can promote a more inclusive work environment by removing hiring prejudices that exclude candidates from underrepresented groups.  Implementing blind hiring practices can boost your DEI efforts for the following reasons:  Minimizes the recruitment partialities related to gender, age, race/ethnicity, and abilities so… Read more »

How to Avoid Unconscious Bias in Recruitment

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Unconscious bias in recruitment leads to worse outcomes for both employers and candidates. Candidates get shut out of jobs they’re best qualified for. And employers have a recruitment process that fails to predict which candidate will be most successful in the role.  People can make biased hires because the successful candidate happened to go to… Read more »

5 Helpful DEI Trends to Watch as an HR Pro

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The DEI landscape continuously changes. HR professionals must keep updated with the latest diversity, equity, and inclusion developments to ensure initiatives remain relevant and influential. With that said, here are 5 DEI trends to watch out for. 1. Remote and hybrid work setup  The pandemic and constant technological upgrades have made remote and hybrid work arrangements… Read more »

40+ Diversity and Inclusion Questions to Connect Better with Your Team

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When planning diversity and inclusion questions for a survey, choosing the right the questions is vital. Also, equally vital is how you ask them. So together, these are important to your success in building an inclusive workplace. Asking the right questions and designing a high-quality DEIB survey means you’ll get the right insights to measure… Read more »

5 Types of Job Description Bias & How To Avoid Them

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JDs are vital to the success of your hiring practices. They paint a picture of your organization and showcase the perks of becoming a part of your team. Unfortunately, any type of job description bias can ruin an otherwise spotless JD. Even minor biases in job ads, even if the company doesn’t mean it, can… Read more »

16 Benefits for Female Employees: Helpful Ways to Support Women in the Workplace

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Female employees are critical for business success. They help foster an inclusive workplace, increase creativity, and boost employer brand and profitability. So, it makes sense to consider benefits for female employees. According to Statista, an estimated 1.3 billion females are employed globally.  Yet, Manpower’s Global Talent Shortage survey revealed that nearly 4 in 5 employers find… Read more »

Tokenism: How to Avoid Fake DEI

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Tokenism is when a company tries to look diverse by including people from marginalized groups on the surface — but without a real commitment to fairness and inclusion. This often means hiring people from these groups but not giving them the same chances for promotion or pay, or really listening to what they have to… Read more »

30 Helpful Diversity Questions for Your Interviews

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The importance of building a diverse workforce is widely reported: enhanced creativity, innovation, positive employer branding, and increased productivity, to name a few. So, more and more employers are thinking about adding diversity questions to their interview processes. As colleagues, customers, and businesses recognize the benefits of fostering DEI, it’s important to hire employees who… Read more »

Inclusive Leadership: How to Drive Positive Change in Your Workplace

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In recent years, styles of leadership have been analyzed and reformed as those in authority begin to recognize the benefits of bucking the status quo. One of these styles is inclusive leadership. Inclusive leadership is an approach that has gained popularity for the positive impact it has on leaders, employees, and organizations alike.  Are you curious… Read more »

DEI Laws: How They Are Helpful to Your Business

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DEI and inclusivity help you to hire from a broader talent pool. So, these inclusive initiatives make sure your company doesn’t turn away the most qualified hires due to their backgrounds. Thus, giving each person a fair chance to get a position based on merit. The need to follow DEI laws is a new thing for… Read more »