Rob Kelly

I’d love it if you used Ongig’s Text Analyzer software for writing job descriptions. But it’s not free and I understand we might be beyond your budget. So, in the meantime, here are 5 free “hacks” (+ free job description tools) for you to write more effective job descriptions.

Note: For more tips on writing job descriptions, check out How to Write a Job Description — Best Practices & Examples.

Co-workers in the office (Free Job Description Tools blog)

Writing Job Descriptions Free Hack #1: Word Count

The sweet spot for job descriptions is between 300–700 words. This range is long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep the reader’s attention.

If your job description is too short, you might leave out important details that candidates need to know. On the other hand, if it’s too long, candidates might lose interest or feel overwhelmed by too much information.

Tips for finding the right word count 

  1. Focus on the essentials: Make sure each section is concise and to the point. Avoid adding filler content that doesn’t contribute to a candidate’s understanding of the role.
  2. Use bullet points: Bullet points are a great way to convey information clearly and concisely. This not only helps with word count but also makes your job description more readable.

Free job description tools to help with word count

  1. Grammarly: Grammarly provides a word count feature along with suggestions for cutting down on unnecessary words.
  2. Google Docs: if you write in Google Docs, you can easily find the word count of your job description and keep track of it.

Writing Job Descriptions Free Hack #2: Sentence Length

Long sentences can overwhelm readers and make your job posting difficult to digest.

On the other hand, short sentences are easier to read and help keep the readers’ attention. They make your job description clear, direct, and more engaging. This can make all the difference in whether job seekers finish reading your posting or move on to the next one.

Tips for keeping sentences short and clear

  1. Use simple words: Simple words help keep your sentences short and easy to understand.
  2. Aim for one main idea per sentence: If you find that a sentence includes multiple ideas, consider breaking it up into two or more sentences.
  3. Vary sentence length: While short sentences are important, using only short sentences can make your writing feel choppy. Vary your sentence length to create a natural rhythm.

Free job description tools to help with sentence length 

  1. Hemingway App: This tool highlights long, complex sentences and suggests ways to simplify them.
  2. Grammarly: Grammarly offers suggestions for shortening sentences and improving clarity. It’s useful for catching overly long sentences that might need to be broken up.

Writing Job Descriptions Free Hack #3: SEO

When people search for jobs, they often use specific keywords on Google (or job boards).

If your job description contains these keywords, it is more likely to appear in search results which means more potential applicants will see it.

Tips for optimizing your job description for SEO

  1. Use relevant keywords: Include keywords that a job seeker might use when searching for a job like the one you’re hiring for.
  2. Include location information: If your vacant position is location-dependent, include it in the job title and description. This will help you reach the right people.
  3. Avoid keyword stuffing: Yes, keywords are important. But don’t overdo it. Using the same keywords multiple times might make your job description hard to read and even hurt your SEO.

Free job description tools to help with SEO

  1. SEO Review Tools: This tool helps you check which words appear most in your job description so you don’t overuse keywords.
  2. Wordstream: Use this tool to get estimates of the search volume for roles you’re hiring for.

Writing Job Descriptions Free Hack #4: Average Grade Reading Level

Readability is about how easy your job description is to understand.

I write my job descriptions at the 8th-grade reading level. You want to write at that level or you might unintentionally turn away qualified candidates.

Tips for improving readability 

  • Use simple words and short sentences: Avoid using industry jargon that might confuse applicants. Keep your sentences short and to the point.
  • Use active voice: Your sentences are clearer and more direct when you write with an active voice. Instead of saying, “The candidate will be expected to manage projects,” say “You will manage projects.” This also makes the job description more engaging.
  • Break up long paragraphs: Break up your paragraphs into smaller sections and use bullet points or numbered lists to make the information easier to scan.

