The Top 20+ Recruitment Advertising Agencies [2024 Update]

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Recruitment advertising agencies are a core part of talent acquisition. They help employers with media buying, recruitment marketing, employer branding strategy, and more. Below is a list of 20+ U.S. recruitment advertising agencies. It includes the largest agencies we know along with smaller ones that might focus on just a region or vertical. After all,… Read more »

An HR Manager’s Guide to Agile Methodology Implementation

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With the workforce constantly changing, many professionals now prefer working remotely. The gig economy is expanding, and employees have different expectations from employers. As a result, attracting and retaining top talent depends on how quickly an organization can adapt to these changes. And this is when agile HR comes into play. Agile methodology is derived from… Read more »

How to Write the Most Readable Job Descriptions (8 Tips)

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You’ve heard me talk about “readability” in job descriptions recently. It’s vital. Readable job descriptions have higher apply rates. We’ve measured the success of different job description strategies with machine learning. We found that readability is one of the three most important qualities a job description can have. The other two are gender-neutrality and overall… Read more »

5 New Strategies for Maximizing ROI in Recruitment

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Hiring and recruitment have become increasingly challenging in the face of a fiercely competitive workforce and economic uncertainty. HR teams also struggle with recruitment budget constraints, which further complicates the hiring process. So, you must ensure you’re maximizing ROI in recruitment. These situations have prompted hiring managers to reassess the core of their talent acquisition strategies…. Read more »

8 Great Diversity Recruiting Websites for Employers

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Looking for resources to help you diversify your hiring pipeline? Here are the best 8 diversity websites to support those efforts. We also list some extra DEI tools and job boards at the bottom. Enjoy! Ongig’s Free D&I Articles & Reports When I think of diversity recruiting websites, one thing that comes to mind is… Read more »

5 Recruiting Budget Templates (with Real Samples) 2024

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How much do companies spend on recruiting? I found very few examples of a detailed recruiting budget template on the webosphere. So, I pinged my smart recruiting friends to help guide me. Below is what I found. 5 Recruiting Budget Template Approaches Let’s start with a recruiting goal in mind. How about 500 hires a… Read more »

16 Examples of the Best Diversity and Inclusion Software

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Building an inclusive workforce isn’t easy. Therefore, you have to develop a DEI strategy to ensure you’re hiring inclusively and convince your leaders of the importance of DEIB. You must also be able to track your diversity goals to know your progress. So this is where diversity and inclusion software comes in. Diversity and inclusion… Read more »

Recruiting on a Budget: 6 Free and Paid Tips in 2024

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Attracting qualified candidates and building an effective hiring process – while keeping your recruitment costs under control – can seem like a difficult task. The reality is, however, that there are many ways you can attract qualified candidates that won’t make you break the bank. Let’s talk about recruiting on a budget. In fact, there’s… Read more »

What is “Diverse Slate” Hiring? (2024 Update)

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If you want to boost diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, a “diverse slate” hiring strategy is a great way to achieve this goal. Here’s a quick “diverse slate” definition: Diverse slate hiring is a talent acquisition strategy where you start with a diverse pool of qualified candidates. And, you’ll intentionally search for (and interview)… Read more »

What is Talent Intelligence? How Does It Remove Bias in Hiring?

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Talent within an organization is its greatest asset. The vision may be clear, and there might be adequate resources and a well-thought-out plan, but you need the right people to bring it all together. That’s where talent intelligence comes into play. However, finding the ‘right people’ these days is easier said than done. More than ever,… Read more »

6 Ways to Use AI in Recruitment Marketing

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“We’re falling behind in terms of employer branding. We need to do more.” Sounds familiar? Then, you might not understand how to use AI in recruitment. Or… “Our candidates express dissatisfaction with their candidate experience. Something has to change.” “The conversion rate from our job postings is much lower than we expected. What can we… Read more »

The Guide to Gender Neutral Adjectives [a list of 190]

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Why should you use gender neutral adjectives? Did you know they affect people’s behavior (e.g., in everyday language, interview questions, job ads, etc.)? Therefore, using them helps you avoid words that might be interpreted as biased, discriminating, or degrading.  So, here’s a comprehensive list of gender neutral adjectives to help you create more balanced job… Read more »

Hiring Gig Workers: 7 Useful Tips to Build Your Team

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The gig workforce continues to boom as organizations cope with the post-pandemic economy in recent years. There’s a skill and labor market shortage worldwide as some members of the workforce experience shifting career priorities. And that’s where it might be useful to start hiring gig workers. Many workers have embraced gig and contractual positions for greater… Read more »

10 KSA Examples to use in Job Postings [+ a free template]

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600+ people a month search “KSA examples” on Google. So I felt compelled to share some examples and shed some light on what KSA means. As your organization grows, it becomes a challenge to know what you’re looking for as you hire to expand your teams. So this leads to hiring unqualified talent. And recruiting… Read more »

Who Should Write Job Descriptions? (5 best examples)

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Who should write job descriptions in your biz? Some enterprise co.s have 17,000+ people writing JDs. Others have only a few who crank out 1,000s per week. There are also what I call editors and approvers. These people on your team might not write full JDs, but they are part of the process — or… Read more »