Rob Kelly

Slack, a messaging system company that is growing like wildfire, is doing something brilliant in employer branding that centers around Twitter.

Their brilliant move first got my attention when I saw this Wall Street Journal ad:

The ad is based on this original tweet:

That tweet and other positive tweets are part of the Slack Wall of Love “Collection” on Twitter — A Twitter Collection (aka “Timeline”) is a group of tweets about your product that you choose (e.g. Slack is choosing to display positive tweets from its customers).

Here is the actual Wall of Love:

Slack then took it a step further by creating a new Twitter handle called Slack Love Tweets which is simply retweets every positive tweet about their product.


Slack then links to their Twitter Wall of Love from their jobs page.

Overall, a brilliant move to boost their employer brand (as well as their consumer brand), especially to the new younger generation of workers.  Slack nails 3 of the 5 recommendations I made in 5 Creative Tips to Recruit Millennials:

  • Turn millennials into “content-creators”
  • Millennials look to peers for affirmation
  • Millennials value new technology (like Twitter)

About the Author — Rob is the Co-founder & CEO of Ongig, the first-ever Employer Branding SaaS that allows employers to attract the best talent in the world faster (including by embedding all sorts of content such as Twitter feeds!). Yelp, Autodesk, GoDaddy, and BMC Software are among the early customers of the Ongig SaaS.

by in Employer Branding