Free job description tools to improve readability

  1. Hemingway Editor: This tool highlights complex sentences and suggests simpler alternatives.
  2. Grammarly: Grammarly not only checks your spelling and grammar but also offers readability suggestions. It’s a useful tool for catching any confusing phrases or overly long sentences.
Person writing in notebook with a pen

Writing Job Descriptions Free Hack #5: Gender Bias

If your job posting uses language that favors one gender over another, you might miss out on talented applicants who don’t feel like they’d fit in, or are just too offended to try.

Creating a job description that’s free of gender bias helps ensure that you’re reaching a diverse pool of candidates. It also shows that your company is committed to inclusivity and equal opportunities, which can make you more attractive to top talent.

Tips for removing gender bias

  1. Use gender-neutral language: Replace gendered words with gender-neutral alternatives. For example, instead of saying “salesman,” use “salesperson” or “sales representative.” 
  2. Balance Masculine and Feminine Language: Some words are perceived as more masculine or feminine. Words like “competitive,” “dominate,” and “driven” are often seen as masculine, while words like “support,” “understand,” and “interpersonal” are seen as more feminine. Aim to balance these types of words in your job descriptions or use more neutral alternatives.
  3. Check for Unconscious Bias: Sometimes, gender bias can slip into job descriptions without you realizing it. To catch these biases, ask a colleague to review the posting, or use a tool to ensure you don’t publish a biased job description.

Free job description tools to detect and remove gender bias

  1. Hemingway App: Although not specifically for gender bias, this tool helps you simplify and clarify your language, which can reduce the likelihood of biased language creeping into your job descriptions.

Writing Job Descriptions Free Hack 6: Job Title Optimization

The job title is often the first thing a job seeker sees so it is important that you get it right.

When people search for jobs, they usually search for specific titles, like “Customer Support Specialist” or “Marketing Manager”. 

If your job title matches what they’re searching for, your posting is more likely to show up on whatever channel they’re searching on.

Tips for writing effective job titles

  1. Keep It Simple and Descriptive: Use common job titles that people are likely to search for. For example, instead of using a creative title like “Marketing Guru,” stick with “Marketing Manager” or “Marketing Specialist.” This makes it clear what the job is and helps your posting appear in search results.
  2. Include Key Details: If your company is hiring for a specific department, level of experience, or type of work, include that information in the title. For example, “Senior Software Engineer” or “Part-Time Customer Service Representative” gives candidates a better idea of the role before they even click on the posting.
  3. Consider SEO (Search Engine Optimization): We talked about SEO earlier. Think about what keywords candidates might use when searching for an open role like yours. Use those keywords in your job title to make it easier for your posting to appear in search results. For example, if you’re hiring a content writer, make sure the job title includes the word “Writer” or “Content Writer.”

Free job description tools to help optimize your job titles

  • CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer: Originally designed for blog headlines, this tool can also help you craft effective job titles. It analyzes your title for clarity, word balance, and SEO.

Writing Job Descriptions Free Hack 7: Clear Call to Action

Ask any job seeker and they’ll tell you that a clear call to action is one of the most important parts of your job description.

It tells candidates what to do next, like applying for the job, sending their resume, or contacting you for more information.

Tips for writing a job description CTA

  • Be Direct and Specific: Use clear and straightforward language. Instead of saying something vague like “Reach out to us,” say something like, “Apply now by clicking the ‘Apply’ button” or “Send your resume to”
  • Make It Easy to Follow: Provide simple instructions on how to apply. For example, if you want candidates to fill out an online form, include a direct link and say, “Complete the online application here.”
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Encourage candidates to act quickly by adding phrases like “Apply today” or “Don’t miss out on this opportunity.” This can motivate candidates to apply sooner.

Free CTA templates

I’ve come up with a few CTA templates that you can adapt for your job descriptions.

  • “Ready to take the next step in your career? Apply now by clicking the ‘Apply’ button.”
  • “Interested in joining our team? Submit your resume and cover letter to [your email address].”
  • “Want to learn more about this opportunity? Contact us at [your phone number] or [your email address].”
  • “Excited about this role? Apply today and become part of our growing team!”

