Heather Barbour Fenty

If you are looking for a laugh, there are loads of funny job descriptions and funny wanted ads on the internet. We found 30 funny job descriptions (past and present) that will give you a giggle. Let’s have a look at the list.

Funny Job Descriptions

The funny job descriptions on this list are funny because they have all sorts of themes. These funny job postings:

  • have unrealistic requirements
  • have funny uses of words
  • are overall outlandish
  • expect perfection
  • are just plain funny

The Perfect Investment Banking Analyst

Funny job descriptions Investment banking

Found on Linkedin this week, an Investment Banking Analyst who “can’t be wrong”, needs zero training, and has an IQ in the top 1% [among other things].

Better than Uber?

Funny job descriptions  Uber

The lively character pictured below ran a job ad on Craigslist to be an alternative taxi service to Uber . This just had to make the list of funny job postings. Turn up the Skynrd please!

Entry-Level with Senior-Level Experience

This funny job description found on Bored Panda, is asking for senior-level experience for an entry level job. 3-5+ years experience in every program ever invented for an entry-level position? Unrealistic, and funny!

The Best Coffee in the World

If you want to own the best doughnut cafe in the world, you’ll need top talent to make those coffees.

funny job description

For “Intern” Read “Unpaid Qualified Professional”

This might not be a funny job description in RL, but luckily Reddit saves the day, turning bad job descriptions into Google Translate memes.

we are hiring funny

When a Job’s Not A Job

I’m confused; is a job still a job if you have to pay them? Wouldn’t that make you a… customer?

fake jobs funny

“Good Looking” Required

Also, found in Bored Panda’s article on 28 Examples Of Hilariously Unrealistic Expectations When Applying For A Job, this job description lists “good looking” as a requirement for the job. I wonder who has the authority on who is good looking or not?

Funny job descriptions good looking

Hero Wanted

This company isn’t going to run the risk of scaring away their customers, and their customers are (apparently) only frightened of one thing…

Funny job descriptions  skeletor

More Years Required than the Tool Has Been Around

An article in the Register shows a Twitter conversation from developer Sebastián Ramírez, who created FastAPI and Typer. The article said: “Ramírez’s post sparked a lively conversation about similarly bonkers job ads, and unfortunately dopey candidates for tech jobs.” This is another example of an unrealistic and equally funny job posting.

Funny job descriptions  FastAPI

An IBM job posting calls for a minimum of 12+ years experience with Kurbernetes – which is only six years old. That is going to be a tough requirement to meet!

Funny job descriptions experience mistakes

Estrid’s funny job posting for a “Super Hairo”

A Swedish company that sells razors “designed foremost for women and non-binary” people recently hired for a Professional “Super Hairo” to join their startup team. The head of PR also has a funny job title, “Head of PR and Other Fun Stuff.

funny_job_postings super hairo

Pun Intended

Who doesn’t enjoy a pun? Cool job descriptions like this also tell applicants a little bit about company culture and save on money on the need for fancy software to filter out applicants who aren’t as skilled as the claim… they’ll never call!

cool job descriptions

Brain Training

This clever recruiter knows that people love a quick game – can you spot the ten mistakes?

Funny job descriptions  mistakes

And Now For Some Trivia

Following on from the brain training game, next on our funny job descriptions list is a little trivia… about bats.

funny job descriptions murder burger

Calling all Nerds

Funny job descriptions  digital marketing

A Digital Marketing Specialist currently posted on Indeed.com says, ” We need a nerd.” Now that is a funny job description opener.

Mature beyond your years.

Funny job descriptions  waitress needed

This funny job ad posted in a newspaper, also seen on Reader’s Digest, asks for a waitress who is 18 years old, but with 20 years of experience. This is unrealistic, unless you are able to add experience to your resume from a previous life.

Are you a nap-time ninja?

An expert on napping? You are hired! This funny job description on Indeed is searching for the perfect person to make kids go to sleep. Is that even possible?

Funny job descriptions  nap ninja

Work for an A*** hole

Funny job descriptions pub

A pub landlord’s job posting for staff sure gave us a laugh! We found this gem on the UK Mirror, and it is definitely one of the most funny Facebook job descriptions ever shared.

A Recruitment Coordinator who can ruin the team.

