Debate Runs Wild Over Use Of Klout Score As Job Requirement

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Over the last few weeks we’ve had a front row seat to the global debate over’s use of the Klout score as a “desired skill” for the position of Community Manager. Salesforce Posts Job On Ongig Listing Klout Score As “Desired Skill” On July 27th, posted a Community Manager job through Ongig with… Read more »

The Forgotten Gap In The Tech Boom Of 2012

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If you are a founder of a startup who is new to leading this post is for you. First off, congratulations on being a part of driving one of the most exciting economic booms we may ever see in our lifetime. No region in the world comes close to what we’re experiencing in the Bay… Read more »

What’s Your LinkedIn InMail Response Rate?

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[Note: If you do nothing else, please proceed to the bottom of this page to vote and comment. We want your opinion on the effectiveness of LinkedIn InMails.] The value LinkedIn places on an InMail is $10 each. Of course, you can get a volume discount if you buy the LinkedIn Recruiter seat. Several of… Read more »

5 Reasons Why Job Postings Are Dead

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We’re calling it first: the classic old style job posting you have seen a thousand of – and may have even posted a few yourself – is on its deathbed. Job postings on Craigslist…dead; jobs on Monster…dead; jobs on CareerBuilder…dead (at least as far as A-Player job seekers are concerned). Why will job postings die? … Read more »

The Top 10 Tech Titles That Need To Be Filled: PM Is #1…Where Do Engineers Rank?

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Ongig asked hundreds of cool tech companies hiring in the San Francisco Bay Area what positions they would like to do a social job posting video for. Below is the list:   Top 10 Positions That Need To Be Filled By Technology Employers Product Manager Front-End Engineer Designer (UI, UX, etc.) Quality Assurance Engineer Account… Read more »

How To Make A Video Job Posting In 15 Minutes

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I believe that video will be standard in job postings within the next 5 years. Call me crazy, but technology is easy to use and video gives you such a tremendous advantage. Active and passive job seekers network through referrals first. What do they do after that? Most people in San Francisco tell me Linkedin,… Read more »

Technology Companies Spend $4,339 To Recruit You & They Find You Here

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The kind folks at Bersin Associates in Oakland, CA gave us permission to share some awesome data from their $999 Talent Acquisition Factbook 2011 authored by Karen O’Leonard. A Recruiter Makes 21% Of Your First Year’s Salary (E.g. $21K Here In SF)

An Irish Blog: Hunting For A Tech Job In Silicon Valley

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About me Before I tell you about my experience of job hunting in the IT Mecca that is California, I guess I should introduce myself. So here goes! My name is Mervyn. I am a 24 year old, Irish, Computer Science graduate from Dublin. I majored in computer applications at Dublin City University (DCU). I… Read more »

Top Reasons Passive Candidates Look At New Jobs During The Holidays

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I saw my first sign of the holidays while biking down Market Street in San Francisco on October 31st. City workers were putting up the lights and snow flakes on that will don the main drag for the holiday season. Only two days later, the very first holiday catalog arrived at our house. Fast forward… Read more »

Andreessen Versus Buffett On How To Make A Good Hire

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Ongig stumbled across an archived Marc Andreessen blog posting on hiring and it reminded me of Warren Buffett’s criteria for making a good hire (which I apply to all people I do business with). I though I’d contrast their two styles here: Andreessen’s Top 3 Criteria For A Good Hire Are: 1) Drive 2) Curiosity… Read more »

4 Ways Recruiters Learn More About You Online

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Does a resume tell the whole story of you and your capabilities as a candidate? If the answer is no, then the next question becomes: what does tell your full story as a candidate? I asked three Bay Area employers how they research potential candidates. Here are four means they use, and how they use… Read more »

The Top 7 Reasons Hiring Is Being Reinvented

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The hiring world is being radically shaped. Not to be dramatic, but we think that this will affect each of you reading this. Towards that end, this article is dedicated to the 7 major reasons/trends that will contribute to this new hiring/jobs world. 1) A Hire Is A One Million Dollar Transaction A hire is… Read more »