As company leaders look to improve hiring processes, many have invested in recruiting analytics tools. These products can streamline steps, offer new insights and increase the chances of finding the right people for specific roles. Focusing on the top options is an excellent way to feel confident about the chosen platforms and integrate them into current processes.

1. Yello

Yello is an option designed for recruiters primarily working on college campuses. Users can make more data-driven decisions with detailed dashboards that help them determine where to focus their efforts or verify what they have done. Features also allow people to break down information associated with particular campuses, events, applicants and more. These recruitment metrics help teams make choices to maximize their return on investment from specific decisions and measure the overall impacts over time.

The platform also allows examining diversity and intersectionality data, allowing recruiters to find and correct unconscious biases that could make their hiring processes less impactful due to homogeneity.  Use the dedicated sections to track activity based on past or upcoming events to see which activities drove the most engagement or ensure enough recruitment professionals attend specific outreach efforts.

Data snapshots and color-coded charts show the information in easily digestible ways that support tailored actions and measurable results. Recruiters can also directly message potential candidates and see helpful details about them, increasing the chances of forging meaningful relationships in the early stages.

2. TalentLyft

TalentLyft helps people support their hiring decisions with data. Users can maximize recruiting analytics by tracking historical or real-time insights. They can then compare or analyze various statistics to determine where organizations have made progress or still need to improve.

This platform assists recruitment professionals in answering important questions, such as which of their efforts are most effective for specific groups. For example, individuals recruiting Gen Z candidates need to know they use social media to look for jobs. That may be less common among older or less tech-savvy generations.

Do career sites, social media platforms, job boards or other avenues bring the most inbound leads? TalentLyft provides the information necessary to make that determination. It can also tell recruiters how many individuals apply for open positions rather than only visiting a site out of curiosity. Such outcomes allow tweaking strategies and determining which content most resonates with those seeking work.

This platform’s information also reveals if a recruitment strategy pays off by showing whether talent pools grow or stay the same size over time. Similarly, it indicates when the hiring pipeline may feature bottlenecks that make it less effective. Awareness is the first step to fixing problems, and these details can help users make confident changes to boost recruitment effectiveness.

3. RecruitCRM

Many people reviewing recruiting analytics tools are interested in workflow automation options. RecruitCRM offers several features that streamline steps and boost users’ productivity. For example, built-in artificial intelligence capabilities can understand applicants’ details in context, matching a workplace’s requirements with candidates’ skills, backgrounds and work histories.

The richly detailed analytical dashboards provide data-driven insights to support hiring campaigns of all sizes and types, allowing people to focus on specifics such as team members, jobs, applicants and time-to-hire averages. Additionally, integrated number-crunching capabilities save time through quick calculations and eliminating manual efforts.

Looking closely at detailed information allows recruiters to see significant gaps. For example, 2020 data indicated that almost 75% of university faculty members were white. When such imbalances exist in learning environments or elsewhere, marginalized groups may feel particularly excluded and unwelcome, affecting how well they perform in their roles. Easy access to reliable statistics can prevent such unwanted outcomes.

Additionally, RecruitCRM applies recruiting analytics to save time. Comprehensive candidate analyses identify candidates similar to those already in hiring pipelines. The automated email sequencing options make reaching out to well-qualified people easier. They keep hiring efforts moving smoothly and get the desired results with less effort.  Moreover, RecruitCRM’s no-code integrations and support for third-party tools give users access to over 5,000 tools and apps to maximize their workflows and success rates.

4. Kallidus Recruit

Although an applicant tracking system lies at the heart of this recruiting analytics platform, Kallidus Recruit can do much more to support users’ processes and help them find the right people. Enjoy the in-depth analytics suite and find specifics by running reports on any field featured in the user-friendly dashboard.

Use the candidate tracking capabilities to learn more about how jobseekers find information about companies and open positions. Recruiters also become more productive when using volume-driven messaging capabilities that let them get organized and send appropriate content to the parties most likely to respond positively.

Professionals can send automated approval or rejection messages through the platform once they dig into the relevant recruiting analytics and get to the job offer stage. This saves time and ensures applicants get the appropriate communications. Adding candidates to talent pools is also possible, making them eligible for future roles. Hiring managers get complete visibility into the process of finding and securing talent so they stay aware of what is happening at any given time.

