Jason Webster

It’s a challenge for enterprise companies to cater to candidates by location. Yet the payoff can be huge, because candidates are hungry for the most relevant information available about job opportunities.

geico-the-geckos-journey-seattle-large-8Candidates scour the internet for specifics on jobs they are considering. They want more than just the job description. They want details about the office and culture too. That’s where localizing your Employer Brand pays huge dividends for recruiting.

While scanning my Twitter feed the other night, I happened upon a great example of localized Employer Branding from GEICO.

I noticed the following tweet, which piqued my curiosity because of the location-specific messaging:



And I saw this page when clicking the link:


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We call this Seattle page a “location-based microsite.”

The microsite was packed with details:

    • A phone number and address for GEICO’s Seattle office
    • An address to send an email regarding the Seattle office
    • A link providing directions to the office
    • Information on upcoming growth of the Seattle location
    • Job listings specific to the Seattle office

This is information candidates can’t easily find for most enterprise companies. Candidates go to great lengths searching for highly relevant information. Candidates struggle to find it, if they can find it at all.

In this case, GEICO makes it easy for candidates to understand what’s happening in their Seattle office. And they also attract passive candidates with a tweet leading to the Seattle microsite.

Additionally, it gives GEICO employees in Seattle a great page to send to friends and colleagues they want to refer. It just makes sense on so many levels.

And one more thing. Type “GEICO Seattle Jobs” into Google. The first organic search result you’re likely to see? You got it, GEICO’s Seattle-based Microsite. Well done by the Gecko!

Ongig is the first ever Employer Branding SaaS — it allows enterprises to create, distribute and measure interactive job descriptions at scale. American Express, Autodesk, Marin Software and Yelp are among the early users of the Ongig SaaS.

by in Microsites