5 Examples of Affirmative Action Plan Statements

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Some of you need to have affirmative action plans, according to the Executive Order 11246 Title 41 Affirmative Action Requirements. As part of this, you publish what’s called an affirmative action statement  (or “affirmative action policy statement”) Below are 5 samples of affirmative action statements. You might also check out SHRM’s “Affirmative Action: Statement of Affirmative… Read more »

10+ Examples of Awesome Inclusion Statements

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Inclusion Statements appear on web pages, in job postings and, sometimes, in bigger reports (see PepsiCo below). They have become vital copy to attract the best talent. After all, the best talent values inclusivity. Below are 10+ examples of Inclusion Statements I hope you draw inspiration from. Note: If you like this article, you might… Read more »

5 Easy Ways to Remove LGBTQ Bias from Your Job Descriptions

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Do the words in your job descriptions contain LGBTQ bias? If you’re hiring 100+ people per year, it’s more likely than not that your job descriptions contain LGBTQ bias, according to Ongig’s Text Analyzer job description software. I’ll give you some tips to remove LGBTQ bias below. First off, what is LGBTQ? The acronym stands… Read more »

Will “Masculine” Companies Need to Change their Name?

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When Kleenex (after 62 years!) scrapped its “Mansize” Kleenex tissues  (see the below tweet that helped spark the social movement for Kleenex to change), it got me thinking about what else might need to get gender-neutralized. Hi @Kleenex_UK. My 4yo son asked me what was written here. Then he asked, why are they called mansize?… Read more »

5 Free & Easy Tips for Recruiting More Women

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If you’re like just about every other talent acquisition/diversity leader I know, recruiting women is one of your top diversity goals. 1) Limit your must-have requirements One HP study showed that men apply for a job if they meet 60% of the qualifications, but women only apply if they meet 100% of them. That’s huge!… Read more »

Caution: Are You Using the “Kitchen Sink”-Style EEO Statement?

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Are you using an EEO statement like below? There are a few reasons that the above EEO statement is less effective at attracting candidates/diversity. It’s: Too long. At 64 words, it’s a tough read Not punchy (21 words per sentence) (8 to 13 would be better) More likely to offend (it’s tough to keep track… Read more »

How Unreadable is Your EEO Statement?

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Thank you to the 15,000+ people who read my 10 Samples of an Effective EEO Statement. Let’s dig deeper into the readability of EEO statements! Did you see how an effective job ad should be written at the 8th grade or lower? Were you as surprised as me at the power of writing in Plain English for busy… Read more »

Gender-Neutral Suggestions for the Top 25 Job Titles That Still Use the Word “Man”

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Many of us are talking about gender-neutral job descriptions these days. But how about gender-neutral job TITLES? Gender-biased job titles are so prevalent that Ongig now offers a  job title bias checker in our Text Analyzer software. After all, if you show gender bias in the job title, a candidate might not even read the rest of… Read more »

3 Awesome Company Diversity Pages

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If you’re serious about diversity, it helps to have a dedicated diversity page. Here are 3 company diversity pages that impress us: Apple Company Diversity Page How killer is Apple? I know: a bunch of us are fanboys (and fangirls!), but Apple comes right out with a sweet-looking diversity page with hard data on their… Read more »

The American Heart Association Leverages Diversity Recruiting Microsites

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Great piece on diversity recruiting strategies employed by the American Heart Association (AHA) at SHRM last week. Most of their focus has been on diversity recruiting microsites. Some highlights: Diversity Recruiting Best Practices at AHA Hired a diversity recruiting specialist Built six diversity recruiting microsites focused on diverse candidates, veterans and people with disabilities. Back-linked those sites and… Read more »