Employer Required to Pay $250K for Poorly Written ADA Job Description

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The placement of a single bullet in a University’s job description cost it $250,000 under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Job descriptions, under the ADA, can be the “evidence” that courts use to rule in a lawsuit. This is a cautionary tale for employers, especially those who consider rotating work schedule to be an… Read more »

How To Find Your Most Valuable Organic Job Pages in Google Analytics

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Today you’ll learn how to find your most valuable job pages in Google Analytics. Specifically, I’ll show you how to find the job pages that generate the most organic traffic. Why is organic traffic important? It’s free It’s relevant traffic It’s sustainable Let’s dive right in. How to Find Job Pages that Generate the Most… Read more »

3 Simple Ways To Create Transparent Job Descriptions

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The best candidates crave transparency. Employers who are hesitant about transparency in their job descriptions may inadvertently cause job seekers to lose interest (Harris Poll of 1,100 adults in May 2018). Here are some tips: 3 ways to create more transparent job descriptions 1. Salaries The #1 thing in job descriptions that candidates are about is salary… Read more »

5 Storytelling Steps to Transform Your Career Site

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If you want your career site to attract and convert the best candidates, it helps to borrow lessons from the best storytellers. Screenplay writers, for instance, are masters at getting us (the viewer) to sit down for: 2 days, 15 hours and 30 minutes (first 7 seasons of Game of Thrones) 22 hours and 40 minutes… Read more »

Comparably: The New Glassdoor Alternative

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If you’re a recruitment marketing or employer branding leader, you probably have tons of energy around company review sites like Glassdoor. A new Glassdoor alternative that has grown rapidly is Comparably. I spent some time with Comparably CEO Jason Nazar to dig in on this important new part of the employer branding space. Special thanks… Read more »

Employer Branding Strategies from Working at Uber, WeWork and Autodesk

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If you’re into employer branding, you’re in for a treat. Below is my interview with Andrew Levy. Andrew and I first met in 2012 at a TMP Worldwide/Intuit vendor day. Jason Webster of Ongig/Glassdoor/Greenhouse fame was there too. Since then, Andrew has worked on the talent branding teams at WeWork, Uber and Autodesk. He’s got a… Read more »

5 Creative New Ideas for Your Career Site

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Looking for some new career site ideas? Here are 5 we found recently that we had never seen before (at least not with this execution). Enjoy! Career Site Idea #1: Salary Calculator & Salary Transparency Stack Overflow, a software community, is transparent about how much money you’ll make with them. They offer up a Salary… Read more »

6 Steps for Creating the Best Job Postings (with Template)

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The best job postings are structured, informative and content-rich. Here’s a job posting template/checklist to best attract, engage and convert candidates: Checklist for Creating the Best Job Postings Feature Video or Image Your hero media (video/image) should be “above the fold” (like in a magazine or newspaper article). This helps your job posting to get… Read more »

10 Tips for Recruiting People with Disabilities in Job Descriptions

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People with disabilities can, of course, be your most productive workers. But just one word or phrase could make them feel excluded. This bias against people with disabilities is also called ableism. One type/example of ableism in job descriptions is the words we use to describe physical demands. If a candidate has a physical disability,… Read more »

5 Stats & Tips on Gender Diversity Recruiting

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“When it comes to investing in diversity, 71% of talent professionals report that achieving gender parity at their company is a top priority.” – LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends Report I curated some stats and added some actionable tips to help you with your gender diversity recruiting strategy.   1. “Men apply for a job when… Read more »

3 Job Ads That Might Have Age Discrimination

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In February, I wrote about 6 ways to avoid age bias in your job descriptions. Apparently not everyone got the memo. Just a cursory look at job boards finds numerous examples of age bias are still out there. I hate to be a buzzkill but these oversights can get you fired or sued. Note: Most… Read more »

20+ of My Favorite Articles About Writing Job Descriptions [that aren’t mine!]

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I’ve written what I hope you find useful content on job descriptions (see job description articles,  job ad articles and our free Job Descriptions Guide. But there are so many awesome articles out there written by others. And I love giving shout-outs where they’re due. Here are my favorite articles on job descriptions, job postings and job ads. 20+… Read more »

10 of the Best Job Descriptions in 2019

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If you look at the best job descriptions (below) you’ll notice a pattern. Most have: Multi-Column Format — Easier to read. That’s why most magazines and newspapers use them! Good Employer Branding — Consistent color, font and perhaps even corporate messaging (especially helpful if a candidate comes from a job board and hasn’t seen the… Read more »

3 Examples of Jobvite ATS Overlays

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If you’re a Jobvite ATS customer you might looking for ways to enhance your Jobvite job pages. An out-of-the-box Jobvite ATS job page might look something like this:   That’s a better job page than those from Taleo, Brassring and some older ATS’s. And there are many, many happy Jobvite customers. But to have a cutting-edge job… Read more »

15 Best Career Pages in 2019

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Are you doing a career page redesign or creating a new one altogether? Our 15 Best Careers Pages (2019) is here to help! Remember: the goal of a company career page is to get the candidates’ attention so that they dive into your job postings. Below, you’ll find the 15 best career pages we’ve found… Read more »