If you’re serious about diversity, it helps to have a dedicated diversity page. Here are 3 company diversity pages that impress us: Apple Company Diversity Page How killer is Apple? I know: a bunch of us are fanboys (and fangirls!), but Apple comes right out with a sweet-looking diversity page with hard data on their… Read more »
Posts Tagged:Apple
What Comes First – Passion Or Skill?
Recently, I came across a book called So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love. In it, Cal Newport, Ph.D from Georgetown University, claims that following one’s passion might very well be terrible advice. Instead, he feels that we need to leverage our skills, which… Read more »
3 Mistakes that Could Make Your Jobs Page Look Like the D.M.V.
I look at a lot of jobs/careers pages. So you can imagine my surprise when I was perusing the “Jobs” pages of the Forbes Magazine Most Innovative Companies In The World — and found that many of them are sub-standard. In particular, some of these innovative companies have jobs pages that remind me of the… Read more »
What 5 Famous Tech People’s Early Business Cards Looked Like
Few people know that Steve Jobs didn’t serve as CEO of Apple until 1997. Did you know that Bill Gates started Microsoft in New Mexico!?