I’ve been scouring the web again for creative job postings. Here are 7 examples I found. Enjoy!


  • Creative Layout — Efficient use of space with their 2-column job posting. The right side stays fixed while the left side scrolls with the job description.
  • Prominent Apply Button — It’s the only blue button on the page so it sticks out.
  • Employee Vid — One of the better produced employee videos I’ve seen on a job posting.

hopper job posting

Massage Envy

  • Hero Pic — Cool employee pic, it almost looks like she’s coming out of the page.
  • Traits Widget — Presenting things in a different way could catch some eyes. Instead of a bulleted list of traits inside the job description, they added a separate widget box with color-coded traits and Glassdoor rating.
  • Expandable job description text — This is a great feature to help shorten up the page and not make the job description look so daunting to read.
  • Commitments — They have updated commitments including COVID-19 safety.

massage envy creative job posting


  • Hero Pic — I don’t see too many hero pics like this on job postings, which is why I like it. The shift to remote work aligns with this hero pic.
  • Readable Text — Definitely an underrated aspect of job postings. Sizeable font with black text on white background might not be the most exciting
  • Career-Specific Nav Bar — It’s on every job posting so you can easily navigate to other pages on GoPro’s career site.
  • Job Recommendations — These recommendations can help deter a one and done candidate visit if a job recommendation catches their eye.

GoPro job posting example

Premise Health

  • Headline — Prominent and very readable. The headline also projects confidence “careers that depart from the status quo”.
  • Job Search — A universal job search bar is incorporated into every job posting. Like I mentioned on GoPro above this makes navigation much easier.
  • Recruiting Content — Supplemental content adds flavor to your job postings. Premise does a good job utilizing the real estate of their job page.

premise health job posting

Foundation Medicine

  • Headline and Hero Pic — Very personal and touching hero pic of an employee with a picture of Mom. The video also shares stories of employees who have been effected by cancer.
  • Quick Apply Form — As we’ve noted before, length of apply form is a friction point between candidates and employers.
  • Extra Recruiting Content — If you’ve put the effort into creating a career blog your job postings are a great place to leverage content.

foundation medicine job posting


  • Headline —  “You” headline speaks right to the candidate. You really can’t miss it when you land on the page.
  • Employee FAQ cards — These are interesting and will update when I find the name of the company who does them
  • Culture Content — Candidates want to know more about your company culture. If they can’t find more info from you they’ll find it somewhere else.

pwc creative job posting

New Balance

  • Hero Video — Nice employer branding video. New Balance does a great job leveraging their product brand as well.
  • Apply Button — I always like when apply buttons have their own color because they stand out more.
  • Job Alerts/Talent Community — Submit button stands out (red). If the candidate doesn’t apply an opt-in to job alerts is the 2nd best thing.

new balance job posting

Why I Wrote This

Awesome job postings are key to recruiting candidates online. Ongig’s Career Site Builder is a tool to help you craft creative job postings.

by in Job Postings