Diversity Recruitment Advertising [125+ Resources from JobElephant Report]

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JobElephant created an awesome Diversity Recruitment Buyer’s Guide with loads of data-driven analytics from 172,000+ diversity job postings. I combed through the guide to summarize its value. There are helpful tips to: find new D&I job boards you didn’t know about choose which diversity recruitment websites and publications fit into your recruiting plan organize your… Read more »

Supervisor vs Manager [+ 90 Top Job Titles]

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Supervisor vs manager

Supervisor vs Manager…is there a difference? This is one of the most common job title questions asked on Google (4,500 people per month ask it!). I researched leading companies to see how they handle the “supervisor vs manager” question. Here’s what I found: Supervisor vs Manager — are they the same? Some companies use manager… Read more »

6+ Examples of Brands Changing to Avoid Sexist Bias

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mattel removes sexist bias in dolls

There are loads of companies that have been called out for sexist bias based on their name, logo, motto, jingle, or another identifying mark. The global push for more gender-inclusive brands is causing many of them to make changes. What does gender-inclusive mean? “Gender-inclusive” is defined as: “The notion that all services, opportunities, and establishments… Read more »

7 Tips for Hiring Autistic Workers

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Hiring Autistic Workers

April is Autism Acceptance Month, and the theme for 2021 is “Celebrate Differences.” In the spirit of celebrating differences in the workplace, I found 7 tips for hiring autistic workers: 1. Eliminate bias against neurodiverse/autistic candidates in your job descriptions The first tip, you can use tools in your organization to create more inclusive job… Read more »

CNBC Survey: Rewriting Job Descriptions & Job Titles are Top Talent Strategies

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CNBC TEC Council Rewriting Job Descriptions

A recently published CNBC Technology Executive Council (TEC) survey shows companies are at risk of a talent shortage over the next year. The TEC comprises 100 top tech executives from various companies, including start-ups, enterprises, non-profits, and government organizations. In the TEC survey: “44% of respondents said that finding enough qualified employees to fill open positions… Read more »

A List of 100+ Business Abbreviations & Acronyms

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As a business, your communication style affects your brand. Take business abbreviations — there are hundreds, maybe even thousands. Some obvious. Others less so. Below is a list of common 200 business abbreviations and acronyms with tips on when to abbreviate…or not. When to use business abbreviations? When using business acronyms and abbreviations, think about… Read more »

200+ Famous Gay People [A List of LGBT Actors, Entrepreneurs, Writers, Musicians, Athletes & More!]

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As part of Ongig’s mission to celebrate all people, I felt inspired to start a list of successful/famous gay people. Not only have the 200+ folks on this list achieved greatness, but many have done it in a world where some people (wrongly) judge them by their sexual orientation. Methodology & Disclaimer: I focused on… Read more »