Funny job descriptions recruitment

This funny job description from Reader’s Digest found on Twitter shows a company looking for the perfect Recruitment Coordinator who will “assist in the day to day ruining of the team.” Is this a typo? Or was someone just trying to be funny? Either way, this had to make our list of funny job opening ads.

Free Coffee, Free Food.

Funny job descriptions coffee

Kudos to Autodata for offering free coffee and occasional free food, even if its the day you are starting a diet. This is one of the best funny job descriptions we found. Free coffee and food is always on the list when looking for a new position. You can apply on Indeed.

Funny Job Postings

We found some very funny job postings for animal handlers, teachers, and childcare professionals.

Teacher for “Little House on The Prairie” in the Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley investor Jason Calacanis is looking for a teacher to lead his backyard micro-school and is offering a higher-paying salary plus $2,000 in UberEats gift cards for referrals. Jason tweeted that the backyard school is gonna be like “Little House on The Prairie” in the Silicon Valley. Check out his interview on TMZ about his search for the best candidate for the job:

Jason Calacanis Hiring Teacher for Micro School in Backyard

Cat Lovers Must Apply

Funny job descriptions  cat

While searching for funny Craigslist job postings, we found a job ad for a “Cat Holder-Downer”. Another person who takes animal care seriously. Who wouldn’t love to have the title of Cat Holder-Downer on their business card?

Poop, No Problem!

Funny job descriptions toddler

This funny job posting we found on Indeed is for a Two Year Old Assistant Teacher who has “No fear of pee and poop!” Yes you read that correctly. It is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

The Perfect Pet Sitter

Funny job descriptions  pet sitter

We thought we should include this in the funny job postings list because this family is serious about the care of their hedgehog. This ad is currently live on Indeed.com. $40 a week to bond with a hedgehog…we would do it for free!

Not for (un)Happy People

According to Fox News, a unisex hair salon in Stroud England was told to take their job posting for being discriminatory against “unhappy people”. What did the job ad say? The salon owner asked for:

“someone with five years’ experience of working in a salon, who is “confident in barbering as well as all aspects of hairdressing.” and  said “This is a busy, friendly, small salon, so only happy, friendly stylists need apply.”

The local job center asked the owner to take it down because people who don’t see themselves as happy, may not apply.

Texas Senator Mocked for one of The Babylon Bee’s Ridiculous Job Postings

Ted Cruz is getting blasted on Twitter after he believes a “funny job posting” from parody site The Babylon Bee. The senator tweeted, “I wish this was a parody“.

Here’s the funny job they posted for Disney, which is not actually real:

Disney Posts Job Ad Looking For Strong, Fierce Women Who Are Also Obedient, Submissive, And Docile https://t.co/rXJAyoy7Qj

— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) February 14, 2021

The Babylon Bee report said:

“Disney is eager to fill their job vacancy after firing Gina Carano from The Mandalorian after she was outed as a kind, decent person as well as a mouthy female who speaks her mind too much. Determined not to make the same mistake again, Disney is being much more specific with their job descriptions.”

New Funny Job Descriptions

It’s a new year, and we are on the hunt for more funny job descriptions. So far, the White House’s digital “Easter egg” has our vote.

White House “Easter Egg” Tops the List for Funny Job Applications

On Inauguration Day, the new White House website went live, along with a new job search for new programmers to work for the U.S. Digital Service. What makes this job search funny? A digital “Easter egg” was embedded in the code saying, “If you’re reading this, we need your help building back better” and a link to apply.

Here’s a screenshot of the code from Linkedin’s Talent Blog:

Funny job descriptions  easter egg

Funny employment ads grab the attention of potential candidates, and this one was no different. The U.S. Digital Service received a high volume of applications after news of the hidden “Easter egg” spread like wildfire on Twitter.

“Sheila with nice bazookas” job ad causes a stir in the UK

The owner of an Australian-themed restaurant posted a “funny” job ad that caused fury for being in bad taste. It said:

“There’s a Saturday shift available here at The Outback, so here goes…

“Vacancy for a Sheila with nice bazookas, must have a great smile and smart lower regions but not talk a lot.

