The Top 5 Reasons Millennials Reject Your Jobs

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My team and I get paid to study how to recruit millennials, so we are constantly testing and analyzing how these vital candidates size up you and your job descriptions.   Here are 5 reasons I’ve found that millennials are turned off by your career/job pages.   1) You Forgot to Put Your Logo/Brand on Your… Read more »

How to Write a Job Description (as Told by a Microsoft/Lockheed Veteran Sourcer)

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Tens of thousands of recruiting/HR pros per month do a Google search on one of these terms related to “How to Write a Job Description ?”  Google Search Term # of Monthly Searches  job description template 7,920  how to write a job description 1,920  job descriptions samples 1,056  how to write job description 849  writing job descriptions 246… Read more »

12 Killer Facts on “Employee Branding”

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You hear a lot about employer branding these days but what about ’employee’ branding? What I mean by employee branding is the concept of specifically leveraging your employees as brand ambassadors to help you better recruit. I was inspired last week by the terrific post: Stop Employer Branding, Start Employee Branding, by Tom Laine out of Finland — it included… Read more »

The American Heart Association Leverages Diversity Recruiting Microsites

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Great piece on diversity recruiting strategies employed by the American Heart Association (AHA) at SHRM last week. Most of their focus has been on diversity recruiting microsites. Some highlights: Diversity Recruiting Best Practices at AHA Hired a diversity recruiting specialist Built six diversity recruiting microsites focused on diverse candidates, veterans and people with disabilities. Back-linked those sites and… Read more »

Amazon Builds Candidate Experience Content Management System for All Employees to Use

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We found a surprising nugget at when we did our 20 of the Best Company Career Sites article. They now have an Amazon Candidate Experience microsite and on there was a one-line bullet claiming that Amazon now possesses a home-grown content management system allowing ALL employees to publish content on Here’s the bullet (also pictured below): “We built… Read more »

Fast-Growing Drybar Launches Video Job Descriptions

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The hot retailer Drybar (whose focus is hair “blowouts”) is the latest business leader to recruit through video job descriptions. Here’s the video that’s now appearing on every job description:   And below is an example of the full video job description: The video shows one team at their West Hollywood location. Key points the video hits… Read more »

Nationwide Increases Quality of Hire through “Realistic Job Preview”

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Nationwide Insurance has one of the most creative ways to reduce employee turnover that I’ve seen in a while. Many call it a “realistic job preview” and they’re leveraging it for the customer service role at their call centers. What is a realistic job preview? It’s any device (automated or manual) that helps provide candidates a preview of their… Read more »

Hilton Makes 3 Clever Moves In Their Job Descriptions

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Hilton does 3 very smart things on its job descriptions to help build pipeline and increase quality of hire: Personalized Map — They provide a map on every job description showing the location of the hotel. You should also notice that your candidates picture can appear in the upper-right hand of the map thumbnail —… Read more »

A Comprehensive List of Employer of Choice Awards

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Top employer of choice awards logos

If you include an employer of choice award on your career and job pages, that is “solid social proof” as us psych-marketers like to say to attract and engage candidates. Becoming an employer of choice is tough for some but can be easy for others — there are tons of awards to win (see the list… Read more »