The last day of the Glassdoor Summit did not disappoint. Twitter was on fire throughout the whole day and we curated some of the best tweets. If you missed out, here are some key insights and takeaways from each speaker who graced the stage.

Lars Schmidt, Founder of Amplify Talent: The Future of Human Resources

Lisa Sugar, Founder and President of Pop Sugar: Power Your Happy

Josh Bersin, Principal, Bersin By Deloitte: The New World of Employment Brand: Culture, Engagement, Career, Wellness

Ana Recio, Head of Global Recruiting at Salesforce: Reimagining the Candidate Experience: Journey of Total Transformation

Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, Chief Economist at Glassdoor: The Data Behind Great Leaders

Arianna Huffington, Founder of Huffington Post: All in: A Thriving Bottom Line Starts With Thriving Employees


About the Author —Nick Misa is the Marketing Lead for Ongig, the first-ever video job description platform. Ongig lets you display your Employer Brand on your job search page, microsites, and job descriptions. Early clients of Ongig include Yelp, GoDaddy, Verizon Digital and Autodesk.

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