Top 22 Diversity Mission Statements for HR Teams

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Diversity and Inclusion Statement

An exceptional diversity mission statement sends a powerful message. We found 10 examples of diversity mission statements that fit the bill. How to Write a Diversity Mission Statement (8 Learnings) When we reviewed the 22 diversity statement examples below, we found a lot in common. Some commonalities included themes such as: Inclusive Language. The best diversity… Read more »

30+ Examples of Biased Language

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Examples of biased language are scattered throughout the English vocabulary. After researching hundreds of bias words (past and present), we found 30+ examples common enough to bring to your attention. Ongig’s Text Analyzer software, which flags these and many more exclusionary words and phrases, provides suggestions for alternatives to such biased words. We share those… Read more »

10 Tips for Using Inclusive Language in Job Descriptions

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Inclusive job descriptions

Using inclusive language is one of the top best practices in writing job descriptions. It improves your chances to attract diversity as well as the best candidates because it widens the net to include as many qualified candidates as possible. What is inclusive language? Hubspot, in its great article How to Use & Promote Inclusive Language at Your… Read more »

10+ Top Tools for Eliminating Racial Bias in Job Ads in 2024

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greenhouse diversity reminder

Racial bias can be present (knowingly or unknowingly) in every aspect of the hiring process. We found 10 tools for eliminating racial bias from job descriptions to resume screening to interviewing. 1. Ongig’s Job Description Text Analyzer Racial bias is often present in job descriptions and there are text analyzer tools that can help remove… Read more »

Diversity Hiring White Paper: Helpful Insights for HR Pros

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diversity hiring white paper

An Introduction to Diversity Hiring Diversity hiring is a transformative approach for modern businesses seeking sustainable success. It involves embedding inclusivity in all hiring processes and fostering a workplace environment that embraces diversity in its many forms. So, this means including everyone from ethnic and cultural backgrounds to gender, age, education, and life experiences. The… Read more »

How to Avoid Unconscious Bias in Recruitment

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Unconscious bias in recruitment leads to worse outcomes for both employers and candidates. Candidates get shut out of jobs they’re best qualified for. And employers have a recruitment process that fails to predict which candidate will be most successful in the role.  People can make biased hires because the successful candidate happened to go to… Read more »

New Hire Onboarding: 9 Key Documents You Need

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So, you’ve chosen a new hire for a vacant position, and they’re due to join the company in a few weeks. The hard work of advertising and interviewing is over—but a lot more admin comes with welcoming a new employee. Onboarding involves much more than orientation, although it’s important to welcome the new hire and… Read more »

How to Make Sense of Salary Transparency

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salary transparency

In the past, most companies did not practice salary transparency. Now, it’s more common to discuss pay openly…instead of hiding it under a rock. This has helped narrow the pay gap, changing companies for the better. So, employees are trusting businesses more. And employers get to enjoy a 30% increase in applications started. That’s a… Read more »

Why You Need a Diversity Committee: 5+ Inspirational Examples

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diversity committee

The NFL made the news last year after announcing their first-ever diversity committee, following a lawsuit by former Miami Dolphin Head Coach Brian Flores. Flores was suing the NFL, Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos, and also New York Giants for “alleged discrimination and racism in hiring practices.” This is the NFL’s first diversity committee. But, I… Read more »