Lazy Girl Jobs [AKA Work-Life Balance]

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With over 17 million views, the #lazygirlsjob trend is big news on TikTok, but what is a Lazy Girl Job? Term coiner Gabrielle Judge the ‘Antiwork Girlboss’ explains that the term is not a dig at women or their work ethic (or lack of it), but an ironic term to challenge the go-hard-or-go-home toxic culture… Read more »

20 Gender Identity Terms You Should Know

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The conversation around gender identity is evolving in general and at work. It’s a complex and delicate subject with a lot of diverse terms. Because of this, mistakes happen. For example, if refer to a colleague with a pronoun they don’t use that could cause problems in the workplace. In this article, we’ll explain the… Read more »

5 Top Hiring Trends in 2023 [and beyond]

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Is your company thriving in 2023? It all depends on how smoothly you can switch gears and improve your recruitment techniques.  We’ve all dealt with difficulties stemming from the economic downturn, like a more competitive job market, difficulty keeping key employees, and elevated turnover costs. But there are even more changes.  We aren’t claiming to… Read more »

5 Top Racial Diversity Stats + Expert Tips for Job Descriptions

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As the modern workplace emphasizes racial diversity, hiring people from different racial backgrounds is more important than ever. Having different races in our workplace is good. It means we get lots of different ideas and experiences. So, this helps us solve problems better, come up with new ideas, and also makes our employees happier. Awareness… Read more »

Why Boundaries at Work are Important [and How to Set Them]

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Setting boundaries at work could be just as important as having healthy relationship boundaries at home. They say if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. For everyone else, it’s estimated that you’ll work 90,000 hours throughout your lifetime. That works out to spending about one-third of your life… Read more »

7 Incoming Human Resource Changes (and How to Prep for Them) 

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There’s been a technological transformation for the past two decades, and it’s accelerated in recent years. We’ve seen a shift towards remote work — as many as ​​31% of employers now allow it. And several organizations are introducing automated systems for payroll and admin. These human resource changes require a new way of thinking. In this… Read more »

8 Virtual Team Building Activities for Remote Workers

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With the ongoing shift towards remote work, many companies are finding it challenging to maintain a sense of team unity and foster strong relationships with their remote employees. A study published by Harvard Business Review shows that remote employees tend to quit at higher rates than their office-based peers. Fortunately, virtual team-building activities are a… Read more »

5 Examples of a Diversity and Inclusion Plan Template

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DEI culture in your company starts with a solid strategy. Think of this as creating a road map to your DEI goals. If you’re not sure where to start, these 5 examples of a diversity and inclusion plan template might be useful. What is a Diversity and Inclusion Policy, and why is it important?   Before… Read more »

Compelling Job Descriptions: 5 Tips to Engage Top Talent

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Crafting a compelling job description is crucial to attracting ideal candidates and setting the tone for the hiring process. After all, it’s their first impression of your company.  In this article, we’ll explore some of the less obvious practices for writing job descriptions that captivate and engage the right candidates so you can build an… Read more »

10 Helpful Tips to Build an Inclusive Workplace

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A Deloitte survey found that 80% of employees valued diversity and inclusion when making employment decisions. When you start to put in place inclusion tips for the workplace, you will see a boost in employee satisfaction and morale will also increase. As a result of an inclusive workplace, you’ll be better able to meet the… Read more »

9 Tips and Best Practices for SEO-Friendly Job Descriptions

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Did you know that 77% of recruiters have returned and hired candidates who initially didn’t appear to be a good fit? This is where SEO-friendly job descriptions become a powerful tool for improving the user experience and creating more straightforward job descriptions. Making job descriptions SEO-friendly doesn’t just help people find them easily. It also… Read more »

9 Helpful Examples of SMART Goals for Diversity & Inclusion

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The modern business world is changing for the better, at least when it comes to the policies, laws, and regulations around diversity and inclusion. And the importance of D&I for organizational success is being proved time after time. So, that’s why it’s ideal to have smart goals for diversity & inclusion. Businesses in all sectors… Read more »

10 Benefits of Inclusion in the Workplace

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Let’s be honest. There’s no way any business can doubt the significance and effectiveness of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Deloitte found that businesses with a diverse workforce had a per-worker profit 2.3 times greater than others. According to research by Gartner, inclusive teams boost productivity by as much as 30% in highly diverse… Read more »

6 Businesses that Hire People with IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)

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Source: Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are a range of conditions that affect a person’s cognitive and adaptive functioning. People with IDD may experience challenges in communication, social skills, learning, and daily living activities.  Despite these challenges, people with IDD have skills, talents, and abilities that can contribute to… Read more »

10 Must-Read Workplace Culture Books 

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Workplace culture books discuss how to foster productive and enjoyable workplaces.  But, searching for valuable insights takes time and effort. These 10 books on workplace culture are a great place to start. They have real-world examples and advice for building highly effective, successful teams. These books explore the organizational principles, managerial strategies, and environmental factors that lead… Read more »