5. hireEZ

Managers grappling with the challenges of persistent labor shortages want to improve their likelihood of finding qualified candidates as soon as possible. The hireEZ platform makes that possible with its purposeful features and user-friendly interfaces. Artificial intelligence is central to many of the tool’s capabilities, and those who take the time to get acquainted with them will find they save time and increase quality-of-hire metrics. Indeed, AI recruitment software helps managers find top talent to make a company’s busiest periods go more smoothly.

Generative AI helps users identify the best candidates for open roles, while automated outreach campaigns let hiring professionals connect with them faster and increase their interest in scheduling interviews. HireEZ creates a centralized place for all relevant information and facilitates recruiting, whether people want to focus on historical data or more recent insights.

The platform’s full-funnel reporting options allow seeing how candidates move through pipelines, from finding job description details that resonate with them to getting through the interview processes and being offered a position. Robust data analysis features empower recruiters to make sense of collected information and act on it accordingly.

6. Manatal

Manatal takes recruiting analytics to the next level, giving applicable insights about why specific efforts are more or less successful than others. The integrated applicant tracking system also offers performance reports and analyses to steer decision-making and enhance outcomes.

The platform’s thoughtfully designed home screen gives users easy access to key metrics. Moreover, excellent customization options allow focusing on the statistics that matter most to organizations or recruiting teams. Manatal provides insights into hiring performance reports, activity details for specific users and many others.

Professionals often working away from their desks will appreciate this tool’s robust mobile app options that allow retrieving recruiting analytics from all compatible internet-connected devices. Since Manatal posts open positions on over 2,500 free and premium channels, it can increase effectiveness while saving time.

Benefit from the AI-powered recommendations to streamline applicant selection and minimize redundant tasks. The onboarding and placement management options also show candidates’ positions inside hiring pipelines, reducing confusion or uncertainty among recruitment teams.

7. Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit provides powerful predictive analytics options, helping recruiters make better choices to attract candidates and move them swiftly through the hiring pipeline. Which factors make people more likely to apply for a particular job opening over another? What source-of-hire trends are worthwhile for recruitment professionals to follow as they ramp up their efforts? Zoho Recruit’s data sheds light on those questions and many others. Users can see where top-performing candidates came across job openings, making it easier to find more top-tier talent.

Try the Source Booster tools to search for people based on job titles, skills, location and other particulars. Optimize the recruitment process by focusing on age-of-job and time-to-hire metrics and seeing how they change over time or after introducing new workflows. People can also see the results of data-driven recruiting by creating detailed and rich reports that include real-time snapshots of key metrics. Discover how recruitment professionals can put more effort into deliverables when they have powerful tools and reliable information to guide their decisions.

8. Phenom People

Phenom People modernizes recruitment analytics and related processes, enabling professionals to make the most of their attempts to attract well-qualified applicants. Interact with customer relationship management features to improve fit rates for open positions and gain actionable insights.

User-friendly communication tools empower recruiters by letting them speak one-on-one with applicants, explaining everything from corporate perks to payscale details. The integrated AI scheduling tools eliminate the time-consuming back-and-forth process of finding times to meet candidates. Those capabilities maximize successful hiring while reducing the time spent on easily automatable processes. Recruitment experts also get the details they need to interact with the best-qualified candidates, becoming the first to catch their attention.

Since Phenom People allows recruiters to record any interview automatically, it gives them additional insights into specific candidates’ responses. Then, recruitment professionals can use their best judgment to determine whether those people fit the open positions well. Email-based campaigns are also possible, allowing users to interact directly with the platform to send messages that nurture leads and turn skilled individuals into eager and interested applicants.

9. Visier

The team behind Visier understands that the platform’s users have busy schedules and may not have time to create recruiting analytics dashboards from scratch. This tool has an extensive library of ready-to-use content, shortening the time between when professionals choose the platform and start making the most of it.

Many features and tools empower people to get self-service insights about all parts of their process, making it easy to see what’s going well and where they should focus their efforts to minimize weaknesses. The event-based analytic model harmonizes data from numerous sources so recruiters have the information needed to make better, more confident decisions. Additionally, the well-designed visuals help users digest information faster while increasing their understanding and showing relevant trends throughout workforces or recruiting teams.

Visier has automated security features explicitly built to safeguard people’s data, allowing parties to save time rather than enforcing cybersecurity through manual practices. Since the platform comes with proprietary data aggregated from millions of employee records, users can begin immediately working with that specialized information to see how Visier performs.

