We’re calling it first: the classic old style job posting you have seen a thousand of – and may have even posted a few yourself – is on its deathbed. Job postings on Craigslist…dead; jobs on Monster…dead; jobs on CareerBuilder…dead (at least as far as A-Player job seekers are concerned). Why will job postings die? … Read more »
The “Weird BD VooDoo” Of Instagram/Twitter/GetSatisfaction’s Office Space
I happened to be at Instagram’s old offices (164 S. Park) yesterday when the Facebook acquisition went down. I snapped this crappy pic because I thought it was cool that Instagram, Twitter and GetSatisfaction (social CRM on the rise ) all did their first work here.
Is This Type Of Multitasking Killing Your Chance At Landing a Job?
[This is a guest-post from Brian Kerr] Everyone has seen job postings looking for great multitaskers. If you are below the age of 35, you will probably happily admit that you multitask better than most, and much better than those of your parents’ generation. The problem is that you don’t.
What Do Russian Satellites, Botswana & Your Job Have In Common?
[Guest Blogger Mike Harding is the co-founder of re.vu, a radically better visual resume. You can follow Mike on Twitter @mah1.] Conventional wisdom says that a picture is worth 1,000 words. But is that really true? And what bearing does that have on your search for great talent or your desire to land an awesome gig?… Read more »
Check Out What A Naming Guru Put On His Business Cards
Clever business cards from naming guru Anthony Shore (he named Blackwire, Scamper, Lytro, Lyric, meeVee & many more products) . He shows 3 different sets of everyday products and what they look like without any name on them:
“Anonymous” Hacktivists Crowdsourced Attempted Takedown Of The Vatican Through Social Media
Fascinating news broke this weekend when security firm Imperva out of Redwood City outlined a report called “The Anatomy of an Anonymous Attack” (outlining details of how the “Anonymous” hactivist group operated in one unnamed attack last year in The Anatomy of an Anonymous Attack.
Which Of These 12 Big Lies Have You Caught On A Résumé?
Somewhere between 12% and 42% of résumés contain a lie, according to such sources as Morgan & Banks, ResumeDoctor and ADP. ADP once did 2.6 Million background checks and found that 44% lied about work histories, 41% lied about education and 23% falsified credentials or licenses.
The Short Story Of How I Raised My Salary 62.5% (In 2 months!)
[This is a guest-post from Brian Kerr] It was the start of October and I was stuck commuting to work in traffic for 1 hour both ways. Oh yes, and I was working 8am to 6pm…this meant I woke up at 6am and got home at 7pm if I was lucky.
The 12 Most Awesomely-Creative Resumes Ever? (Including One She Wears)
Here are 12 super-creative resumes we found at deviantART and a couple other places. 1) Writer’s Resume
San Francisco’s Best Startup Coffee Shops
If you are starting a business in San Francisco, you tend to frequent the many coffee shops that the city has to offer. While visiting the variety of shops, your motivation may be just as diverse as the selection of coffee shops themselves. You may be looking for a place to meet a new contact,… Read more »
Check Out 6 Examples Of “Photo-Résumés” (Illegal In The U.S.?)
Including your photo in a résumé is frowned upon in the U.S. (HR folks are scared of the risk of discrimination suits)– but they are commonplace in other countries such as South America, Asia, Africa and Western Europe. Thank you to Deviant Art for these photo résumé examples:
Social Recruiting Strategies Conference In San Francisco This Week
Social Recruiting is a trendy phrase in the world of talent acquisition. Top recruiters across the industry are hard at work trying to define Social Recruiting. Is it social because of networking? Is it social because of technology? Is it something different altogether? Attendees at the Social Recruiting Strategies Conference in San Francisco will be… Read more »
Q&A With Leadership Coach For Zynga, Facebook & eBay
Regan Bach is an executive coach, leadership consultant, and President of Irontree Consulting. He has worked with some incredible companies including Facebook, Zynga, eBay, Paypal and a number of other leading technology businesses. Regan is also a friend and I thought I’d ask him some questions to help support you in case you haven’t had the… Read more »
Why Recruiters Should Take A Page From Marketing’s Book
According to Dictionary.com, the definition of recruiting is “to engage in finding and attracting employees, new members, students, athletes, etc. The key word in this definition is “attracting”. Think of things in life that attract: bait attracts a fish, a zapper attracts mosquitos, …you get the picture. Why should job ads be any different? As… Read more »
The Top 10 Tech Titles That Need To Be Filled: PM Is #1…Where Do Engineers Rank?
Ongig asked hundreds of cool tech companies hiring in the San Francisco Bay Area what positions they would like to do a social job posting video for. Below is the list: Top 10 Positions That Need To Be Filled By Technology Employers Product Manager Front-End Engineer Designer (UI, UX, etc.) Quality Assurance Engineer Account… Read more »