3 Job Ads That Might Have Age Discrimination

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In February, I wrote about 6 ways to avoid age bias in your job descriptions. Apparently not everyone got the memo. Just a cursory look at job boards finds numerous examples of age bias are still out there. I hate to be a buzzkill but these oversights can get you fired or sued. Note: Most… Read more »

20+ of My Favorite Articles About Writing Job Descriptions [that aren’t mine!]

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favorite job description articles

I’ve written what I hope you find useful content on job descriptions (see job description articles,  job ad articles and our free Job Descriptions Guide. But there are so many awesome articles out there written by others. And I love giving shout-outs where they’re due. Here are my favorite articles on job descriptions, job postings and job ads. 20+… Read more »

10 of the Best Job Descriptions in 2019

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Best Job Descriptions 2019 Cover

If you look at the best job descriptions (below) you’ll notice a pattern. Most have: Multi-Column Format — Easier to read. That’s why most magazines and newspapers use them! Good Employer Branding — Consistent color, font and perhaps even corporate messaging (especially helpful if a candidate comes from a job board and hasn’t seen the… Read more »

10 Easy Ways to Boost a Job Ad’s Apply Rate

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The apply rate for job ads is one of the most important recruitment metrics. An average of 11 people who visit your job ad end up applying. 11% convert and the rest of the 89% leave. But I’ve seen the apply rate pop up to 60%+ with the right tweaks (see below). Note: Special thanks to… Read more »

5 Examples of Greenhouse ATS Job Page Overlays

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If you’re a customer of the awesome Greenhouse Software ATS, you may be looking for ways to enhance your job pages. Remember what James Ellis of The Talent Cast said about ATS’s: “Applicant tracking systems were never meant to be pretty (external), they were meant to help manage workflows (internal)”. A default, out-of-the-box Greenhouse job page might… Read more »

5 Ways to Avoid “Crapplications”

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My head of TA friend Marnie (name changed to protect her identity) told me this before agreeing to do business together: “Rob, I want more pipeline, but the last thing I want are more “crapplications”. By “crapplications”, Marnie meant that she didn’t want crappy (low-quality) applications. Crappy applications are often worse than having no applications at… Read more »

5 Creative Things to Add to Your Job Ads

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If your job ad doesn’t stand out, neither will you. Here are 5 ideas you might not have thought of. Enjoy. 1. Employer Branding Tab A lot of employers talk about their employer brand. Dutch clothing manufacturer Hunkemöller has actually written it into their job descriptions. Candidates click the middle tab (see below) and get a… Read more »

10 of the Best Job Descriptions in 2018

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Note: Here is the updated post for best job descriptions of 2019. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Here’s a shout-out to 10 of the best job descriptions for 2018. They grab the candidate’s attention and engage them. Note: Check out our free Job Descriptions Guide — it tells you everything we know about JDs, job ads and the like! For… Read more »

Ongig’s Free Job Descriptions Guide

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I’ve written a lot about job descriptions. But I figure you might want one single place to quickly find something you need on anything related to JDs, job ads, job postings et al. So please enjoy this new Free Job Descriptions Guide. When I say it’s “free”, I mean it. It’s not gated. You don’t… Read more »