10. SmartRecruiters

SmartRecruiters has tailored features to improve the candidate experience, accelerate recruitment time frames and more. Users can spend time with the recruiting analytics features that give end-to-end details and show the specifics on real-time dashboards. The information becomes more accessible than ever, thanks to the export options and the ability to see historical data on easy-to-understand charts.

The built-in creation tools also make it simple to develop custom reports with a few clicks. Employees can use the results to engage in statistical analysis faster and get actionable insights to shape the hiring process. SmartRecruiters also streamlines appropriate data sharing by allowing users to automatically deliver reports to colleagues without leaving the platform. The dynamic data visualizations help stakeholders quickly understand the information and decide how to act upon it.

SmartRecruiters’ filtering options enable sorting the data by candidate, job and user so recruiters can focus on what matters most to their teams, goals and organizations. Since the platform streamlines applicant screening and tracking, the hiring process goes faster and more smoothly for everyone involved, maximizing overall effectiveness.

11. Recruitee

Bring more customization into recruitment strategies with Recruitee, which lets users work with big data to build custom reports and share them with relevant parties. The helpful export capabilities bring data out of the platform and into the desired format, increasing compatibility and reducing barriers. People can also rest assured that Recruitee supports compliance needs, whether companies must work to meet the best practices of GDPR data protection or collect data to show that a business offers equal employment opportunities.

The secured logins and two-factor authentication features keep applicant data safe by ensuring only authorized parties can access information through the platform. Recruitee’s collaboration possibilities also extend to other parts of the candidate search process, helping recruiting teams work together to find and attract the right candidates for open positions. That approach can expand source-of-hire options, meaning organizations locate the right people faster, even as recruiters advertise job openings through more channels.

12. iMocha

Professionals interested in recruiting analytics can enhance processes with artificial intelligence by using iMocha. It turns workplaces into skills-driven organizations filled with well-qualified candidates. Sort through a library of tens of thousands of questions to build candidate assessments that screen for thousands of potential skills. Then, make data-driven hiring decisions with a skills-first approach. AI talent inference and matching capabilities increase the chances of finding the right people for open positions.

Users can also use powerful data science tools to track all stages of recruitment and analyze how well organizations do during efforts to close existing skills gaps. These qualitative insights make companies stronger and more competitive by increasing their preparedness for industry changes and emerging needs. Cloud-based tools also let platform users create company benchmarks for hard and soft skills and monitor the progress over time.

Additionally, once people within a company identify employees possessing specific skills and showing exceptional talent, iMocha lets them invest in further growth through personalized development tools and learning plans.

What Should People Look for in Recruiting Analytics Tools?

These 12 recruiting analytics tools are some of the market’s standout options. However, people interested in these products should take personalized approaches to find those most appropriate for their organization’s needs.

Capabilities and Features

A good starting point is to verify the type of recruitment data collected and the options for finding specific insights. Can the platform track where individuals are in the application process to prevent unnecessary slowdowns? Does a particular platform have integrations that connect to a company’s existing tools or those it will use soon? Such capabilities can maximize usability and encourage teams to bring its opportunities into their workflows.

Artificial Intelligence Options

Those assessing recruiting analytics platforms should also examine whether they use machine learning or other types of artificial intelligence. Those features could increase productivity and eliminate steps while boosting outcomes, helping recruiters find the right people faster.

Other Customers

Learning about which companies already use specific recruitment analytics tools can make decision-makers feel more confident about adding them to their internal processes. That’s especially true when the current users are similar in size or type to the businesses considering the platforms.

Choose According to the Organizations’ Circumstances

The main thing for people to remember is that they will get the best outcomes by taking the time to understand their organizations’ unique needs and goals and finding platforms to support those requirements and aspirations. Signing up for free trials or having calls with sales personnel creates opportunities for prospective customers to familiarize themselves with the offerings and make the best choices.

Finally, people should learn about pricing-related differences. Some platforms allow users to pay monthly or annually, which is usually less expensive. However, some customers prefer to interact with the platform for a few months before switching to yearly plans because that allows them to verify they will get their money’s worth and use it for the entire subscription duration. That way, they can ensure they invest in the right fit for their company.

Why I wrote this:

Ongig is dedicated to changing the way you craft job descriptions, ensuring they are not just appealing and captivating but also highly effective in your industry. Our tool streamlines the process so you can start tracking your recruiting analytics in a new way. Request a demo to learn more.

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