“Must be fully conversant with Aussie footy/4X4s, and eat steak cooked no more than ‘medium rare’…

“Being nice to the landlord at all times will result in an undisclosed bonus system which the landlady needs no knowledge of… ‘ever’.

“Tattoos, body piercings, botox, silicone implants are all allowed but must be read or checked by the landlord on a weekly basis.

“Uniform is provided to the lucky Sheila… please message Charlotte for an interview.

“G’day mates.”

Other Funny Job Ads

No Pay (But Also No Actual Job)

Pest control expert wanted!

I might be wrong but there’s a good reason you won’t be getting paid for this funny job description – it’s hard to complete a job satisfactorily when the main requirement is to locate and ‘slay’ an imaginary creature.

funny wanted ads

Data Entry is a Matter of Life or Death

Some jobs are so important that even the most accepted reason for taking a personal day doesn’t apply, and Data Entry is one of them. Did I mention you’ll also need a “perfect attitude” whilst missing your friend’s funeral? Not to worry, friends will be thin on the ground as you won’t be able to help any of them out when they need you either.

funny job recruitment ads

These funny job descriptions were found on Linkedin, Indeed, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Newspapers and Craigslist. Do you know of any funny job descriptions? Send them to heather@ongig.com, we would love to add on to this list!

For an astronaut job, you might need to work away from home…

Ever dreamt of being an astronaut and working ‘away from home’ in the vastness of space? Well, buckle up, because the UK government’s ad is breaking the internet with its groundbreaking revelation: Astronauts may need to work evenings, weekends, and even bank holidays. Shocking, we know!

Funny job descriptions  astronaut

Turns out, interstellar exploration doesn’t adhere to your typical 9-to-5 schedule.

Picture this: while your friends on Earth are enjoying lazy Sunday afternoons, astronauts might be conducting groundbreaking experiments on the International Space Station. Weekends? Reserved for discovering the mysteries of the cosmos, not cozy brunches.

And who knew space had its own version of bank holidays?

Want more funny stuff?  We also made a list of 100+ Creative & Funny Job Titles [by Department & Position]. Many of these funny job titles are actually used in top companies like Google, SCVNGR, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

For tips on writing job descriptions, check out How to Write a Job Description — Best Practices & Examples.

Why I Wrote This

Why am I spending time writing about funny job descriptions? Ongig is on a mission to transform job descriptions. So we spend a lot of time thinking about how to make them less boring. I hope you found these silly, fun, and just a tiny bit useful. If you’d like to learn more about how to transform your job descriptions, check out our Text Analyzer.


  1. Simon Sharwood’s article on IBM job ad calls for 12 years’ experience with Kubernetes – which is six years old
  2. Jonas Grinevičius and Ilona Baliūnaitė’s article on 28 Examples Of Hilariously Unrealistic Expectations When Applying For A Job
  3. Reader’s Digest Editor’s article on 12 Hilariously Bad Job Postings That Actually Ran
  4. Luke Matthews & Kristy Dawson’s article on Pub landlord’s brutally honest hunt for staff labelled ‘best job advert ever’
  5. Craigslist’s job ad for A Cat Holder-Downer
  6. Linkedin’s Job Search Page
  7. Indeed’s Job Search Page
  8. TMZ’s article and video on BAY AREA INVESTOR TEACH MY KID AND KIDS IN NEED IN MY YARD … Pay Ya Better Than ‘Little House On The Prairie’
  9. Salon had to remove job ad for ‘happy’ stylist because it is ‘discriminatory’ against unhappy people (by FOX News)
  10. Ted Cruz Got Mocked After Treating A Post From The Conservative Parody Site ‘The Babylon Bee’ As Real News (by Matt Prigge)
  11. Disney Posts Job Ad Looking For Strong, Fierce Women Who Are Also Obedient, Submissive, And Docile (by The Babylon Bee)
  12. Hard-to-Find White House ‘Job Posting’ Is Perfectly Placed to Attract Tech Talent (by Bruce Anderson)
  13. BAD TASTE  Fury as Australian-themed restaurant posts job ad for ‘Sheila with nice bazookas’ as owner claims it’s ‘Aussie banter’ (by Debbie White)
  14. 30 Funny Job Postings That Will Make You Laugh (by Jared McMahon)

by in Job Descriptions