Writing Job Descriptions Free Hack 8: Consistency Across Job Descriptions

Consistency in your job descriptions is crucial for several reasons.

First, it helps build your company’s brand. When all your job descriptions have the same style, tone, and structure, candidates get a sense of your company’s values and culture.

Second, consistency across job descriptions makes the job of the entire HR team easier. When your job descriptions follow a standard format, it is easier to create new postings, saving time and ensuring that nothing important is left out.

Tips for maintaining consistency

  • Use a standard template: Create a job description template that includes all the key sections. Make sure everyone on your HR team uses this template for every job posting.
  • Keep the tone consistent: Decide on the tone you want to use in your job descriptions and stick to it. This tone should reflect your company’s culture. For example, if your company is a tech startup with a relaxed atmosphere, your job descriptions might be more casual and conversational.
  • Standardize job titles: Use clear and consistent job titles across all postings. Avoid creative or unusual titles that might confuse candidates or be biased toward a specific group.

Free job description tools to help with consistency

Grammarly: This tool can help ensure your tone is consistent and your writing is clear.

The Value of Aligning Job Descriptions with Company Values

Company Values

When creating an effective job description, ensure that it reflects your company culture and values. So, this isn’t just about listing job requirements. It’s also about giving potential candidates a clear idea of who you are as a company. When your job listings are aligned with your core values, you’re more likely to attract the right candidates who are not only qualified but also a cultural fit.

Why Culture Matters in the Hiring Process

Company culture plays a significant role in the recruitment process. Potential candidates often look for more than just a paycheck. They also want to work in an environment that resonates with their personal values and beliefs. Therefore, including specific details about your company culture in the job description can help you attract the best candidates who will thrive in your workplace. This approach is particularly effective when you use inclusive language that resonates with a diverse range of applicants.

Reflecting Company Values in Job Descriptions

To align your job descriptions with company values, start by highlighting what makes your organization unique. So, whether it’s your commitment to innovation, a focus on teamwork, or dedication to social responsibility, these elements should be woven into the narrative of your job posting description. For example, if your company values creativity, make sure your job adverts emphasize opportunities for innovation and problem-solving.

Tools to Help with Alignment

Using free job description tools or an AI-powered job description generator can be a great way to ensure that your job descriptions are both accurate and reflective of your company culture. Some free job description tools often offer customization options. Thus, allowing you to tailor the job description to meet the specific needs of the role while staying true to your company values. So, for smaller companies or small business owners, free job description tools can be a powerful resource for creating professional job descriptions without extensive HR support.

Setting Clear Expectations

Another important part of aligning job descriptions with company values is setting clear expectations. Potential candidates should have a clear idea of what will be expected of them in terms of job responsibilities, technical skills, and how they will contribute to the company culture. This not only helps attract the perfect candidate. But it also sets the stage for performance management later on.

The Impact of Aligned Job Descriptions

When you take the time to align your job descriptions with your company values, you’re not just filling an open position. The truth is you’re also finding the ideal candidate who will contribute to your company’s long-term success. So, high-quality job descriptions that reflect your values serve as a reference point throughout the recruitment process, from the job search to the new hire packet. This alignment also helps in reducing turnover, as candidates who align with your company culture are more likely to stay and grow with the company.

Incorporating your company values into your job description creation process is a best practice that has a big impact on your ability to attract and retain the best talent. Therefore, by using the right tools and language, you can create job descriptions that resonate with potential candidates and set the foundation for a successful recruitment process.

Why I wrote this?

I am passionate about turning boring job descriptions into attractive job ads. That’s why the Ongig team and I built Text Analyzer.

Text Analyzer is best if you’re hiring high volume (at least 100+ people per year). In that case you need an industrial strength way of writing job descriptions.

Free job description tools like the ones above are a great way to help you improve one job description at a time. If you have high-volume job postings to rewrite, please try Text Analyzer out…just click the Request Demo button!

by in Writing Job Descriptions