Rob Kelly

If you want to have the best company career page, look at the career home pages below. Some are terrific all the way through and others have a couple of awesome ideas you can borrow.

And you can get most of the career page features below through Ongig’s Candidate Experience Software.

GoDaddy Company Career Page

  • Attention-grabbing hero media
  • Custom header with career-oriented links
  • Video of company culture
  • Employer of Choice awards/badges (acts as social proof)
 GoDaddy Company Career Page


Intuit Company Career Page

  • Simple headline
  • Dominant call-to-action (to “search jobs”)
  • Why — They answer the question that many technologists ask which is “why work there?” with a great answer for engineer types (“Build technology that touches the lives of 45 million people)
  • They show a lot of faces of employees (good social proof)
 Intuit Company Career Page


84 Lumber Company Career Page

  • Headline — They use a headline…sort of (it’s 75 words)…about what they value in a candidate and what the candidate gets in return. We don’t see this very often. Again, it feels authentic/unique.
  • Great hero media — It’s an authentic-feeling video of what looks like the back of one of their store locations.
  • Career Path — They link off to a career path page
  • Social Proof — They list 3 employer of choice awards they’ve won


84 Lumber Company Career Page



Rackspace Company Career Page

Rackspace has had a unique career page ever since we began looking at them a few years back. Some highlights:

  • “Are You A Racker?” — They immediately use language about their tribe (“Rackers”)
  • Teams — They break down their teams by a few different brands they support (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Cloud, VMware Cloud, Google Cloud, etc.) — leveraging other top brands for your jobs is usually a good idea.
  • Locations — They treat their locations as true destinations (e.g. a guitar icon for Austin, Texas). It’s a nice touch.


 Rackspace Company Career Page


VMware Company Career Page

  • Hero Media — They have an eye-catching pic
  • Headline — The “Do something remarkable” headline along with the hero pic is an effective one-two punch
  • Social Proof — They mention a handful of employer of choice awards.
 VMware Company Career Page


Fandom Company Career Page

  • A fun headline and hero media that gets the candidate’s attention
  • Font/Color Scheme – – They use a fun and playful font and color scheme. You feel like you’re in a comic book (consistent with their brand)
  • Global — They show clearly how they are a global company.
Fandom Company Career Page


Parsable Company Career Page

  • “Our Story” — Everyone loves a story and they use this as their second section heading
  • “Work on the Latest Tech” — This headline gives a great answer to the question of “why” a technical person wants to work at Parsable (or anywhere). Techies love to work on the latest tech. A good rule of thumb: Always mention other brands if you work with/on them!
  • “Where We Come From” — Again, the narrative they are using is a bit more of a story. It’s important to know where employees came from and because they mention many name-brands, it’s additional social proof.
  • Technical Advisory Board — You don’t see this every day. They mention their tech advisory board on the career home page. They even mention where the board member came from.  If you’re a technical candidate, this is going to stand out.
Parasable Company Career Page Example




Alorica Company Career Page

  • This career page is simple and effective:
  • Work-at-Home — They are one of the few career sites we’ve seen that mentions immediately (on their career page) that they have work-from-home jobs
  • Real Testimonials — They have employee testimonials with the full name and title of each employee (versus many career sites that just say “Donald P.: I love this place…”
  • Team/Department Descriptions — They describe each team
  • Social Proof — They have a ticker with the number of customer interactions
Alorica Company Career Page



Avanade Company Career Page

  • An overall clean look (less is (often) more!
  • Hero media — It’s a nice picture and leads to a video if the candidate wants
  • Controllable gallery of hero media — too often pictures are on auto-play (i.e. they are scrolling without the candidate doing anything). Most candidates prefer to be in control and Avanade lets them do this with the right/left arrows


Avanade Company Career Page Example


I could use your help. When you’re creating a company career page, you’re going to need to point to the jobs you are trying to fill. I’d be grateful if you gave Ongig a whirl for your job description search. We just partnered with Google and their artificial intelligence to give you the most effective job search which then leads to the best looking and most engaging job descriptions ever. Do me a favor and request a demo to see Ongig’s latest! Thank you!

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