Is Facebook Stickier Than LinkedIn?

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Anyone with an eye on talent acquisition has seen the debate on whether Facebook or LinkedIn is stickier in attracting top candidates. A popular perspective is that Facebook is where you keep your personal friends, while LinkedIn is where you keep it professional. In fact, most of the folks I talk to tell me this… Read more »

How To Make Low-Cost Recruiting Videos That Drive Your Employer Brand

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If you’ve read the book Blue Ocean Strategy, you know that the authors outlined ways to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Apply that to recruiting, and video has been one of the tools highly discussed in setting a company apart with candidates. The challenge is that video may seem difficult to… Read more »

A Few Easy Ways to 20X Candidate Engagement on Your Careers Page

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We were psyched when Jobvite yesterday released the stat that 56.63% of people spend less than 10 seconds when they visit a Careers page. “Less than ten seconds!” Wow. What a lost opportunity. We decided to look at the stats of our clients (the ones we fully tracked through Google Analytics like Yelp, O’Neill Sports… Read more »

3 Tips To Start With Employer Branding

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I recently dove into the 5 impacts a strong Employer Brand can have on your company. The impacts are real, and you’ve got to set up a consistent process to achieve them. If you believe in the value that is possible, the next question is…where do you start? There’s good news and bad news as… Read more »

5 Impacts Of A Strong Employer Brand

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You’ve likely heard the buzz over Employer Branding. We’ve seen excellent articles detailing the steps to success, for your Employer Brand. It’s obvious that Employer Branding has emerged as an important topic in Talent Acquisition, but one question still remains: what is the impact? The benefits of Employer Branding are obvious for candidates. They get… Read more »

What Comes First – Passion Or Skill?

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Recently, I came across a book called So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love.  In it, Cal Newport, Ph.D from Georgetown University, claims that following one’s passion might very well be terrible advice. Instead, he feels that we need to leverage our skills, which… Read more »

How a Comments Section Makes Your “Recruiting SEO” Explode

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Ongig believes that one day all job pages will have live interactivity such as a comments/chat feature. First off, it’s a great experience for the candidate — they get their questions answered (questions that often aren’t answered in a standard job posting). But it’s great for internal recruiters too — especially for search engine optimization… Read more »

Up to 20%+ of Your Candidates Will Click the “Talent Network” Button

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We’re impressed with the high percentage of candidates clicking “Join Our Talent Network” on some of our clients’ Career home pages. A Careers home page like La Jolla Group (parent of O’Neill Sports) that places their “Join Our Talent Network” call-to-action button in a prominent position (above-the fold) can easily see 20% or more of… Read more »

10 Awesome “Careers Page” Ideas You Might Have Missed

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Most Careers pages are boring. As we pointed out last month, some remind you of a visit to the DMV. On the flip side, some employers do an outstanding job of making their Jobs section stand out. Here are 10 solid ideas worth considering. 1) Show Your Hiring Manager Once a candidate knows the industry, role… Read more »

In Recruiting, Your Candidates Are Your Customers – Sell Them!

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As a recruiter, you’re responsible for selling to candidates. Just like your customers have a choice in whether they buy from you or your competitors, your candidates have a choice in where they work. So sell your company to them! Why should they “buy” from you, rather than looking elsewhere? What will you provide for… Read more »

3 Mistakes that Could Make Your Jobs Page Look Like the D.M.V.

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I look at a lot of jobs/careers pages. So you can imagine my surprise when I was perusing the “Jobs” pages of the  Forbes Magazine Most Innovative Companies In The World —  and found that many of them are sub-standard. In particular, some of these innovative companies have jobs pages that remind me of the… Read more »

Top Quotes From The Social Recruiting Strategies Conference

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Several of Social Recruiting’s top thought leaders gathered in San Francisco last week at a conference focused on the latest trends in the field. The roster of experts ranged from corporate talent acquisition executives, to entrepreneurs bringing new technology, to specialists in the latest techniques in Social Recruiting. I combed through pages of notes, and… Read more »

How to Recruit Job Candidates Through “Retargeting” Ads

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You may have heard of retargeting advertising technology as a hot tool for attracting customers, but one retargeting startup (ReTargeter here in SF) has a person dedicated to helping companies retarget just candidates. This retargeting-candidate specialist is Armando Gallegos and we decided to pick his brain on using retargeting ads for hiring. Here’s the Q&A:  … Read more »

Zuck Wants Facebook’s Top Recruiter to “Delight” Candidates

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I was catching up on email while standing in line at Peet’s in Oakland yesterday morning when the headline for a job description caught my attention: “Head of Global Recruiting for Facebook” Wow, we here @Ongig study job ads a bunch — I wondered what Facebook is looking for in its top recruiter. The full… Read more »

How to Insert an Image Into a Craigslist Job Ad (3 Easy Steps)

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Remember the early days of when the personal ads with the pictures were the ones that received more click-throughs than the ads without? A job ad on Craigslist is no different. All other things equal, a candidate is more likely to click on a search result that has an “img” next to it (signifying… Read more »