Things are changing fast in the job market. And having a diverse team is super important nowadays. Today, we’re not just talking about hiring. We’re also talking about creating a workplace where everyone feels included and valued. And diversity tools can help with that. So, we’re on a mission to discover some awesome tools that… Read more »
Posts Tagged:Psychology
How to use Candidate “Commitment Theory” to Boost Engagement & Apply Rates
Entrepreneur Magazine once wrote about how the job descriptions my Ongig software created for our clients caused candidates to spend up to 5 minutes and 23 seconds viewing the ad (more than 6X the time spent on typical job ads at the time). At the heart of this high candidate engagement is what I call… Read more »
Kimberly-Clark Launches Personality Quiz to Attract Millennials
How do you attract millennials and tech talent to Neenah-Appleton, Wisconsin? Manufacturing giant Kimberly-Clark launched a new BuzzFeed-style career personality test and dedicated a new company career site called Welcome Original Thinkers. The test begins by challenging the candidate on what type of “Original Thinker” they think they are (with 8 potential choices (dreamer, analyzer, disruptor, etc.). This… Read more »