10 Biased Interview Questions & What to Ask Instead

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biased interview questions

Job interviews are really nerve-wracking for job seekers. They’re super important because they greatly affect who gets hired. Biased interview questions can also make this even more stressful. And they present the greatest risk for biases in the hiring process. Research shows that 59.9 % of hiring decisions are made within the first 15 minutes… Read more »

How to deal with ageism in the workplace

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ageism in the workplace

Ageism means treating someone unfairly because of their age, especially if they’re 45 or older. People might think older workers are slow or not good with technology, but that’s not true. And ageism in the workplace usually happens during hiring, promotion, and during social events like:  Ageism in the workplace can manifest in various subtle… Read more »

Key Stats for Gender Diversity Recruiting in the Workplace

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gender diversity recruiting

Many companies want to attract and keep employees from all genders, realizing the benefits of having a diverse staff. This is where gender diversity recruiting comes into play. What is Gender Diversity Recruiting? Gender diversity recruiting is when you actively try to hire people from various gender backgrounds. It’s about making sure that everyone, regardless of… Read more »

5 Top Racial Diversity Stats + Expert Tips for Job Descriptions

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racial diversity recruiting stats

As the modern workplace emphasizes racial diversity, hiring people from different racial backgrounds is more important than ever. Having different races in our workplace is good. It means we get lots of different ideas and experiences. So, this helps us solve problems better, come up with new ideas, and also makes our employees happier. Awareness… Read more »

10 ChatGPT Tools for Writing Job Descriptions

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chatgpt tools

By now, everyone has heard about ChatGPT, Open AI’s popular chatbot. It currently boasts 100 million users.  And why not? It’s a free artificial intelligence tool that’s available to everyone. It gives its users the capability to ask anything, anytime. Most companies use AI across various business operations, including recruitment.  And when it comes to… Read more »

7 Boilerplate Language Examples for Job Descriptions

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boilerplate language examples

Boilerplate language helps you create job descriptions that are not only effective, but also consistent and legally compliant.  This article will discuss the different boilerplate language examples commonly used in job descriptions.  What is boilerplate language?  Boilerplate language is a uniform message that is usually part of standard documents like contracts.  You can also find… Read more »

12 of the Best Leadership Podcasts to Listen to Now

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best podcasts about leadership

If you’re a busy professional interested in becoming a manager someday, listening to the best leadership podcasts is a great idea.  Listening to podcasts while driving or doing other tasks around the house is a good way to learn more about the latest trends in leadership and managing people.  Here’s a list of 12 of… Read more »

7 Job Description Writing Software Tools

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Job Description Writing Software

What is job description writing software? Job description writing software helps you write job descriptions easier (and faster) by: optimizing keywords removing outdated words and phrases ensuring that your JD complies with diversity requirements  To save you research time, we’ve listed 7 of the best job description writing software to streamline your recruiting efforts: 1…. Read more »

The Top 5 “DEI Words” [+ their acronyms]

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dei words

You likely use DEI words (or their acronyms) in JDs and other HR content. Here are 5 of the most common we find (plus, examples of how brands use them): diversity inclusion equity belonging accessibility Let’s dive in. Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Diversity and inclusion are 2 closely related concepts – but they are not… Read more »

7 “Must-Knows” about Job Postings with Salary Information [+ without]

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job postings with salary information

Despite growing pay equity and transparency developments, many employers still hesitate to show their job postings with salary info.  According to Payscale’s 2022 Compensation Best Practices, 68% of organizations share pay ranges with employees, but only 22% do so in the job ad. Many studies reveal that Gen Z and millennials are more interested in… Read more »

6 Must-Know Pay Equity Laws for Hiring

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pay equity laws by state

Being clear and transparent about employee compensation is a step towards pay equity. So, more and more states are starting to require it in job postings. And, many companies are listing salary info even if it’s not required by law. Are you compliant? Pay equity laws vary based on the state you are hiring in…. Read more »

5 Steps to Build the Best Job Description Templates

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Best Job Description Templates

At first, job descriptions take time to build. But, once you have templates, you’ll save time editing. JD templates are much faster than always starting from scratch. Using templates also creates consistency and keeps you from missing important info. So, how do you build the best job description template for your roles? Here are 5… Read more »