7 Helpful Strategies to Avoid AI Bias in Recruitment

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AI in recruitment has many benefits, such as helping screen candidates, sourcing candidates in different platforms, and conducting initial interviews. But the topic of AI bias in recruitment has also been an emerging topic. AI bias happens because of the information the system learns from. Imagine if a computer program is taught using data that… Read more »

Gender Bias in Hiring: How to Eliminate It

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Gender bias, often unconsciously, plays a major role in hiring and leads to irrational decisions about who gets hired or not. Whether we like it or not, biases are a part of human nature – they help us simplify the complexities of daily life. We all generalize, make associations, have unintentional attitudes, and believe in… Read more »

How to Fix Gender Inequality in the Workplace

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Gender inequality and workplace harassment are big problems worldwide. Some organizations are trying to fix it, but we all need to work together to stop it completely. Victims of gender inequality and harassment suffer poor physical and mental health. Women are more likely to suffer from gender discrimination as compared to men. A survey found… Read more »

Why Your Company Should Care About The UN SDG

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We see diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in almost every modern workplace setting. DEI creates a good environment where teammates from diverse backgrounds work together well. Thus, the organization gains from having diverse perspectives. The results speak for themselves. Gartner projected that 75% of companies with diverse and inclusive decision-makers exceeded their financial targets. Much… Read more »

How to Build a Disability-Inclusive Workplace

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Having a disability-inclusive workplace means hiring people with physical, mental, or developmental disabilities. It gives people with disabilities a chance to work, get paid fairly, and also grow in their careers, just like everyone else. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that 1.3 billion people worldwide have a major disability.   But,… Read more »

7 Tips to Create a LGBTQ Friendly Workplace

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LGBTQ+ discrimination in the workplace is the biased treatment LGBTQ+ employees experience due to their gender identity or orientation. It may have been developed due to deeply ingrained social and cultural norms that historically favored heterosexuals. Those who don’t conform to these gender stereotypes are vilified.  LGBTQ+ employees mistreated in the workplace may have their… Read more »

What is an Inclusion Writer? (and How to Become One)

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Have you ever heard of an inclusion writer? If you create written content of any kind, you may want to consider whether the words and language you choose to use is inclusive of all people.  When you intentionally assess how you write, the words you choose to use, whether any of your language includes any… Read more »

7+ Must-Read DEI Books for HR Pros 

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If you read blogs about diversity, you can get fast tips for including everyone at work. But if you want to really understand diversity, equity, and inclusion, reading DEI books is better. They can give managers and HR leaders like you a complete understanding of DEI and how to use it in workplaces. For managers… Read more »

What is intersectionality in the workplace?

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What is intersectionality in the workplace? “Intersectionality” was coined by civil rights activist and professor Kimberle Crenshaw as:  The interconnected nature of social categorizations, such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, is regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage. In other words, it’s… Read more »

10 Biased Interview Questions & What to Ask Instead

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Job interviews are really nerve-wracking for job seekers. They’re super important because they greatly affect who gets hired. Biased interview questions can also make this even more stressful. And they present the greatest risk for biases in the hiring process. Research shows that 59.9 % of hiring decisions are made within the first 15 minutes… Read more »

Shattering Gender Stereotypes in Creative Industries

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Even though we’re well into the 21st century, gender stereotypes still exist in various professional industries. While most people might automatically assume the business world is the “hub” of gender stereotypes, people are still facing stigma in creative industries, too.  Unfortunately, these pervasive gender stereotypes create detrimental effects on workplace diversity. They contribute to toxic… Read more »

How to deal with ageism in the workplace

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Ageism means treating someone unfairly because of their age, especially if they’re 45 or older. People might think older workers are slow or not good with technology, but that’s not true. And ageism in the workplace usually happens during hiring, promotion, and during social events like:  Ageism in the workplace can manifest in various subtle… Read more »

How to Master Inclusive Hiring: Best Practices & Conflict Prevention

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Conflict in the workplace throws a wrench into the works when team members aren’t on the same page. This is where inclusive hiring comes into play. In the worst cases, they may form silos that hold back the efficiency of your organization. It’s like having parts of a machine not working together, making everything slow… Read more »

Overcoming Unconscious Bias with Collaborative Intelligence

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Unconscious bias is a tale as old as human civilization itself, yet, it still rears its head in the 21st-century workplace. Unchecked unconscious bias in an organization can limit your company’s growth and development…and detract from a positive work culture.  The good news is that you can overcome unconscious bias through a combination of natural… Read more »

8 Steps to Create a Powerful DEI Dashboard for Your Company

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The importance of DEI is widely reported. But many organizations fail to implement good diversity and inclusion practices. Therefore, a DEI dashboard tool can help by allowing you to analyze and visualize your DEI data in a simple way — supporting data-driven decisions to improve inclusion and diversity. In this article, we’ll dive into 8… Read more »